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Sorting is a C++ project that empirically verifies the upper bound of various sorting algorithms, as well as gather performance data on algorithms in the same Big-O class.


This project can be run in the commandline via g++, or by compiling in CLion using the CMakeLists.txt file with your chosen compiler. Below I will show you how to install g++.

First, check if g++ is installed.

$ g++ --version

If it is not installed, install it.

$ sudo apt-get install g++


First, navigate to the project directory.

$ cd FullFilePathHere

Next, compile all the relevant files using g++

$ g++ src/main.cpp 

Run the program, this program takes any command line arguments: the relative path to the datasets wishing to be tested.

$ ./a.out data/size100/100-60ascending_noDup.txt data/size100/100-random_20Dup.txt data/size100/100-random_40Dup.txt data/size1000/1000-60ascending_noDup.txt data/size1000/1000-random_20Dup.txt data/size1000/1000-random_40Dup.txt data/size10000/10000-60ascending_noDup.txt data/size10000/10000-random_20Dup.txt data/size10000/10000-random_40Dup.txt data/size50000/50000-60ascending_noDup.txt data/size50000/50000-random_20Dup.txt data/size50000/50000-random_40Dup.txt data/size100000/100000-60ascending_noDup.txt data/size100000/100000-random_20Dup.txt data/size100000/100000-random_40Dup.txt data/size500000/500000-60ascending_noDup.txt data/size500000/500000-random_20Dup.txt data/size500000/500000-random_40Dup.txt data/size1mil/60ascending_noDup.txt data/size1mil/ascending_noDup.txt data/size1mil/random_20Dup.txt data/size1mil/random_40Dup.txt data/size1mil/random_noDup.txt

Dataset Generation

In order to test the efficiencies of each of the sorting algorithms, different datasets have been generated. The datasets have been split into two categories, integer based and string based, with 6 datasets each:

  • a randomized dataset with 0% duplicates
  • dataset with 0% duplicates in ascending order
  • dataset with 0% duplicates with 60% already in sorted ascending
    • This was generated by placing the ascending elements in the first 60% of the list, followed by the randomized elements
    • This will likely be changed in order to have a more even distribution
  • randomized dataset with 20% duplicates
  • randomized dataset with 40% duplicates

Each of these datasets were generated using a python script, src/, which is included in the repository, and are formatted as followed:

<number of elements>
<element 1>
<element 2>

In order to ease the generation of random sequences, the files containing the datasets will be the same for both categories. The only difference being the way these elements will be stored, with either ints or string data types.

All datasets can be found in the data folder.

Algorithm Analysis

In this section we will be discussing the different observations reached when testing these algorithms with the various datasets. We will also include observations regarding the performance of these algorithms as the datasets grew in size and how it compares with published upper limits.

Insertion Sort

Insertion sort works similarly to how you would sort playing cards in your hand: by iterating through the list and picking the smallest item and placing it next in line. This algorithm is known for being very efficient on smaller lists, but very quickly gets worse for larger lists.

Here are the graphs showing the algorithm's performance with the various integer and string datasets: insertion-together As shown in the graph, the insertion algorithm follows a nice O(n^2) line for its worse case runs. As expected, the dataset with the fastest run was the one with all ascending elements, followed by the partially ascending and random with no duplicates. However, when it came to the datasets with duplicates, the efficiency of the algorithm reduced greatly. This could be due in part to the fact that the duplicate values were usually smaller values, resulting in iterating through the entire dataset to retrieve and place them. The set that is 60% sorted shows a heightened efficiency in comparison to the duplicate sets. This is because insertion sort works best with partially sorted and smaller sets, as they require less comparisons overall. However, when it came to comparing strings, the randomized and partially sorted sets tended to rise in time.

Quick Sort

The quicksort algorithm functions by recursively splitting the list along a randomly chosen pivot value, in which the left half is less than the pivot and the right half is greater. Although the upper bound is the same as Insertion sort, the and average case is reduced from O(n^2) to O(n ln n).

Here are the graphs showing the algorithm's performance with the various integer and string datasets: quick-together

These graphs seem to resemble the insertion sort graphs, in that it the upper bound loosely follows a O(n^2) curve. However, in this case, the fully randomized set with no duplicates, more consistently follows the fully ascending set. This matches the published values for the lower bound and average, as both are O(n ln n). With the sets containing duplicates, as with insertion, the efficiency lowers due to the need to have more comparisons. The performance also decreases greatly when comparing strings instead of integers, mainly do to the need to have more comparisons per element. Nevertheless, both the integer and string graphs follow similar trends.

Merge Sort

With merge sort, we begin to observe algorithms that sacrifice ease of implementation for efficiency. This algorithm follows a divide and conquer, by recursively splitting the set in half and merging the subsets in order. In this algorithm, the lower and upper bounds are closer with both laying at (n ln n), allowing for a more stable sort.

Here are the graphs showing the algorithm's performance with the various integer and string datasets: merge-together

These graphs differ greatly from the those of the two sorts seen previously as the different datasets seem to be more scattered in their performances. However, with a closer look we do see some similarities: that being the fully ascending and partially ascending tend have a faster performance than the duplicate sets, as well as the string datasets all being less efficient than the integer sets.

One notable difference we do see is the drastic difference in the disparity between the best and worst performances of the algorithm. All the sets are more clumped together, showing a smaller difference between the worst performances and the best.

Shell Sort

Shell sort is a variation on insertion sort that attempts to fix its worst case scenario, that being moving data across large gaps. This is a case seen previously with the poor performance of the duplicate sets, as the duplicate values had to be moved through the length of the list.

Here are the graphs showing the algorithm's performance with the various integer and string datasets: sort-together

Although the graphs seem to show that the worse case remains as significantly inefficient, a closer look at the step size of the y-axis shows a significant improvement in performance. This closely resembles the published bounds of this algorithm, as the upper bound still remains at O(n^2) with the two duplicate sets. The lower bound, in this case O(n ln n), still remains to be with fully sorted and partially sorted lists.

Unlike Insertion sort, this data set seems to handle the growing sizes of the datasets significantly better, showing a shallower curve. Additionally, the performance of the string sets is generally lower than that of the integer sets.

Intro Sort

The sort used by the Standard Template Library, this sort is highly complex and serves to take the advantages, of insertion, quicksort, and heap sort in order to create a stable and dependable sorting algorithm. However, this does lead to a highly advanced and difficult implementation.

Here are the graphs showing the algorithm's performance with the various integer and string datasets: intro-together Although the trend is much more obvious with the string datasets, this algorithm shows a great improvement in consistent performance than all the previous algorithms. Unlike all the other algorithms, it is actually the fully ascending set for the integer graph that reaches the upper bound of the algorithm, that being O(n ln n). For the string graph, it still remains to be the duplicates sets, with the random closer to the lower bound. When the partially sorted set is introduced, it seems to follow the trend of the fully sorted set, similar to the other algorithms.

Despite the disparity between the high and low performances for the integer sets seem great, it is important to note the step size of the y-axis. The difference is only seen as great due to the small step size in time. However, with the string graph, it is much easier to see how consistent and close the different sets are. This is due to the mixture of the different algorithms in order to achieve consistent best cases. This makes the algorithm work very well as the datasets grow larger.

Tim Sort

Also a hybrid sort, this sort was created to be optimized for real world data for use in python. This sort includes implementation of merge and insertion sort.

Here are the graphs showing the algorithm's performance with the various integer and string datasets: tim-together This algorithm shows a more of a standard curve, with the best performing set being the fully sorted and the worst being the duplicates. Many of the trends remain the same, however, at a much faster rate. When observing the time sizes on the y-axis, it's clear that this algorithm does achieve a higher level of efficiency in comparison to all the past algorithms, for both integer and string sets. Although the string set does still seem to be slower on average, the disparity in time between the string and integer set is far below that of the other algorithms, allowing the algorithm to work very well with larger datasets.

As with the other sorts, these graphs also follow the published upper bounds, of O(n ln n).


When comparing the algorithms against each other, one problem that is seen quickly is the extreme outlier that the insertion sort grows to become as the data sets grow larger. Due to this, we will only show the remaining sets to allow for a closer look.


In all of these graphs, we see a general trend of Quicksort performing the lowest and timsort performing the best. All the remaining graphs scattered in between. This then leaves the question, which is the best sort. According to the data collected here, it seems that for larger data sets, especially for those reaching towards the millions, TimSort seems to be the best and most consistent sort. With all the datasets tested, TimSort shows the greatest consistency. However, when use sorting smaller datasets, especially those under 100 elements, a simpler algorithm is preferred. Insertion sort, despite being greatly inefficient with large datasets, is probably the best choice when it comes to the smaller sets. This is mainly due to its easy implementation. Nevertheless, all these algorithms have their strengths and weaknesses and most of the time the best choice might depend on the situation.


This project was completed entirely by Zachary Suzuki and Daniel Ryan for CS3353, Fundamentals of Algorithms taught by Dr. Fontenot.