- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #119 (@pre-commit-ci[bot] @smoia)
- @pre-commit-ci[bot]
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #114 (@pre-commit-ci[bot])
- @pre-commit-ci[bot]
- Snyk bot (@snyk-bot)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- fix: Make sure butterworth order is given (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- fix: Do not crawl tests folder when importing modules ([email protected])
- int: Update actions version ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia ([email protected])
- Fix bandpass Butterworth filter order to get a better filter, add option to change order in CLI #90 (@smoia)
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #88 (@pre-commit-ci[bot] @smoia)
- int: codespell happy (@smoia)
- Start adding a bunch of tests (@smoia)
- Wrong library ;) (@smoia)
- int: Add codespell (@smoia)
- int: update auto-release environment (@smoia)
- int: update python-publish environment (@smoia)
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #87 (@pre-commit-ci[bot])
- @pre-commit-ci[bot]
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Start adding a bunch of tests (@smoia)
- Wrong library ;) (@smoia)
- int: Add codespell (@smoia)
- int: update auto-release environment (@smoia)
- int: update python-publish environment (@smoia)
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #87 (@pre-commit-ci[bot])
- @pre-commit-ci[bot]
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Add option to add orthogonalised regressors in phys2cvr #84 (@smoia @pre-commit-ci[bot])
- int: Fix issue templates (@smoia)
- @pre-commit-ci[bot]
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #64 (@pre-commit-ci[bot])
- docs: Update developer installation (@smoia)
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #63 (@pre-commit-ci[bot])
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #62 (@pre-commit-ci[bot])
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #61 (@pre-commit-ci[bot])
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #59 (@pre-commit-ci[bot])
- @pre-commit-ci[bot]
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #58 (@pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Add colormaps to plot lag maps (and sneak in contributors updates) #56 (@smoia @pre-commit-ci[bot])
- @pre-commit-ci[bot]
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- docs: Fix badges and latest DOI (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- fix: force mask to be an ndarray of booleans in regression (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- fix: Fix plot of xcorr that was called even when skipping xcorr (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- fix: Fix nifti import and mask creation (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Enhance cross correlation to allow both regressor and reference to be shifted and consider max abs corr #48 (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Let signal be resampled over any axis of the input timeseries (default to first dimension) #47 (@smoia)
- docs: fix readme citations (@smoia)
- docs: update README with installation instruction and badges (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Change behaviour to create petco2hrf fmri proxy due to the SPC of average signal being more robust than average of SPC #46 ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Fix SPC computation by dividing by the transposed mean (not the matrix itself) #45 ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Fix if statement for skipping convolution #43 (@kristinazvolanek)
- Kristina Zvolanek (@kristinazvolanek)
- Fix workflow to estimate CVR from fMRI only #42 ([email protected] @smoia)
- smoia ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Force all empty matrices to be float32 #41 ([email protected] @smoia)
- smoia ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Remove second bulk shift estimation (doesn't make sense). #40 ([email protected] @smoia)
- smoia ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Include upper boundary of regression ranges (and add a legacy option for pythonic ranges). #39 ([email protected] @smoia)
- smoia ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Add mailmap to provide better "git shortlog -sn" #37 ([email protected] @smoia)
- smoia ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Fix lag regression and improve regression debugging options #36 ([email protected] @smoia)
- smoia ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:smoia/phys2cvr ([email protected])
- Add full import ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia ([email protected])
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, DeepSource Bot (@deepsourcebot), for all your work!
- Add .deepsource.toml (@deepsourcebot)
- DeepSource Bot (@deepsourcebot)
- Updated regression function #32 (@kristinazvolanek @smoia)
- Kristina Zvolanek (@kristinazvolanek)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Fix peak array loading for index purposes #28 (@kristinazvolanek)
- Kristina Zvolanek (@kristinazvolanek)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Extension check are case insensitive (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Allow to provide a mask to exclude voxels from the computations, and a separate ROI to use for Xcorr average signal (and lag correction) #26 (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, Kristina Zvolanek (@kristinazvolanek), for all your work!
- Fixed output regressor to be the optimally shifted version, rather than the original demeaned regressor #25 (@kristinazvolanek)
- Kristina Zvolanek (@kristinazvolanek)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Fix check_ext call in generating output name (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Fix
config file #20 (@smoia) - Add configuration files for CD, declare licence in all codefiles, update development status #19 (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Invert CLI behaviour for lagged regressors, improve workflow input parameters definition and check #16 (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Add workflows and templates (@smoia)
- Parser options all there. (@smoia)
- lag_step becomes 0.3 (@smoia)
- Rename lag variables (@smoia)
- Rename maxlag for coherence (@smoia)
- Force run_regression to be true if lagged_regression is! (@smoia)
- Remove unused parameter (@smoia)
- Start working that parser (@smoia)
- Fix relative lag background (@smoia)
- Minor text correction and transform comments into issues (@smoia)
- Signal percentage change the data outside of regression (@smoia)
- When co2 signal is not provided, force skip convolution (@smoia)
- Add relative lag export (@smoia)
- Reduce butter order to 1 (@smoia)
- Improve empty array creation, change lag variable names, change take command due to heavy memory load (@smoia)
- Fix f string (@smoia)
- Remove breakpoints (@smoia)
- Fix beta and tstat assignment (@smoia)
- Invert regr shift call and fix assignment of volumes after regression (@smoia)
- Close those plot (@smoia)
- Skip hrf plot (@smoia)
- Better try than have the doubt (@smoia)
- Fine shifts exist only if they exist (@smoia)
- Fix lagged regressor matrices shape (@smoia)
- Fix step (@smoia)
- Move output to right folder (@smoia)
- stats should be debugged. (@smoia)
- Correct regressors hstack (@smoia)
- Also say the right matrix! (@smoia)
- read denoising matrix, not its name (@smoia)
- Invert petco2hrf shifts matrix orientation (@smoia)
- Remember to add a plot of the xcorr with both xcorrs if two were used (@smoia)
- Shorter tp assignment (@smoia)
- join comes from paths... (@smoia)
- Fix func import (@smoia)
- Fix mask import and average of functional signal (@smoia)
- Boolean input variables as booleans rather than empty (@smoia)
- Fix general pre-installation stuff (@smoia)
- Fix authors (@smoia)
- DEBUG (@smoia)
- Add multiple denoise matrices (@smoia)
- If user specifies lag map, use it! (@smoia)
- stats.regression returns all lagged regressors in memory (@smoia)
- Update comments (@smoia)
- If no outdir is specified, make one in the functional input folder (@smoia)
- Log to log folder (skip code folder) (@smoia)
- Simplify input (@smoia)
- Update inputs accordingly (@smoia)
- Check dimension of confounders input (@smoia)
- Add R square computation (@smoia)
- Add possibility to skip convolution (e.g. if input is already petco2hrf) (@smoia)
- Add legendre and OLS regression (@smoia)
- Move everything related to statistical models to stats module (@smoia)
- Move signal related functions to signal module (@smoia)
- Move io function to their own module (@smoia)
- Remove extra main (@smoia)
- Remove nilearn and fix imports (@smoia)
- Start adding lagged regression - but it's totally untested. (@smoia)
- Update necessary libraries and import OLSModel (@smoia)
- Read phys files from peakdet! (@smoia)
- Remove save call from main workflow (@smoia)
- Less variables, more understanding (@smoia)
- Add support for gzipped tsv (@smoia)
- Load phys files (@smoia)
- Fix check extension (@smoia)
- Continue file import, add TR reading, Add filter application (@smoia)
- Start working on get_regressor (@smoia)
- Add a filter signal function (@smoia)
- Save bash call as a function not in main workflow (@smoia)
- Change scipy import (@smoia)
- Change author (@smoia)
- Add most of file import (@smoia)
- Clear up package (@smoia)
- Update contributors (@smoia)
- Add physiopy logo (@smoia)
- Add parser and main workflow (@smoia)
- Correct development status (@smoia)
- Add infra files (@smoia)
- Initial commit (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)