From 1fec66e8b656ae8b18933174ddb79ca1ad024563 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jahed Ahmed <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 17:54:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] test: use async/await instead of callbacks

 .../acceptance/cli-json-file-output.spec.ts   | 154 ++++++------------
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/jest/acceptance/cli-json-file-output.spec.ts b/test/jest/acceptance/cli-json-file-output.spec.ts
index 764422ea98..4352ea1778 100644
--- a/test/jest/acceptance/cli-json-file-output.spec.ts
+++ b/test/jest/acceptance/cli-json-file-output.spec.ts
@@ -1,120 +1,62 @@
-import { exec } from 'child_process';
-import { sep, join } from 'path';
-import { readFileSync, unlinkSync } from 'fs';
-import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
 import { fakeServer } from '../../acceptance/fake-server';
-import cli = require('../../../src/cli/commands');
+import { createProjectFromWorkspace } from '../util/createProject';
+import { runSnykCLI } from '../util/runSnykCLI';
-const main = './bin/snyk'.replace(/\//g, sep);
-const testTimeout = 50000;
+jest.setTimeout(1000 * 60);
 describe('test --json-file-output ', () => {
-  let oldkey;
-  let oldendpoint;
-  const apiKey = '123456789';
-  const port = process.env.PORT || process.env.SNYK_PORT || '12345';
+  let server: ReturnType<typeof fakeServer>;
+  let env: Record<string, string>;
+  beforeAll((done) => {
+    const apiPath = '/api/v1';
+    const apiPort = process.env.PORT || process.env.SNYK_PORT || '12345';
+    env = {
+      ...process.env,
+      SNYK_API: 'http://localhost:' + apiPort + apiPath,
+      SNYK_TOKEN: '123456789',
+    };
+    server = fakeServer(apiPath, env.SNYK_TOKEN);
+    server.listen(apiPort, () => done());
+  });
-  const BASE_API = '/api/v1';
-  const SNYK_API = 'http://localhost:' + port + BASE_API;
-  const SNYK_HOST = 'http://localhost:' + port;
+  afterAll((done) => {
+    server.close(() => done());
+  });
-  const server = fakeServer(BASE_API, apiKey);
+  it('can save JSON output to file while sending human readable output to stdout', async () => {
+    const project = await createProjectFromWorkspace('no-vulns');
+    const outputPath = 'json-file-output.json';
-  const noVulnsProjectPath = join(
-    __dirname,
-    '../../acceptance',
-    'workspaces',
-    'no-vulns',
-  );
-  beforeAll(async () => {
-    let key = await cli.config('get', 'api');
-    oldkey = key;
+    const { code, stdout } = await runSnykCLI(
+      `test --json-file-output=${outputPath}`,
+      {
+        cwd: project.path(),
+        env,
+      },
+    );
-    key = await cli.config('get', 'endpoint');
-    oldendpoint = key;
+    expect(code).toEqual(0);
+    expect(stdout).toMatch('Organization:');
-    await new Promise((resolve) => {
-      server.listen(port, resolve);
-    });
+    const jsonObj = JSON.parse(await;
+    expect(jsonObj).toMatchObject({ ok: true });
-  afterAll(async () => {
-    delete process.env.SNYK_API;
-    delete process.env.SNYK_HOST;
-    delete process.env.SNYK_PORT;
+  it('test --json-file-output produces same JSON output as normal JSON output to stdout', async () => {
+    const project = await createProjectFromWorkspace('no-vulns');
+    const outputPath = 'json-file-output.json';
-    await server.close();
-    let key = 'set';
-    let value = 'api=' + oldkey;
-    if (!oldkey) {
-      key = 'unset';
-      value = 'api';
-    }
-    await cli.config(key, value);
-    if (oldendpoint) {
-      await cli.config('endpoint', oldendpoint);
-    }
-  });
-  it(
-    '`can save JSON output to file while sending human readable output to stdout`',
-    (done) => {
-      const jsonOutputFilename = `${uuidv4()}.json`;
-      exec(
-        `node ${main} test ${noVulnsProjectPath} --json-file-output=${jsonOutputFilename}`,
-        {
-          env: {
-            PATH: process.env.PATH,
-            SNYK_TOKEN: apiKey,
-            SNYK_API,
-            SNYK_HOST,
-          },
-        },
-        (err, stdout) => {
-          if (err) {
-            throw err;
-          }
+    const { code, stdout } = await runSnykCLI(
+      `test --json --json-file-output=${outputPath}`,
+      {
+        cwd: project.path(),
+        env,
+      },
+    );
-          expect(stdout).toMatch('Organization:');
-          const outputFileContents = readFileSync(jsonOutputFilename, 'utf-8');
-          unlinkSync(`./${jsonOutputFilename}`);
-          const jsonObj = JSON.parse(outputFileContents);
-          const okValue = jsonObj.ok as boolean;
-          expect(okValue).toBeTruthy();
-          done();
-        },
-      );
-    },
-    testTimeout,
-  );
-  it(
-    '`test --json-file-output produces same JSON output as normal JSON output to stdout`',
-    (done) => {
-      const jsonOutputFilename = `${uuidv4()}.json`;
-      exec(
-        `node ${main} test ${noVulnsProjectPath} --json --json-file-output=${jsonOutputFilename}`,
-        {
-          env: {
-            PATH: process.env.PATH,
-            SNYK_TOKEN: apiKey,
-            SNYK_API,
-            SNYK_HOST,
-          },
-        },
-        async (err, stdout) => {
-          if (err) {
-            throw err;
-          }
-          // give file a little time to be finished to be written
-          await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 3000));
-          const stdoutJson = stdout;
-          const outputFileContents = readFileSync(jsonOutputFilename, 'utf-8');
-          unlinkSync(`./${jsonOutputFilename}`);
-          expect(stdoutJson).toEqual(outputFileContents);
-          done();
-        },
-      );
-    },
-    testTimeout,
-  );
+    expect(code).toEqual(0);
+    expect(await + '\n');
+  });