- iOS 13 and above
- Xcode 14 and above
We zip the SmileIDSecurity library before we upload it. As such, to run the cocoapods linting on your device you need to install the following software packages:
brew install unzip
The following workflow are triggered by manual dispatch.
We use github actions to release the SmileIDSecurity library to SPM. SPM is self-hosted within this github repository and the job publish-spm
in .github/workflows/publish-framework.yml updates the Package.swift url with the new release and computes the checksum using
swift package compute-checksum
We use github actions to release the SmileIDSecurity library to Cocoapods. Cocapods hosts the library in their trunk repository and the job publish-cocoapods
in .github/workflows/publish-framework.yml publish the library to cocoapods.
Cocoapods requires a setup to prove ownership of the library's author's associated email address. This setup must be done on your computer by executing the following commands:
pod trunk register '[email protected]' 'Your Name'
You'll receive a verification email to your email address which you need to confirm. Then you can run the following command to extract the COCOAPODS_TRUNK_TOKEN
grep -A2 'trunk.cocoapods.org' ~/.netrc
You'll see the following:
machine trunk.cocoapods.org
login <[email protected]>
Copy the COCOAPODS_TRUNK_TOKEN and upload it to the github repository secrets.