This repo contains all the code required to run the Smile Identity SDK. The project folder structure is described below.
- A sample app that demonstrates the SDKs featuresSources
- Contains all UI, CV and networking source codeTests
- Unit tests for the SDK business logic
We use mint
for running swift command line tool packages.
We use rake
for task automation.
- iOS 13 or higher
- Xcode 14 or higher
Then get certs and profiles:
bundle exec fastlane run get_certificates
bundle exec fastlane match development --readonly
bundle exec fastlane match appstore --readonly
export SENTRY_DSN='your_sentry_dsn'
Run the following command to install the required variable for use in the example app
bundle exec arkana -c .arkana.yml -l swift
bundle exec rake test:package
bundle exec rake test:package
bundle exec rake test:example
secret is created by running
echo -n smileidentity:your_personal_access_token | base64
is the fine-grained personal access token created that has permissions
to the smileidentity/ios-certificates
A new token can be obtained at
To ensure our project maintains high-quality standards and consistency across contributions, we leverage the pre-commit
framework for automated code formatting and quality checks. This tool helps us enforce coding standards, perform syntax checks, and automatically format code according to predefined rules before commits are made, reducing the need for manual code review for stylistic concerns.
: To get started, you need to havepre-commit
installed on your local machine. You can install it using Homebrew (for macOS users), pip (for Python users), or another method detailed in the official pre-commit installation guide.# Using Homebrew brew install pre-commit # Using pip pip install pre-commit
Install the Pre-commit Hooks: Navigate to the root of the cloned repository and install the pre-commit hooks defined in our
file:pre-commit install
This setup process ensures that the pre-commit hooks are triggered automatically before each commit, applying code formatting and running any configured checks.
When contributing code to the project, please ensure your contributions adhere to the formatting standards and quality checks enforced by our pre-commit hooks. Here's what you need to know:
- pre-commit hook It is recommended to set up a pre-commit hook (SwiftFormat - formatting, SwiftLint - swift lints). To
do so, add the following to
this will lint, format as well as detect additions or deletion of SDK only swift files which is essential to keep the project files in sync since we use the sample app/cocoapods for primary development and this may affect carthage releases if files are not in sync
RUBY_SCRIPT_PATH="./Scripts/update_compile_sources.rb" swift_files_added_removed=false xcodeproj_modified=false
if git diff --cached --name-status | grep -E '^[AD][[:space:]]Sources/.*.swift$'; then swift_files_added_removed=true fi
if git diff --cached --name-only | grep -e 'SmileID.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj$'; then xcodeproj_modified=true fi
STAGED_SWIFT_FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR | grep '.swift$')
echo "Automatically running SwiftFormat on all staged Swift files..." echo $STAGED_SWIFT_FILES | xargs swiftformat
if [ -z "$STAGED_SWIFT_FILES" ]; then exit 0 fi
echo "Running SwiftLint..." SWIFTLINT_FAILED=0 for FILE in $STAGED_SWIFT_FILES; do swiftlint lint --quiet --path "$FILE" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then SWIFTLINT_FAILED=1 fi done
if [ $SWIFTLINT_FAILED -ne 0 ]; then echo "Swift files formatted with SwiftFormat and added to staging"
exit 1 fi
if [ "$swift_files_added_removed" = true ] && [ "$xcodeproj_modified" = true ]; then
echo "Added Swift files and modified .xcodeproj found."
exit 0
elif [ "$swift_files_added_removed" = true ]; then
# Update the XCode project file
echo "Added Swift files found, but .xcodeproj is not modified, Adding to xcode project file."
exit 0
- **Manual Checks**: In case linting checks fail, you'll need to review the changes, stage them, and commit again. This might include running `git add` for any automatically formatted files or making manual adjustments as suggested by the pre-commit checks.
### Further Reading and Resources
- **[SwiftLint GitHub Repository](**: Explore Swiftlint to learn more about enforcing Swift styles and conventions.
- **[SwiftFormat GitHub Repository](**: Explore SwiftFormat for comprehensive Swift code formatting rules and configurations.