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Dataset import: The ICRAF-ISRIC Soil and Spectral Library (ICRAF-ISRIC)

Jose Lucas Safanelli ([email protected]), Tomislav Hengl ([email protected]), Wanderson Mendes de Sousa ([email protected]), Jonathan Sanderman ([email protected]) - 16 December, 2022

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Part of:
Project: Soil Spectroscopy for Global Good
Last update: 2022-12-16

The ICRAF-ISRIC Soil and Spectral Library (Garrity & Bindraban, 2004) has samples from 58 countries worldwide including 5 continents (Africa, Europe, South America, North America, and Asia). The soil samples were retrieved from the Soil Information System (ISIS) for the analytical data, while the spectra were obtained in the World Agroforestry Centre’s (ICRAF). Dataset properties and licences are explained in detail in ‘ISRIC’ data portal.

Input datasets:

  • ICRAF_ISRIC_MIR_spectra.csv: MIR soil spectral reflectances (>3578 channels);
  • ICRAF_ISRIC_VNIR_spectra.csv: VNIR soil spectral reflectances (>216 channels);
  • ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv: Database with site and soil analytes;

For the ICRAF-ISRIC dataset properties refer also to Aitkenhead & Black (2018).

Directory/folder path:

dir = "/mnt/soilspec4gg/ossl/dataset/ICRAF_ISRIC/"

Data import

Soil site information

# Icraf site data
icraf.isric.reference = fread(paste0(dir, "/ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv"))

icraf.isric.reference <- icraf.isric.reference %>%
  select(-Remarks) %>%
  rename(id.layer_local_c = `Batch and labid`,
         layer.sequence_usda_uint16 = HORI,
         layer.upper.depth_usda_cm = BTOP,
         layer.lower.depth_usda_cm = BBOT) %>%
  mutate(id.layer_local_c = as.character(id.layer_local_c)) %>%
  mutate(`Long: sec` = ifelse(`Long: sec`), 0, `Long: sec`),
         `Lat: sec` = ifelse(`Lat: sec`), 0, `Lat: sec`)) %>%
  mutate(lat = ifelse(`N / S`=="South",
                      paste0("-", `Lat: degr`, " ", `Lat: min`, " ", `Lat: sec`),
                      paste0(`Lat: degr`, " ", `Lat: min`, " ", `Lat: sec`)),
         lon = ifelse(`E / W`=="West",
                      paste0("-", `Long: degr`, " ", `Long: min`, " ", `Long: sec`),
                      paste0(`Long: degr`, " ", `Long: min`, " ", `Long: sec`))) %>%
  select(id.layer_local_c, Plotcode, layer.sequence_usda_uint16,
         layer.upper.depth_usda_cm, layer.lower.depth_usda_cm,
         lat, lon) %>%
  mutate(lat = ifelse(grepl("NA", lat), NA, lat),
         lon = ifelse(grepl("NA", lon), NA, lon)) %>%
  mutate(lat = measurements::conv_unit(lat, from = 'deg_min_sec', to = 'dec_deg'),
         lon = measurements::conv_unit(lon, from = 'deg_min_sec', to = 'dec_deg'))

# ISIS sitedata
isis.xy <- fread("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/ISRIC_ISIS/Sites.csv")
isis.des <- fread("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/ISRIC_ISIS/SitedescriptionResults.csv") <- fread("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/ISRIC_ISIS/ClassificationSamples.csv") <- fread("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/ISRIC_ISIS/ClassificationResults.csv")

id0.lst = c(236,235,224)
nm0.lst = c("long2", "lat2", "site_obsdate")
names(nm0.lst) <- id0.lst

isis.des <- isis.des %>%
  filter(ValueId %in% id0.lst) %>%
  mutate(Name = recode(ValueId, !!!nm0.lst)) %>%
  select(Name, Value, SampleId)

isis.xy <- isis.xy %>%
  mutate(SiteId = Id,
         Plotcode = paste(CountryISO, SiteNumber)) %>%
  select(SiteId, Plotcode) <- %>%
  mutate(SampleId = Id) %>%
  left_join(isis.xy, by = "SiteId") %>%
  select(SiteId, SampleId, Plotcode) <- %>%
  left_join(isis.des, by = "SampleId") %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Name", values_from = "Value") %>%

id0.lst = c(195,196,198,199,200)
nm0.lst = c("USGG_75", "USGG_99", "USSG_75", "USSG_92", "USSG_99")
names(nm0.lst) <- id0.lst <- %>%
  filter(ValueId %in% id0.lst) %>%
  mutate(Name = recode(ValueId, !!!nm0.lst)) %>%
  select(Name, Value, SampleId) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Name", values_from = "Value")

isis.sitedata <- full_join(,, by = "SampleId") %>%
  select(-SiteId, -SampleId) %>%
  mutate(site_obsdate = ifelse(site_obsdate == 0, NA, site_obsdate),
         pedon.taxa_usda_txt = paste0(ifelse(, USSG_75, USSG_99),
                                    " ",
                                    ifelse(, USGG_75, USGG_99))) %>%
  mutate(pedon.taxa_usda_txt = gsub("NA| NA | NA|NA ", "", pedon.taxa_usda_txt)) %>%
  select(-any_of(nm0.lst)) %>%
  arrange(Plotcode, site_obsdate) %>%
  group_by(Plotcode) %>%

# Joining both datasets
icraf.isric.sitedata <- icraf.isric.reference %>%
  left_join(isis.sitedata, by = "Plotcode") %>%
  mutate(longitude.point_wgs84_dd = ifelse(, as.numeric(long2), as.numeric(lon)),
         latitude.point_wgs84_dd = ifelse(, as.numeric(lat2), as.numeric(lat)),
         site_obsdate = lubridate::ymd(paste0(site_obsdate, "-01-01"))) %>%
  rename(id.dataset.site_ascii_txt = Plotcode, = site_obsdate) %>%
  mutate(id.layer_local_c = as.character(id.layer_local_c)) %>%
  mutate( = %>%
  select(id.layer_local_c, latitude.point_wgs84_dd, longitude.point_wgs84_dd,
         layer.sequence_usda_uint16, layer.upper.depth_usda_cm, layer.lower.depth_usda_cm, pedon.taxa_usda_txt) %>% 
  mutate(id.project_ascii_txt = "ICRAF-ISRIC Soil Spectral Library",
         layer.texture_usda_txt = "",
         horizon.designation_usda_txt = "",
         longitude.county_wgs84_dd = NA,
         latitude.county_wgs84_dd = NA,
         location.point.error_any_m = 30,
         location.country_iso.3166_txt = "",
         observation.ogc.schema.title_ogc_txt = "Open Soil Spectroscopy Library",
         observation.ogc.schema_idn_url = "",
         surveyor.title_utf8_txt = "Stephan Mantel",
         surveyor.contact_ietf_email = "[email protected]",
         surveyor.address_utf8_txt = "ICRAF, PO Box 30677, Nairobi, 00100, Kenya",
         dataset.title_utf8_txt = "ICRAF-ISRIC Soil Spectral Library",
         dataset.owner_utf8_txt = "World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) / ISRIC - World Soil Information",
         dataset.code_ascii_txt = "ICRAF.ISRIC",
         dataset.address_idn_url = "",
         dataset.doi_idf_url = "",
         dataset.license.title_ascii_txt = "CC-BY",
         dataset.license.address_idn_url = "", = "Keith Shepherd",
         dataset.contact_ietf_email = "[email protected]") %>%
  mutate(id.layer_uuid_txt = openssl::md5(paste0(dataset.code_ascii_txt, id.layer_local_c)),
         id.location_olc_txt = olctools::encode_olc(latitude.point_wgs84_dd, longitude.point_wgs84_dd, 10),
         .after = id.project_ascii_txt)

# Removing duplicates
# icraf.isric.sitedata %>%
#   group_by(id.layer_local_c) %>%
#   summarise(repeats = n()) %>%
#   group_by(repeats) %>%
#   summarise(count = n())

dupli.ids <- icraf.isric.sitedata %>%
  group_by(id.layer_local_c) %>%
  summarise(repeats = n()) %>%
  filter(repeats > 1) %>%

icraf.isric.sitedata <- icraf.isric.sitedata %>%
  filter(!(id.layer_local_c %in% dupli.ids)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("id.")), as.character) %>%

# Saving version to dataset root dir
site.qs = paste0(dir, "/ossl_soilsite_v1.2.qs")
qs::qsave(icraf.isric.sitedata, site.qs, preset = "high")

Soil lab information

NOTE: The code chunk below this paragraph is hidden. Just run once for getting the original names of soil properties, descriptions, data types, and units. Run once and upload to Google Sheet for formatting and integrating with the OSSL. Requires Google authentication.

NOTE: The code chunk below this paragraph is hidden. Run once for importing the transformation rules. The table can be edited online at Google Sheets. A copy is downloaded to github for archiving.

Reading ICRAF-ISRIC-to-OSSL transformation values:

transvalues <- read_csv(paste0(getwd(), "/OSSL_transvalues.csv"))
table original_name ossl_abbrev ossl_method ossl_unit ossl_convert ossl_name
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv pH (H2O) ph.h2o usda.a268 index ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) ph.h2o_usda.a268_index
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv pH (CaCl2) ph.cacl2 usda.a481 index ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) ph.cacl2_usda.a481_index
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv CaCO3 caco3 usda.a54 w.pct ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) caco3_usda.a54_w.pct
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv Org C oc usda.c1059 w.pct ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) oc_usda.c1059_w.pct
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv Ca ca.ext usda.a722 ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1)
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv Mg mg.ext usda.a724 ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1)
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv Na na.ext usda.a726 ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1)
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv K k.ext usda.a725 ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1)
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv Exch acid acidity usda.a795 ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1)
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv Exch Al al.ext usda.a69 ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1)
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv CEC soil cec usda.a723 ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1)
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv Tot S sand.tot usda.c60 w.pct ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) sand.tot_usda.c60_w.pct
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv Tot Si silt.tot usda.c62 w.pct ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) silt.tot_usda.c62_w.pct
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv Clay clay.tot usda.a334 w.pct ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) clay.tot_usda.a334_w.pct
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv BD bd usda.a21 g.cm3 ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0.05, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) bd_usda.a21_g.cm3
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv pF2.0 wr.10kPa usda.a8 w.pct ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) wr.10kPa_usda.a8_w.pct
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv pF2.7 wr.33kPa usda.a9 w.pct ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) wr.33kPa_usda.a9_w.pct
ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv pF4.2 wr.1500kPa usda.a417 w.pct ifelse(as.numeric(x) < 0, NA, as.numeric(x)*1) wr.1500kPa_usda.a417_w.pct

Preparing soil data from different files:

icraf.isric.reference = fread(paste0(dir, "/ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv"))

# Harmonization of names and units
analytes.old.names <- transvalues %>%
  filter(table == "ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv") %>%
  pull(original_name) <- transvalues %>%
  filter(table == "ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv") %>%

# Selecting and renaming
icraf.isric.soildata <- icraf.isric.reference %>%
  select(-Remarks) %>%
  rename(id.layer_local_c = `Batch and labid`) %>%
  select(id.layer_local_c, all_of(analytes.old.names)) %>%
  rename_with(, analytes.old.names)

# Removing duplicates
# icraf.isric.soildata %>%
#   group_by(id.layer_local_c) %>%
#   summarise(repeats = n()) %>%
#   group_by(repeats) %>%
#   summarise(count = n())

dupli.ids <- icraf.isric.soildata %>%
  group_by(id.layer_local_c) %>%
  summarise(repeats = n()) %>%
  filter(repeats > 1) %>%

icraf.isric.soildata <- icraf.isric.soildata %>%
  filter(!(id.layer_local_c %in% dupli.ids)) %>%

# Getting the formulas
functions.list <- transvalues %>%
  filter(table == "ICRAF_ISRIC_reference_data.csv") %>%
  mutate(ossl_name = factor(ossl_name, levels = names(icraf.isric.soildata))) %>%
  arrange(ossl_name) %>%
  pull(ossl_convert) %>%
  c("x", .)

# Applying transformation rules
icraf.isric.soildata.trans <- transform_values(df = icraf.isric.soildata,
                                      = names(icraf.isric.soildata),
                                      = names(icraf.isric.soildata),
                                               fun.lst = functions.list)

# Final soillab data
icraf.isric.soildata <- icraf.isric.soildata.trans %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("id.")), as.character)

# Checking total number of observations
icraf.isric.soildata %>%
  distinct(id.layer_local_c) %>%
  summarise(count = n())
##   count
## 1  4073
# Saving version to dataset root dir
soillab.qs = paste0(dir, "/ossl_soillab_v1.2.qs")
qs::qsave(icraf.isric.soildata, soillab.qs, preset = "high")

Mid-infrared spectroscopy data

# Floating wavenumbers
mir.scans <- fread(paste0(dir, "/ICRAF_ISRIC_MIR_spectra.csv"), header = TRUE)

old.names <- names(mir.scans)
new.names <- gsub("m", "", old.names)

icraf.isric.mir <- mir.scans %>%
  rename_with(~new.names, old.names) %>%
  rename(id.layer_local_c = SSN) %>%
  mutate(id.layer_local_c = as.character(id.layer_local_c))

# Need to resample spectra
old.wavenumber <- na.omit(as.numeric(names(icraf.isric.mir)))
new.wavenumbers <- rev(seq(600, 4000, by = 2))

icraf.isric.mir <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
  select(-id.layer_local_c) %>%
  as.matrix() %>%
  prospectr::resample(X = ., wav = old.wavenumber, new.wav = new.wavenumbers, interpol = "spline") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  bind_cols({icraf.isric.mir %>%
      select(id.layer_local_c)}, .) %>%
  select(id.layer_local_c, as.character(rev(new.wavenumbers)))

icraf.isric.mir <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
  group_by(id.layer_local_c) %>%

# Gaps <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
  select(-id.layer_local_c) %>%
  apply(., 1, function(x) round(100*(sum(, 2)) %>%
  tibble(proportion_NA = .) %>%
  bind_cols({icraf.isric.mir %>% select(id.layer_local_c)}, .)

# Extreme negative - irreversible erratic patterns
scans.extreme.neg <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
  select(-id.layer_local_c) %>%
  apply(., 1, function(x) {round(100*(sum(x < -1, na.rm=TRUE))/(length(x)), 2)}) %>%
  tibble(proportion_lower0 = .) %>%
  bind_cols({icraf.isric.mir %>% select(id.layer_local_c)}, .)

# Extreme positive, irreversible erratic patterns
scans.extreme.pos <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
  select(-id.layer_local_c) %>%
  apply(., 1, function(x) {round(100*(sum(x > 5, na.rm=TRUE))/(length(x)), 2)}) %>%
  tibble(proportion_higherAbs5 = .) %>%
  bind_cols({icraf.isric.mir %>% select(id.layer_local_c)}, .)

# Consistency summary - problematic scans
scans.summary <- %>%
  left_join(scans.extreme.neg, by = "id.layer_local_c") %>%
  left_join(scans.extreme.pos, by = "id.layer_local_c")

scans.summary %>%
  select(-id.layer_local_c) %>%
  pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "check", values_to = "value") %>%
  filter(value > 0) %>%
  group_by(check) %>%
  summarise(count = n())
## # A tibble: 0 × 2
## # … with 2 variables: check <chr>, count <int>
# Checking duplicates
dupli.ids <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
  group_by(id.layer_local_c) %>%
  summarise(repeats = n()) %>%
  filter(repeats > 1) %>%

icraf.isric.mir <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
  filter(!(id.layer_local_c %in% dupli.ids))

# # These few scans with extreme values are filled with interpolation
# target.wavenumbers <- rev(seq(600, 4000, by = 2))
# icraf.isric.mir.clean <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
#   pivot_longer(-id.layer_local_c, names_to = "wavenumber", values_to = "absorbance") %>%
#   mutate(absorbance = ifelse(absorbance > 3.5, NA, absorbance)) %>%
#   group_by(id.layer_local_c) %>%
#   mutate(absorbance = approx(wavenumber, absorbance, target.wavenumbers)$y) %>%
#   pivot_wider(names_from = "wavenumber", values_from = "absorbance")

# Renaming
old.wavenumbers <- seq(600, 4000, by = 2)
new.wavenumbers <- paste0("scan_mir.", old.wavenumbers, "_abs")

icraf.isric.mir <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
  rename_with(~new.wavenumbers, as.character(old.wavenumbers))

# Preparing metadata
icraf.isric.mir.metadata <- icraf.isric.mir %>%
  select(id.layer_local_c) %>%
  mutate(id.scan_local_c = id.layer_local_c) %>%
  mutate( = ymd("2004-02-01"), = ymd("2004-11-01"),
         scan.mir.model.name_utf8_txt = "Bruker Tensor 27 with HTS-XT accessory",
         scan.mir.model.code_any_txt = "Bruker_Tensor_27.HTS.XT",
         scan.mir.method.optics_any_txt = "HgCdTe detector",
         scan.mir.method.preparation_any_txt = "Finely ground <0.1 mm",
         scan.mir.license.title_ascii_txt = "CC-BY",
         scan.mir.license.address_idn_url = "",
         scan.mir.doi_idf_url = "", = "Keith Shepherd", = "[email protected]")

# Final preparation
icraf.isric.mir.export <- icraf.isric.mir.metadata %>%
  left_join(icraf.isric.mir, by = "id.layer_local_c") %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("id.")), as.character)

# Saving version to dataset root dir
soilmir.qs = paste0(dir, "/ossl_mir_v1.2.qs")
qs::qsave(icraf.isric.mir.export, soilmir.qs, preset = "high")

Visible and Near-infrared spectroscopy data

Reading the ViSNIR scans. The spectra is in absorbance log units and placed in a matrix inside the dataframe.

# Floating wavenumbers
visnir.scans <- fread(paste0(dir, "/ICRAF_ISRIC_VNIR_spectra.csv"), header = TRUE)

old.names <- names(visnir.scans)
new.names <- gsub("W", "", old.names)

icraf.isric.visnir <- visnir.scans %>%
  rename_with(~new.names, old.names) %>%
  rename(id.layer_local_c = Batch.Labid) %>%
  mutate(id.layer_local_c = as.character(id.layer_local_c))

# Need to resample spectra
old.wavelengths <- na.omit(as.numeric(names(icraf.isric.visnir)))
new.wavelengths <- rev(seq(350, 2500, by = 2))

icraf.isric.visnir <- icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  select(-id.layer_local_c) %>%
  as.matrix() %>%
  prospectr::resample(X = ., wav = old.wavelengths, new.wav = new.wavelengths, interpol = "spline") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  bind_cols({icraf.isric.visnir %>%
      select(id.layer_local_c)}, .) %>%
  select(id.layer_local_c, as.character(rev(new.wavelengths)))

icraf.isric.visnir <- icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  group_by(id.layer_local_c) %>%

# Spectral consistency analysis

# Gaps <- icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  select(all_of(as.character(new.wavelengths))) %>%
  apply(., 1, function(x) round(100*(sum(, 2)) %>%
  tibble(proportion_NA = .) %>%
  bind_cols({icraf.isric.visnir %>% select(id.layer_local_c)}, .)

# Extreme negative
scans.extreme.neg <- icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  select(all_of(as.character(new.wavelengths))) %>%
  apply(., 1, function(x) {round(100*(sum(x < 0, na.rm=TRUE))/(length(x)), 2)}) %>%
  tibble(proportion_lower0 = .) %>%
  bind_cols({icraf.isric.visnir %>% select(id.layer_local_c)}, .)

# Extreme positive
scans.extreme.pos <- icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  select(all_of(as.character(new.wavelengths))) %>%
  apply(., 1, function(x) {round(100*(sum(x > 1, na.rm=TRUE))/(length(x)), 2)}) %>%
  tibble(proportion_higherRef1 = .) %>%
  bind_cols({icraf.isric.visnir %>% select(id.layer_local_c)}, .)

# Consistency summary - problematic scans
scans.summary <- %>%
  left_join(scans.extreme.neg, by = "id.layer_local_c") %>%
  left_join(scans.extreme.pos, by = "id.layer_local_c")

# Will omit this. Preprocessing handle baseline offset
scans.summary %>%
  select(-id.layer_local_c) %>%
  pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "check", values_to = "value") %>%
  filter(value > 0) %>%
  group_by(check) %>%
  summarise(count = n())
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   check             count
##   <chr>             <int>
## 1 proportion_lower0     1
# Checking duplicates
dupli.ids <- icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  group_by(id.layer_local_c) %>%
  summarise(repeats = n()) %>%
  filter(repeats > 1) %>%

icraf.isric.visnir <- icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  filter(!(id.layer_local_c %in% dupli.ids))

# Renaming
old.wavelengths <- seq(350, 2500, by = 2)
new.wavelengths <- paste0("scan_visnir.", old.wavelengths, "_ref")

icraf.isric.visnir <- icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  rename_with(~new.wavelengths, as.character(old.wavelengths))

# Preparing metadata
icraf.isric.visnir.metadata <- icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  select(id.layer_local_c) %>%
  mutate(id.scan_local_c = id.layer_local_c) %>%
  mutate( = ymd("2004-02-01"), = ymd("2004-11-01"),
         scan.visnir.model.name_utf8_txt = "ASD FieldSpec Pro FR",
         scan.visnir.model.code_any_txt = "ASD_FieldSpec_FR",
         scan.visnir.method.optics_any_txt = "4.5 W halogen lamp",
         scan.visnir.method.preparation_any_txt = "Sieve <2 mm",
         scan.visnir.license.title_ascii_txt = "CC-BY",
         scan.visnir.license.address_idn_url = "",
         scan.visnir.doi_idf_url = "", = "Keith Shepherd", = "[email protected]")

# Final preparation
icraf.isric.visnir.export <- icraf.isric.visnir.metadata %>%
  left_join(icraf.isric.visnir, by = "id.layer_local_c") %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("id.")), as.character)

# Saving version to dataset root dir
soilvisnir.qs = paste0(dir, "/ossl_visnir_v1.2.qs")
qs::qsave(icraf.isric.visnir.export, soilvisnir.qs, preset = "high")

Quality control

The final table must be joined as:

  • VisNIR is used as first reference.
  • It is fully joined with MIR.
  • The result is left joined with the site and soil lab data. This drop data without any scan.

The availabilty of data is summarised below:

# Taking a few representative columns for checking the consistency of joins
icraf.isric.availability <- icraf.isric.visnir.export %>%
  select(id.layer_local_c, scan_visnir.450_ref) %>%
  full_join({icraf.isric.mir.export %>%
      select(id.layer_local_c, scan_mir.600_abs)}, by = "id.layer_local_c") %>%
  left_join({icraf.isric.sitedata %>%
      select(id.layer_local_c, layer.upper.depth_usda_cm)}, by = "id.layer_local_c") %>%
  left_join({icraf.isric.soildata %>%
      select(id.layer_local_c, ph.h2o_usda.a268_index)}, by = "id.layer_local_c") %>%

# Availability of information from icraf.isric
icraf.isric.availability %>%
  mutate_all(as.character) %>%
  pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "column", values_to = "value") %>%
  filter(! %>%
  group_by(column) %>%
  summarise(count = n())
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
##   column                    count
##   <chr>                     <int>
## 1 id.layer_local_c           4438
## 2 layer.upper.depth_usda_cm  4073
## 3 ph.h2o_usda.a268_index     3776
## 4 scan_mir.600_abs           4153
## 5 scan_visnir.450_ref        4438
# Repeats check - Duplicates are dropped
icraf.isric.availability %>%
  mutate_all(as.character) %>%
  select(id.layer_local_c) %>%
  pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "column", values_to = "value") %>%
  group_by(column, value) %>%
  summarise(repeats = n()) %>%
  group_by(column, repeats) %>%
  summarise(count = n())
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
## # Groups:   column [1]
##   column           repeats count
##   <chr>              <int> <int>
## 1 id.layer_local_c       1  4438

This summary shows that, at total, about 40k observations are available. Some rows have both MIR and VisNIR scans, many not.

NOTE: As the duplicated layers represent a minor fraction (n=26) of the database, they will be dropped when binding all the datasets for making the OSSL level 0.

Plotting sites map:


points <- icraf.isric.sitedata %>%
  filter(! %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c('longitude.point_wgs84_dd', 'latitude.point_wgs84_dd'), crs = 4326)


tm_shape(World) +
  tm_polygons('#f0f0f0f0', border.alpha = 0.2) +
  tm_shape(points) +

Soil analytical data summary:

icraf.isric.soildata %>%
  mutate(id.layer_local_c = factor(id.layer_local_c)) %>%
  skimr::skim() %>%
  dplyr::select(-numeric.hist, -complete_rate)
Name Piped data
Number of rows 4073
Number of columns 19
Column type frequency:
factor 1
numeric 18
Group variables None

Data summary

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing ordered n_unique top_counts
id.layer_local_c 0 FALSE 4073 FS1: 1, FS1: 1, FS1: 1, FS1: 1

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100
ph.h2o_usda.a268_index 297 6.11 1.40 3.00 5.00 5.90 7.10 10.50
ph.cacl2_usda.a481_index 4039 4.99 1.26 3.10 4.00 5.10 6.05 7.90
caco3_usda.a54_w.pct 2956 9.94 16.41 0.00 1.00 2.60 11.60 99.70
oc_usda.c1059_w.pct 373 1.20 2.66 0.00 0.22 0.48 1.20 60.00 401 10.81 15.58 0.00 0.40 3.60 14.90 168.20 393 2.81 4.69 0.00 0.20 1.00 3.40 68.00 409 0.62 2.39 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.30 31.60 399 0.33 0.57 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.40 9.80 2562 1.99 2.95 0.00 0.20 0.90 2.60 25.50 2532 1.58 2.56 0.00 0.00 0.70 2.10 25.30 419 16.27 16.41 0.00 5.20 11.50 21.60 189.60
sand.tot_usda.c60_w.pct 392 38.24 29.15 0.00 11.10 33.00 61.20 99.60
silt.tot_usda.c62_w.pct 339 29.22 20.39 0.00 13.00 25.00 42.50 256.00
clay.tot_usda.a334_w.pct 333 32.60 22.27 0.00 14.70 30.10 47.00 96.80
bd_usda.a21_g.cm3 3074 1.26 0.29 0.28 1.10 1.31 1.48 1.89
wr.10kPa_usda.a8_w.pct 3145 36.77 13.27 4.40 28.60 36.45 45.62 77.30
wr.33kPa_usda.a9_w.pct 3150 31.82 13.34 2.30 22.90 31.40 41.50 71.40
wr.1500kPa_usda.a417_w.pct 3102 21.74 11.44 0.10 12.90 21.90 29.55 56.40

MIR spectral visualization:

icraf.isric.mir %>%
  sample_n(500) %>%
  select(all_of(c("id.layer_local_c")), starts_with("scan_mir.")) %>%
                      names_to = "wavenumber", values_to = "absorbance") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(wavenumber = gsub("scan_mir.|_abs", "", wavenumber)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(wavenumber = as.numeric(wavenumber)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = wavenumber, y = absorbance, group = id.layer_local_c)) +
  geom_line(alpha = 0.1) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000, 3600, 4000)) +
  labs(x = bquote("Wavenumber"~(cm^-1)), y = "Absorbance") +

ViSNIR spectral visualization:

icraf.isric.visnir %>%
  select(all_of(c("id.layer_local_c")), starts_with("scan_visnir.")) %>%
  sample_n(500) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("scan_visnir.")), as.numeric) %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(-all_of(c("id.layer_local_c")), names_to = "wavelength", values_to = "reflectance") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(wavelength = gsub("scan_visnir.|_ref", "", wavelength)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(wavelength = as.numeric(wavelength)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = wavelength, y = reflectance, group = id.layer_local_c)) +
  geom_line(alpha = 0.1) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(350, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500)) +
  labs(x = bquote("Wavelength"~(nm)), y = "Reflectance") +

## 101.33 sec elapsed
rm(list = ls())
##           used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb)  max used  (Mb)
## Ncells 2632940 140.7    7103025 379.4  14399057 769.0
## Vcells 7602860  58.1   89862874 685.6 112296395 856.8


Aitkenhead, M. J., & Black, H. I. (2018). Exploring the impact of different input data types on soil variable estimation using the ICRAF-ISRIC global soil spectral database. Applied Spectroscopy, 72(2), 188–198. doi:10.1177/0003702817739013

Garrity, D., & Bindraban, P. (2004). A globally distributed soil spectral library visible near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra. Nairobi, Kenya: ICRAF (World Agroforestry Centre) / ISRIC (World Soil Information) Spectral Library. Retrieved from