Releases: soupday/cc_blender_tools
Releases · soupday/cc_blender_tools
CC/iC Blender Tools 1.6.0
- Rigifying character keeps meta-rig and allows for Re-Rigifying the control rig from the meta-rig.
- Useful for re-aligning bones, re-positioning face rig, etc...
- First draft of (optional) Dual Specular skin shader (Eevee & Cycles) with specular micro details.
- Added build options to generate drivers for Jaw, Eyes and Head bones from facial expression shape keys.
- Added build option to generate drivers for all expression shape keys driven from the body mesh shape keys.
- Which means only the expressions on the body mesh need to be updated/animated.
- Fix to turn off vertex colours in hair materials when hair mesh has blank vertex colour data (i.e. all zero).
- Facial Expression shape key value range expanded to -1.5 - 1.5 (except for eye look shape keys)
- Characters exported with Mouth Open as Morph, now correctly detects the body mesh.
- Fix to support sphere colliders in collisions shapes.
- Some additional lighting arrangements: Authority and Blur Warm.
CC/iC Blender Tools
- Fixes:
- Fix to empty transforms or deleted objects in export.
- Fix to transfer vertex weights leaving working copies behind.
- Some object management UI corrections.
- Fix to bake path when exporting character converted from generic with materials added after conversion.
- Fix to replace selected bones from hair cards.
- Fix cloth settings error in detect physics.
- Fix CC4 spring bones creation.
- Fix to exports of objects which originally had duplicate object names.
- Fix to import collider parenting crash when using Blender versions before 3.5
- Fix to UI panel in 2.93.
- Fix to collider generation in 2.93
- Fix to collider generation when Rigifying when posed.
- Spring Bones:
- Blender spring bone rigid body simulation added for spring bone hair rigs.
- Spring bone simulation controls.
- Hair spring bone chain renaming.
- Bone generation truncate and smoothing parameters.
- Added support for not quad grid poly mesh hair cards, should work with any hair mesh.
- Rigid body colliders for the spring bones that use the collision shapes from character creator.
- Rigify update for spring bone system.
- FK, IK and tweak bones for spring rigs.
- Rigify and spring bone UI updates.
- Baking spring bone simulation and animation into new animations
- Exporting rigified spring bone characters and animations, including the rigid body simulation as animation.
- Cloth Physics overhaul:
- Physics UI update.
- Better mapping of PhysX weight map to blender vertex pin weights.
- Physics presets updates, mass, tension and bending to better simulate the cloth type and work more consistently with external forces.
- Cloth physics preset detection on import.
- UI tools for point cache baking.
- Fixes to weightmap paint mode resetting texture.
- Browse button for painted weightmap, so you can find it.
- Weightmap assignment fix for materials with the same base name.
- Sculpt / Mesh:
- Character geometry transfer to shape-keys function.
- Character Objects:
- Add object to character (from another character) now copies the object into the new character.
- Transfer weight maps now works when posed to effectively parent in place target mesh.
- Other:
- Fix to eye close slider.
CC/iC Blender Tools
- Fixes:
- Fix to empty transforms or deleted objects in export.
- Fix to transfer vertex weights leaving working copies behind.
- Some object management UI corrections.
- Fix to bake path when exporting character converted from generic with materials added after conversion.
- Fix to replace selected bones from hair cards.
- Fix cloth settings error in detect physics.
- Fix CC4 spring bones creation.
- Fix to exports of objects which originally had duplicate object names.
- Spring Bones:
- Blender spring bone rigid body simulation added for spring bone hair rigs.
- Spring bone simulation controls.
- Hair spring bone chain renaming.
- Bone generation truncate and smoothing parameters.
- Added support for not quad grid poly mesh hair cards, should work with any hair mesh.
- Rigid body colliders for the spring bones that use the collision shapes from character creator.
- Rigify update for spring bone system.
- FK, IK and tweak bones for spring rigs.
- Rigify and spring bone UI updates.
- Baking spring bone simulation and animation into new animations
- Exporting rigified spring bone characters and animations, including the rigid body simulation as animation.
- Cloth Physics overhaul:
- Physics UI update.
- Better mapping of PhysX weight map to blender vertex pin weights.
- Physics presets updates, mass, tension and bending to better simulate the cloth type and work more consistently with external forces.
- Cloth physics preset detection on import.
- UI tools for point cache baking.
- Fixes to weightmap paint mode resetting texture.
- Browse button for painted weightmap, so you can find it.
- Weightmap assignment fix for materials with the same base name.
- Sculpt / Mesh:
- Character geometry transfer to shape-keys function.
- Character Objects:
- Add object to character (from another character) now copies the object into the new character.
- Transfer weight maps now works when posed to effectively parent in place target mesh.
- Other:
- Fix to eye close slider.
CC/iC Blender Tools
- Hair bone de-duplication.
- Bones from grease pencil lines or hair card generation now replaces (matching) existing bones.
- Grease Pencil lines generated only from active grease pencil layer, allowing for better organization.
- Added some color space fallbacks when using different color space configurations.
CC/iC Blender Tools
- Relative wrinkle strengths for individual wrinkle maps implemented.
- Overall wrinkle strength and curve power slider added the head material parameters.
- Competing wrinkle maps now use additive blending to solve overlap.
- Brow correction added for brow raise + brow compress wrinkles.
- Generated images not yet saves are auto-saved for export (so they get included).
- Add custom bone function for hair rigging.
CC/iC Blender Tools
- Flow maps added to wrinkle map system.
- Better texture limiting for the head material.
- Fix to export crash when a texture field is missing in the JSON data.
- Corrupted JSON data detection and error report on import/build.
- In some cases resetting the collision shapes in CC4 will fix corrupted JSON data.
CC/iC Blender Tools
- Wrinkle Map system implemented.
- Characters with wrinkle maps will setup wrinkle shaders in the head material automatically.
- Preferences for Build Wrinkle Maps.
- OpenColorIO ACES color space support.
- ACES color space overrides.
- Optional Texture Packing and Texture limits added to reduce number of textures in imported materals.
- Some systems can have very low texture limits (i.e. only 8 on some OSX systems) this can help import full CC4 characters.
- Preferences for pack and/or limit textures.
- Body sculpting updated:
- All sculpting modes work on a copy of the character.
- Multi-res applied base shape copied back to original character in a way that preserves existing shape keys.
- AO Map added to baking, layers and export.
- Additional strength, definiation and mix mode controls added to layer ui.
- Spring Bone Hair Rigging (Cloth Rigging to follow)
- Added initial Hair curve extraction from hair cards.
- Spring bone hair generation from selected hair cards or greased pencil lines on surface.
- Hair card weight binding fine tuning controls.
- Hair cards are weighted individualy to neighboring bones and uniformly across to avoid lateral stretch and behaves more like cloth physics implementations.
- Spring bone generation from grease pencil lines.
- Fixes:
- Some extra transparency material detection.
- Fix to hand & finger bone roll alignment when bind pose has arms and hands at a steep downward angle.
- Fix to partial material name matching errors from ActorCore and AccuRig.
- Export bake socket fix for Blender 3.4+.
- Shapekey locks will be disabled and all shapekeys reset to zero on character export.
CC/iC Blender Tools
- Fix to retarget baking in Blender 3.4 not baking pose bones to rigify armature action.
- Fix to Rigify motion export bone root name.
CC/iC Blender Tools
- Rigify IK-FK influence controls replicated in Rigging panel.
- Fix to material setup error caused by missing normal map data.
CC/iC Blender Tools
- Fix to Generic character export.
- Fix to Generic converted character export.
- Rigify export mesh and/or animation overhaul.
- Smoothing groups added to export file dialog options.
- Support for CC4 Plugin, facial expression and viseme data export.
- Fix to legacy hair detection & scalp detection.
- Very slight subsurface added to scalp to prevent the dark/blueish artifacts on skin.
- Fix to bump maps connecting to normal sockets.
- Eye limbus darkness recalculated.
- Initial attempt at exporting Blender 3.3 Curve hair on characters via Alembic export.