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npm install circlepacker

what is it?

circlepacker demo

a circlepacking algorithm that executes in a webworker, so it doesn't clog the ui thread of your browser.

how to use it

the easiest way to use this library is to create a CirclePacker instance and call it`s methods:

import { CirclePacker } from 'circlepacker';

const packer = new CirclePacker({
	// see reference below for all available options
	circles: [
			id: 'circle1',
			radius: 34,
			position: { x: 32, y: 54 },
			isPulledToCenter: true,
			isPinned: false,
		// ...
	onMove(updatedCircles) {
		// your render function goes here...

please note: circlepacker does not handle the rendering of circles. in merely calculates the circle positions. in the the examples folder, you'll find some demos that show you how to handle rendering.



addCircles(circles), addCircle(circle), setBounds(bounds), setTarget(position), setCenteringPasses(number), setCollisionPasses(number), setCorrectionPasses(number), setDamping(number), setCenterPull(boolean), update(), dragStart(circleId), drag(circleId, position), dragEnd(circleId), pinCircle(circleId), unpinCircle(circleId), setCircleRadius(circleId, number), setCircleCenterPull(circleId, boolean) destroy()



returns a new circlepacker instance. it accepts the following options:

const packerOptions = {
	// the point that the circles should be attracted to
	// OPTIONAL (but recommended)
	target: { x: 50, y: 50 },

	// the bounds of the area we want to draw the circles in
	// OPTIONAL (but recommended)
	bounds: { width: 100, height: 100 },

	// the initial position and sizes of our circles
	// it is possible to add more circles later
	// each circle should have a unique id, a position and a radius
	circles: [
			id: 'circle1',
			radius: 34,
			position: { x: 32, y: 54 },
			isPulledToCenter: true,
			isPinned: false,
			id: 'circle2',
			radius: 64,
			position: { x: 24, y: 42 },
			isPulledToCenter: true,
			isPinned: false,
			id: 'circle3',
			radius: 53,
			position: { x: 23, y: 21 },
			isPulledToCenter: true,
			isPinned: false,

	// true: continuous animation loop
	// false: one-time animation
	// not available in node or in the pack() shorthand.
	// OPTIONAL. default: true
	animationLoop: true,

	// correctness of collision calculations.
	// higher number means means longer time to calculate
	// default = 3
	collisionPasses: 3,

	// number of centering animations per frame.
	// higher number means faster movement and longer time to calculate
	// default = 1
	centeringPasses: 2,

	// number of times per frame we try to remove overlapping circles.
	// this is mostly relevant in cases where animationLoop === false.
	// higher number means longer time to calculate
	// default = 3
	correctionPasses: 3,

	// return information about overlapping circles
	// in the onMove() callback?
	// can impact performance for high number of circles.
	// default = false
	calculateOverlap: false,

	// prevent using a web worker to calculate the results.
	// option is not available in node.
	// default = false
	noWorker: false,

	// callback function for when movement started
	// can get called multiple times
	// not available in node or in the pack() shorthand.
	onMoveStart: function () {},

	// callback function for updated circle positions
	// can optionally also include information about
	// overlapping circles and the attraction target
	onMove: function (
		attractionTarget = undefined,
		overlappingCircles = undefined
	) {
		// draw logic here...

	// callback function for when movement ended
	// can get called multiple times
	// not available in node or in the pack() shorthand.
	onMoveEnd: function () {},

const packer = new CirclePacker(packerOptions);

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add an array of new circles. each circle should have a unique id, a position and a radius.

		id: 'circle4',
		radius: 21,
		position: { x: 12, y: 27 },
		isPulledToCenter: false,
		isPinned: false,
		id: 'circle5',
		radius: 64,
		position: { x: 14, y: 42 },
		isPulledToCenter: false,
		isPinned: false,

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add a single new circle. a circle should have a unique id, a position and a radius.

packer.addCircles({ id: 'circle6', radius: 21, position: { x: 12, y: 27 } });

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update bounds. a bounds object should have a width and a height.

packer.setBounds({ width: 200, height: 300 });

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updates the target position. a position object should have x and y values.

packer.setTarget({ x: 21, y: 29 });

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updates number of centering passes. should be an integer >= 1. high values can impact performance.


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updates number of collision passes. should be an integer >= 1. high values can impact performance.


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updates number of correction passes. should be an integer >= 0. high values can impact performance.


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set damping. this affects the movement speed of the circles. value should be a float between 0 and 1. the default value is 0.025


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set center pull. if set to false, circles collide, but are not pulled to the center. the default value is true.


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set calculate overlap. if set to false, overlap information will not be returned on the onMove callback.


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starts calculation. useful if animationLoop was set to false.


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indicate that we're about to start dragging this circle. this is usually called in a mousedown or a touchstart event handler.


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drag(circleId, position)

update position of dragges circle. a position object should have x and y values. this is usually called in a mousemove or a touchmove event handler.

packer.drag('circle2', { x: 30, y: 45 });

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indicate that we're done dragging this circle. this is usually called in an mouseup or a touchend event handler.


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pin circle. this means that the circle is static and will not move. other circles will still be bounce off of it.


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unpin circle. this means that the circle is no longer static and will start colliding with other circles as normal.


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setCircleRadius(circleId, number)

change the radius of a circle.

packer.setCircleRadius('circle2', 20);

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setCircleCenterPull(circleId, boolean)

change the isPulledToCenter value of a circle. if it is set to false, the circle is not pulled to the center. (it still collides with other circles).

packer.setCircleCenterPull('circle2', true);

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tell circlepacker instance we're done and won't be needing it again. it terminates the webworker. useful for lifecycle hooks in single page web apps.


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shorthand for new CirclePacker({animationLoop: false})

returns a promise

import { pack } from 'circlepacker';
const { updatedCircles, target, overlappingCircles } = await pack(packerOptions);

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the source code is located in the src folder, the built source files are located in the dist folder.

npm run build will run the build script (build.mjs) that compiles all files in the dist folder.

npm run test will run the tests on the src/ folder.

npm run test:all will run the tests on the src/ and /dist folders.




Mario Gonzalez <[email protected]> Georg Fischer <[email protected]>

large parts of the circle packing algirithm are based on the CirclePackingJS repo by @onedayitwillmake (mit licensed)

missing something?

found a bug? missing a feature? instructions unclear? are you using this library in an interesting project? maybe open an issue or a pull request to let me know. thanks!

most importantly

thank you for taking a look at this repo. and reading the readme file until the end. have a great day :)