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31 lines (31 loc) · 1.57 KB

File metadata and controls

31 lines (31 loc) · 1.57 KB


Installation: In this project, we will require two libraries (pyttsx3, PyPDF2) to develop an audiobook. You can install the libraries from PyPl, pip install PyPDF2 pip install pyttsx3

  1. Read the PDF file: Python has library PyPDF2 which is built as a PDF toolkit. It allows pdf manipulation in memory. This library is capable of: extracting document information, such as title, author, etc splitting documents by page merging documents by page cropping pages merging multiple pages into a single page encrypting and decrypting PDF file import PyPDF2 pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(open('file.pdf', 'rb'))

  1. Initialize Speaker: Python has a library pyttsx3, that is capable to convert text-to-speech offline. Text that we are reading from a pdf file using the pypdf2 library is fed as an input to the text-to-speech engine. import pyttsx3 speaker = pyttsx3.init()

  1. Play the Audiobook: Extract the text from the pdf file page by page using the PyPDF2 implementation. Loop through each page, by reading the text and feeding it to the pyttsx3 speaker engine. It will read out loud the text from the pdf page. Loop the process for every page in the pdf file and stop the pyttsx3 speaker engine as last. for page_num in range(pdfReader.numPages): text = pdfReader.getPage(page_num).extractText() speaker.say(text) speaker.runAndWait() speaker.stop()