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Releases: sot/proseco

Version 4.3 - fourth test release

10 Dec 17:19
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#190 - Use P2 for calc_p_safe and optimization metric
#166 - Use proseco_agasc_1p7 for star selection
#186 - Make thumbs up robust for empty / small catalogs
#187 - Add IntListMetaAttribute for include/exclude attrs (allow input as int or list or np.array)

4.2 Third test release

06 Dec 15:22
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Release 4.2 includes

#176 functional include/exclude for guide stars
#179 sets lower limit on mag error for 1.5 stars
#182 updates probability calc to work correctly with grid-acq model values

Version 4.1 - second test release

29 Nov 02:37
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This includes the following since the 4.0 release:

  • #155 : Mag-dependent limit on search box size
  • #139 : Script to run starcheck on proseco-generated catalogs
  • #164 : Add unit test docstrings to package docs
  • #165 : Add calc_spoiler_impact function and use instead of box filter for acq
  • #174 : Add API and attribute support for include/exclude stars for guide

Release 4.0 - test release

02 Oct 17:50
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Nominally feature-complete test release.

Release 1.2.1

27 Sep 13:22
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Release 1.2.1 is a bugfix release that includes a code fix and a test fix from #131

V1.2 - interface release

27 Sep 02:29
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#130: Add test for AGASC 1.7 and update version to 1.2
#129: Change p_man_err in 0-5 deg bin to zero above 60 arcsec
#128: Cut box sizes corresponding to max non-zero man_err

V1.1 - Second interface test release with fid selection

26 Sep 20:09
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The major update from 1.0.2 is the completion of concurrent acq - fid selection. The expectation is that a good fid catalog will always be selected for normal operational scenarios.

This also requires AGASC 1.7 in the miniagasc.h5 file to pass all unit tests, but will be compatible with 1.6 for functional use.

V1.0.2 - Interface release bugfix 2

17 Sep 21:24
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Includes #92 , #93, and #94 which confirm that cases that could result in empty acq, fid, or guide catalogs create properly formed (zero-length) tables.

V1.0.1 - Interface release bug fix

14 Sep 19:55
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Includes #87 which fixes some issues with the distribution. Also includes a documentation fix pushed direct to master.

Release 1.0 - Interface

14 Sep 14:47
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Release 1.0 - Interface

This release supports the API in which the Matlab tools will call proseco to solve for ACA catalogs via calls to proseco.catalog.get_aca_catalog, which will return fully populated ACACatalogTable s or a correctly empty table with exception text available to the calling Matlab process.