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cd690fb · Mar 31, 2019


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File metadata and controls

89 lines (51 loc) · 2.51 KB


Spatial utility class. This class helps with converting between the different formats and is the home for some static helper methods.


private static GIS::$default_srid = int

Default spacial reference sytem id

private static GIS::$projections = array

proj4 definitions for SRIDs 4326, 3857 and 2193 are preconfigured. Use key value pairs of SRID to proj4 definition:

GIS::$projections = [
    2193 => '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=173 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1600000 +y_0=10000000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs',
  • key (int) is the SRID to be registered
  • value (string) is the corresponding projection definition in proj4 format


public GIS::array

GIS in explicit arrays form (see constructor)

public GIS::ewkt

GIS in ewkt form

public GIS::wkt

GIS in wkt form

public GIS::srid

GIS'es srid

public GIS::type

GIS'es type

public GIS::coordinates

GIS'es coordinates


public function GIS::__construct($value) : GIS

Transforms a geometry from array to EWKT representation

  • $value (mixed) geo value in one of these forms:
    • Instance of the geo type Geometry
    • Instance of the geo type Geography
    • Instance of GIS
    • WKT string (Well Known Text), e.g. "POINT(173 -43)"
    • EWKT string (extended Well Known Text), e.g. "SRID=4326;POINT(173 -43)"
    • Coordinates array (nested arrays of coordinate tuples), e.g. [173 -43], SRID defaults to the default, type will be inferred from structure
    • Explicit arrays that define SRID, type and coordinates, e.g. ['srid' => 4326, 'type'='Point', 'coordinates' => [173 -43]]

Returns the EWKT representation of the given array

public function GIS::distance($geo) : float

Returns the distance between geometries

  • $geo (mixed) geo in any of the supported forms

Returns the distance between the supplied geos in the projections unit (e.g. m, km or degrees)

public static function GIS::of($dataObjectClass) : mixed

Returns the name of the geometry property of the given DataObject class, be that the one configured through the DataObject's $default_geo_field or the first one that is found in the list of db fields.

  • $dataObjectClass (string) DataObject class name

Returns the DataObject classes preferred geo field as a string or null if none can be found

public static function GIS::reproject($toSrid = 4326) : GIS

Re-projects a geometry

  • $toSrid (int) SRID to reproject to

Returns the reprojected GIS