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Alberto Rodriguez edited this page Nov 26, 2015 · 7 revisions

Live Charts

  • MVVM Charting, Support for WPF Binding, All charts update when data changes.
  • Good looking, animated and easy to customize charts, you can practically change all properties.
  • Easy to maintain and create new charts, as you can see in the source code, some charts have almost no code.
  • Supports zooming and panning.
  • MIT License, permissive licensing.

I decided to start this because current open source alternatives were not exactly what I needed. The best options I could find were:

  • Oxy plot: It's really good, open source, has a nice documentation but its hard to customize, I downloaded the library and the first thing I wanted to change was Axis color and I after some hours of trying I couldn't, another good point is that is support Silverlight, WP8, Andorid, IOS, Mac, but at the same time that makes Oxyplot really hard to mantain. We deserve a specialized library for .net
  • Modern UI Charts It was almost what I was looking for except for some details, it does not have simple line charts and licensing is not so permissive, I’m not a lawyer but it does not seems to friendly for commercial use.
  • Now if you Google it you will surely arrive to this Stackoverflow question, but that question is closed and the newest answer was at May 2013. So most of answers are out of date.
  • The last option pay for a charting library. Really? Is this that an option? How can someone charge you any amount of money for some thousands of lines, we should build our own.
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