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forcats (development version)

  • first2(), a fct_reorder2() helper function, sorts .y by the first value of .x (@jtr13).

forcats 0.4.0

New features

  • fct_collapse() gains a group_other argument to allow you to group all un-named levels into "Other". (#100, @AmeliaMN)

  • fct_cross() creates a new factor containing the combined levels from two or more input factors, similar to base::interaction (@tslumley, #136)

  • fct_inseq() reorders labels in numeric order, if possible (#145, @kbodwin).

  • fct_lump_min() preserves levels that appear at least min times (can also be used with the w weighted argument) (@robinsones, #142).

  • fct_match() performs validated matching, providing a safer alternative to f %in% c("x", "y") which silently returns FALSE if "x" or "y" are not levels of f (e.g. because of a typo) (#126, @jonocarroll).

  • fct_relevel() can now level factors using a function that is passed the current levels (#117).

  • as_factor() now has a numeric method. By default, orders factors in numeric order, unlike the other methods which default to order of appearance. (#145, @kbodwin)

Minor bug fixes and improvements

  • fct_count() gains a parameter to also compute the proportion (@zhiiiyang, #146).

  • fct_lump() now does not change the label if no lumping occurs (@zhiiiyang, #130).

  • fct_relabel() now accepts character input.

  • fct_reorder() and fct_reorder2() no longer require that the summary function return a numeric vector of length 1; instead it can return any orderable vector of length 1 (#147).

  • fct_reorder(), fct_reorder2() and as_factor() now use the ellipsis package to warn if you pass in named components to ... (#174).

forcats 0.3.0

API changes

  • fct_c() now requires explicit splicing with !!! if you have a list of factors that you want to combine. This is consistent with an emerging standards for handling ... throughout the tidyverse.

  • fct_reorder() and fct_reorder2() have renamed fun to .fun to avoid spurious matching of named arguments.

New features

  • All functions that take ... use "tidy" dots: this means that you use can !!! to splice in a list of values, and trailing empty arguments are automatically removed. Additionally, all other arguments gain a . prefix in order to avoid unhelpful matching of named arguments (#110).

  • fct_lump() gains w argument (#70, @wilkox) to weight value frequencies before lumping them together (#68).

Improvements to NA handling

  • as_factor() and fct_inorder() accept NA levels (#98).

  • fct_explicit_na() also replaces NAs encoded in levels.

  • fct_lump() correctly acccounts for NA values in input (#41)

  • lvls_revalue() preserves NA levels.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Test coverage increased from 80% to 99%.

  • fct_drop() now preserves attributes (#83).

  • fct_expand() and lvls_expand() now also take character vectors (#99).

  • fct_relabel() now accepts objects coercible to functions by rlang::as_function (#91, @alistaire47)

forcats 0.2.0

New functions

  • as_factor() which works like as.factor() but orders levels by appearance to avoid differences between locales (#39).

  • fct_other() makes it easier to convert selected levels to "other" (#40)

  • fct_relabel() allows programmatic relabeling of levels (#50, @krlmlr).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • fct_c() can take either a list of factors or individual factors (#42).

  • fct_drop() gains only argument to restrict which levels are dropped (#69) and no longer adds NA level if not present (#52).

  • fct_recode() is now checks that each new value is of length 1 (#56).

  • fct_relevel() gains after argument so you can also move levels to the end (or any other position you like) (#29).

  • lvls_reorder(), fct_inorder(), and fct_infreq() gain an ordered argument, allowing you to override the existing "ordered" status (#54).

forcats 0.1.1

  • Minor fixes for R CMD check

  • Add package docs