* Evaluate all the acp:Policy statements in each acp:AccessControl
* in the ACR for the Resource.
* Accumulate all of the acp:AccessModes for the acp:allow and
* acp:deny statements for each acp:Policy that is satisfied.
* Subtracting the accumulated deny modes from the accumulated allow
* modes provides the access modes permitted.
* The access mode required is determined by the request method used.
* The table in section 'HTTP Method To Access Mode' provides the
* mapping from request method to access mode.
* agent : The Agent attempting to access the Resource
* resource : The Resource being accessed
* method : the HTTP method used by the Agent
* HTTPMethodToAccessMode is the table the in section 'HTTP Method To Access Mode'
* Return: true if access is allowed, otherwise false
export function isAccessAllowed(agent: Agent, resource: Resource, method: HTTPMethod): boolean {
const acr: ACR = resource.getAccessControlResource();
const accessModes: AccessModes = new AccessModes();
acr.getAccessControls().forEach((ac: AccessControl) => {
accessModes.add(evaluatePolicies(ac.apply, agent, resource));
accessModes.add(evaluatePolicies(ac.applyProtected, agent, resource));
accessModes.add(evaluatePolicies(ac.applyLocked, agent, resource));
const requiredMode: string = HTTPMethodToAccessMode.get(method);
if (accessModes.contains(requiredMode)) return true;
return false;
* Evaluate all the acp:Policy statements using acp:access
* in the ACR for the Resource.
* Accumulate all of the acp:AccessModes for the acp:allow and
* acp:deny statements for each acp:Policy that is satisfied.
* Subtracting the accumulated deny modes from the accumulated allow
* modes provides the access modes permitted.
* The access mode required is determined by the request method used.
* The table in section 'HTTP Method To ACR Access Mode' provides the
* mapping from request method to access mode.
* agent : The Agent attempting to access the ACR
* resource : The Resource associated with the ACR being accessed
* method : the HTTP method used by the Agent
* Return: true if access is allowed, otherwise false
export function isAcrAccessAllowed(agent: Agent, resource: Resource, method: HTTPMethod) {
return isAcrAccessPoliciesAllowed(agent, resource, method, resource.getAccessControlResource().access);
export function isAcrAccessMembersAllowed(agent: Agent, resource: Resource, method: HTTPMethod) {
return isAcrAccessPoliciesAllowed(agent, resource, method, resource.getAccessControlResource().accessMembers);
export function isAcrAccessProtectedAllowed(agent: Agent, resource: Resource, method: HTTPMethod) {
return isAcrAccessPoliciesAllowed(agent, resource, method, resource.getAccessControlResource().accessProtected);
export function isAcrAccessMembersProtectedAllowed(agent: Agent, resource: Resource, method: HTTPMethod) {
return isAcrAccessPoliciesAllowed(
export function isAcrAccessLockedAllowed(agent: Agent, resource: Resource, method: HTTPMethod) {
return isAcrAccessPoliciesAllowed(agent, resource, method, resource.getAccessControlResource().accessLocked);
export function isAcrAccessMembersLockedAllowed(agent: Agent, resource: Resource, method: HTTPMethod) {
return isAcrAccessPoliciesAllowed(agent, resource, method, resource.getAccessControlResource().accessMembersLocked);
// Helper functions
* agent : The Agent attempting to access the ACR
* resource : The Resource being accessed
* method : The HTTP method used by the Agent
* policies : The list of Policies to evaluate to determine whether access should be provided
* HTTPMethodToAcrAccessMode is the table the in section 'HTTP Method To ACR Access Mode'
* Return: true if access is allowed, otherwise false
function isAcrAccessPoliciesAllowed(agent: Agent, resource: Resource, method: HTTPMethod, policies: Policy[]) {
const acr: ACR = resource.getAccessControlResource();
const requiredMode = HTTPMethodToAcrAccessMode.get(method);
if (evaluatePolicies(policies, agent, acr).contains(requiredMode)) return true;
return false;
* policies : The list of Policies to be evaluated
* agent : The Agent attempting to access the Resource
* resource : The Resource the Agent is attempting to access
* Return : An Access object specifying the access modes permitted on
* the Resource by this Agent.
* The permitted modes are Read, Write, Append.
* If the Resource is an ACR then the Append mode is not used.
function evaluatePolicies(policies: Policy[], agent: Agent, resource: Resource) {
const allowModes = new AccessModes();
const denyModes = new AccessModes();
policies.forEach((p: Policy) => {
if (isPolicySatisfied(p, agent, resource)) {
return allowModes.delete(denyModes);
* policy : The Policy to evaluate to determine whether the specified agent satisfies the policy
* agent : The Agent attempting to access the resource
* resource : The Resource being accessed
* Return : true if the Policy is satisfied, otherwise false
function isPolicySatisfied(policy: Policy, agent: Agent, resource: Resource) {
if (
policy.anyOf.some((r: Rule) => {
isRuleSatisfied(r, agent, resource);
}) &&
policy.allOf.every((r: Rule) => {
isRuleSatisfied(r, agent, resource);
}) &&
!policy.noneOf.some((r: Rule) => {
isRuleSatisfied(r, agent, resource);
) {
return true;
return false;
* rule : The Rule to evaluate to determine whether the specified agent satisfies the rule
* agent : The Agent attempting to access the resource
* resource : The Resource being accessed
* Return : true if the Rule is satisfied, otherwise false
function isRuleSatisfied(rule: Rule, agent: Agent, resource: Resource) {
if (
rule.includes(ACP.PUBLIC_AGENT) ||
(rule.includes(ACP.AUTHENTICATED_AGENT) && agent.isAuthenticated()) ||
rule.includes(agent) ||
(rule.includes(ACP.CREATOR_AGENT) && resource.creator().sameAs(agent)) ||
rule.groups().some((g: Group) => {
) {
return true;
return false;