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130 lines (98 loc) · 5.8 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (98 loc) · 5.8 KB


This repo encompasses everything necessary for the Smile ID Android SDK. It is a multi-module project consisting of the following modules:

  • lib - The SDK distributed to partners
  • sample - a sample app that demonstrates SDK integration and showcases Smile ID products


  • JDK 17+
  • Android Studio 2022.2.1 (Flamingo) or higher
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0 or higher
  • Android SDK 34
  • Add SENTRY_DSN=<Android project Sentry DSN from Sentry Portal> to ~/.gradle/
  • Add smile_config.json to the Sample App's assets (sample/src/main/assets)


  • ./gradlew build - builds, lints, and tests all modules

Linting and Formatting

We use ktlint via this plugin to enforce Kotlin code style.

To run the linter, run ./gradlew ktlintCheck. To run the formatter, run ./gradlew ktlintFormat

ktLint uses the .editorconfig file to enforce code style. In addition, the codeStyles found in .idea/codeStyles are used by Android Studio to enforce the code style (


Generally speaking, releases should be performed by workflow dispatch. This will push a tag and create a GitHub Release and publish to Maven Central. The SDK version is determined by the version variable in lib/lib.gradle.kts

That variable's value will be the VERSION_NAME Gradle Property, if defined, or the lib/VERSION file otherwise.

Versions ending in -SNAPSHOT will be published to Sonatype's snapshot repository

Otherwise, the version will be released as a production build to Maven Central. Note that it can take up to 30 minutes for a production release to sync with Maven Central.

To publish, run the command ./gradlew publish

Manual publishing requires setup:

Create a Sonatype Account

  1. Visit and Sign Up
  2. Request access to the com.smileidentity Group ID by commenting on this JIRA Issue: Alternatively, create a new JIRA Issue

Generate a GPG Key Pair

Follow the instructions at The summary is:

  1. Install GPG
  2. Generate a GPG Key (gpg —-gen-key)
  3. List the generated key and determine the Key ID (gpg --list-keys --keyid-format LONG)
  4. Distribute the public key to a well-known keyserver (gpg --keyserver --send-keys KEY_ID)
  5. Verify key was distributed (gpg --keyserver --search-key KEY_ID)

Configure Play Store Upload Keystore

The upload keystore lives in 1Password. It is named Play Store Upload Keystore. Download this file and save it to sample/upload.jks.

It is also stored in this project as a Base64 encoded secret for use by GitHub Actions.

Configure Gradle Properties

Add the following properties to ~/.gradle/

# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" for whole file
mavenCentralUsername=<Your Maven Central Username>
mavenCentralPassword=<Your Maven Central Password>
signing.keyId=<Your GPG Key ID>
signing.password=<Your GPG Key Password>
signing.secretKeyRingFile=<Your GPG Keyring path (e.g. ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg)>
uploadKeystorePassword=<The password for the upload keystore>

Other Notes

  • When adding new resources, please use the si_ prefix to avoid conflicts with other libraries and applications
  • When adding drawables, please compress them as much as possible ( is a good resource for this) as well as avocado (npm install -g avocado) for compressing android vector drawables
  • When adding vector drawables, please check that evenOdd fillType is not used unnecessarily. Using evenOdd causes build time png generation, because evenOdd requires API 24 (our minSdk is 21)
  • Any new developer should add themselves to the the developers block in lib/lib.gradle.kts
  • The linter enforces a maximum line length of 100 characters. Please try to keep lines under this length. However, if it is not possible (i.e. a long resource name), you can disable the check for the line by adding // ktlint-disable max-line-length to the end of the line
  • You can obtain Compose Compiler metrics (i.e. to debug performance or recomposition issues) by viewing the reports saved to lib/build/compose_compiler and sample/build/compose_compiler
  • It is recommended to set up a pre-commit hook (ktLint - formatting, lint - Composable lints). To do so, add the following to .git/hooks/pre-commit:
    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    echo "Running pre-commit hook"
    ./gradlew ktlintCheck lint --daemon
    [ $STATUS -ne 0 ] && echo "Lint failed. Run ./gradlew ktlintFormat and check IDE lints" && exit 1
    echo "Lint passed"


  • Q: Why are source sets are located in $module/src/main/java, even though we're using Kotlin?
    • A: To simplify configuration. $module/src/main/kotlin would require custom build setup. And at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. Kotlin files can go in java just fine
  • Q: Why can't I see coverage info inside Android Studio?
  • Q: How come I can't preview Markdown files within Android Studio?