First release:
- Use TOML instead of YAML
- free MIDI bindings
- add support for drag-controlled vsts
- fix bug: drag moves the pointer
- respect default speeds
- implement click
- auto-connect MIDI
- make image analysis available in GUI
- remove yaml
- logo
- warn user when no instruments are configured
- fix: ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
- rename controllers to controls
- windows version ( ?)
- x istrument(s) configured
- fix bug (win32): .png files not shown
- allow for markers in any shape, not just rectangles
- fix: wheel control has low resoluion (fix by removing)
- reload config button / automatic reload
- pick from multiple windows
- control settings: time_resolution etc
- show nice config error messages, handle gracefully
- license
- Sign mac release with developer id
- Installer for win32
- use pyinstaller also for mac
- ci
- Self-sign windows application
- fix huge build for mac
- github: remove that "deployments" (environments) thingy
- icon for windows
- fix bug: app doesn't close
- new icon
- new version available check
- write documentation
- create video