This project has been developed at Sogeti when the R&D lab was still up. For ongoing support, visit @FlUxIuS' repository
HomePlugAV PLC tools presented at NoSuchCon 2014:
- Python >= 2.6
- Scapy 2.x
- Promiscous mode for Sniff Indicate packets
- scapy Layer: create and craft your own HomePlugAV packets
- sends 'GetDeviceTypeRequest' in broadcast to discover PLCs of the same AVLN
- derives MAC address to get a Qualcomm DAK passhrase
- hashes the DAK or NMK passhrase using the PBKDF1
- performs a KODAK bruteforce on powerline
- enables 'Sniffer mode' and uses Sniffer Indicate packet to retrieve CCos MAC address
- dumps your entire PLC configure (PIB) into a file
- patch arbitrary bytes of your PLC, or a field between bytes 0x0-0x400 (see the details of ModulePIB conditions in the Scapy layer).
First we plug our device to the powerline and sniff for every possible CCo:
[+] Enabling sniff mode
Sent 1 packets.
[+] Listening for CCo station...
Found CCo: 44:94:fc:56:ff:34 (DAK: RMHT-ILPO-TYMN-IIXY)
The tool recovers also the DAK passphrase directly.
Too change the NMK of the CCos to have a chance to connect to neighbor(s) LAN, we can send the SetEncryptionKeyRequest to the CCos:
python -i eth0 -t 4494fc56ff34
Sent 1 packets.
If you want to reconfigure all device, skip 2-3 of the MAC address found previously as follows:
python -i eth0 -t 4494fc56
Sent 1 packets.
This will bruteforce the 2 last bytes, generating a new DAK and sending it in broadcast for every combinaison.
The following tool aims to dump the entire PIB. You could also use the same techniques to dump the NVM or the Soft-Bootloader...
To process the dump use it as follows:
python2 ./ -i enp0s26u1u1 -o mycpl.pib
[+] PIB dump: Success!
A file containing your PLC Programmable Information Blocks (PIB) should be created as follows:
wc -c mycpl.pib
16440 mycpl.pib
If you want to change your MAC address for example, you can specify the Scapy attribute to modify and its new value:
python2 -i enp0s26u1u1 -d <dest. MAC addr> -t "PIBMACAddr" -v "c0:ff:ee:c0:ff:ee"
The MAC address should be changed after that for your targeted device. But if the addresses are read-only for this device, you have to hack a little bit to reflash it correctly.
Nevertheless, if you want to change any arbitrary byte use this command as follows:
python2 -i enp0s26u1u1 -d <dest. MAC addr> -a <start_addr>:<len> -v <value>
Like this, you can rewrite the tone map and any other field of your choice ;)
HomePlugPWN tools including the HomePlugAV scapy Layer are under the GPLv2
- Give us your feedback ;)
- Xavier Carcelle for his book (Power Line Communications in Practice), and his Framework FAIFA
- Ben Tasker for finding CCos MAC addresses in Sniff Indicate packets
- Open-PLC-Utils :
- Netgear and TP-Link utilities