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Download Custom Proton

frostworx edited this page Aug 29, 2021 · 6 revisions

Custom Proton packages can be downloaded and added by

  • using the Download Custom Proton Extra Button from the Main Menu
  • via Command Line: stl dlcustomproton|dcp <url|{latest,l|latestge,lge|latesttkg,ltgk}> (accepting direct download URL or 'latest|l' as optional argument)

The command line stl dcp l (or stl dcp lge) will download and extract the lastest available Proton-GE and integrate it into the list of available proton version in Steam Tinker Launch stl dcp ltkg does the same for the latest Proton TKG

With either method a download requester with a dropdown menu is opened.


The menu is auto-generated, by parsing all CP_* (Custom Proton) URLs from the Url Config for proton packages. Currently, the following Custom builds are parsed (feel free to recommend one if you think something is missing)

Packages (tar.*, zip) containing a proton file will be extracted and added to the List of available Proton Builds.

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