- MUST NOT commit to the master branch.
- MUST NOT merge locally into the master branch. MUST use Pull Request.
- MUST NOT use "merge commit" or "Rebase and merge". MUST use "Squash and merge".
- SHOULD insert Emoji Prefix in git commit message.
- If you make a fix that changes behavior (feature addition, bug fix, etc), you MUST add a test codes that fails before the fixes and succeeds after the fixes.
- If you want to update the
file, you MUST edit the.template/readme.njk
file instead.
We use GitHub Flow.
commit message format:
{emoji} Subject
Commit body...
- Emoji Prefix SHOULD use Unicode code points (eg
). SHOULD NOT use emoji code (eg:art:
Inspired of Atom Contributing and Gitmoji.
- improving the format/structure of the code✨
- introducing new features💥
- introducing breaking changes🐎
- improving performance👽
- updating code due to external API changes💩
- writing bad code that needs to be improved🚨
- removing linter warnings♻️
- refactoring code📝
- writing docs🚀
- deploying stuff🐛
- fixing a bug🔥
- removing code or files✅
- adding or updating tests👷
- adding CI build system💚
- fixing CI Build➕
- adding a dependency⬆️
- upgrading dependencies⬇️
- downgrading dependencies➖
- removing a dependency🏷️
- adding or updating types (TypeScript)🔧
- changing configuration files🙈
- adding or updating a.gitignore
- adding or updating license🚚
- moving or renaming files⏪
- reverting changes
$ pnpm run test
$ pnpm run test --test-only
$ pnpm run test --pre-test-only
$ pnpm run lint
$ pnpm run fmt
$ pnpm run fmt pkg
$ pnpm run fmt ts
$ pnpm run fmt ts js