Spatial utility class. This class helps with converting between the different formats and is the home for some static helper methods.
Default spacial reference sytem id
proj4 definitions for SRIDs 4326, 3857 and 2193 are preconfigured. Use key value pairs of SRID to proj4 definition:
GIS::$projections = [
2193 => '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=173 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1600000 +y_0=10000000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs',
- key (int) is the SRID to be registered
- value (string) is the corresponding projection definition in proj4 format
GIS in explicit arrays form (see constructor)
GIS in ewkt form
GIS in wkt form
GIS'es srid
GIS'es type
GIS'es coordinates
Transforms a geometry from array to EWKT representation
- $value (mixed) geo value in one of these forms:
- Instance of the geo type Geometry
- Instance of the geo type Geography
- Instance of GIS
- WKT string (Well Known Text), e.g. "POINT(173 -43)"
- EWKT string (extended Well Known Text), e.g. "SRID=4326;POINT(173 -43)"
- Coordinates array (nested arrays of coordinate tuples), e.g. [173 -43], SRID defaults to the default, type will be inferred from structure
- Explicit arrays that define SRID, type and coordinates, e.g. ['srid' => 4326, 'type'='Point', 'coordinates' => [173 -43]]
Returns the EWKT representation of the given array
Returns the distance between geometries
- $geo (mixed) geo in any of the supported forms
Returns the distance between the supplied geos in the projections unit (e.g. m, km or degrees)
Returns the name of the geometry property of the given DataObject class, be that the one configured through the DataObject's $default_geo_field or the first one that is found in the list of db fields.
- $dataObjectClass (string) DataObject class name
Returns the DataObject classes preferred geo field as a string or null if none can be found
Re-projects a geometry
- $toSrid (int) SRID to reproject to
Returns the reprojected GIS