This document introduces how to join the mainnet of smartBCH as a validator node.
Before you start, you must have a trusted server running bitcoincashnode's client with RPC enabled. The executable smartbchd
will connect to it for querying staking information.
Running the steps of this document.
cp ~/smart_bch/smartbch/smartbchd ~/build/smartbchd
cd ~
rm -rf .smartbchd
~/build/smartbchd init mynode --chain-id 0x2710
tar zxvf dot.smartbchd.tgz
cp -rf dot.smartbchd/* .smartbchd/
Running step 1 and step 2 of this doc to generate validator key and consensus pubkey.
Then, copy the priv_validator_key.json to work directory by running command below:
cp ./priv_validator_key.json ~/.smartbchd/config/
Open the ~/.smartbchd/config/app.toml
file to modify the information of the bitcoincashnode's client with RPC enabled.
# BCH mainnet rpc url
mainnet-rpc-url = "http://ip-address:8332"
# BCH mainnet rpc username
mainnet-rpc-username = "<my user name>"
# BCH mainnet rpc password
mainnet-rpc-password = "<my password>"
cd ~/build
./smartbchd start --mainnet-genesis-height=698502
Using validator private key and consensus pubkey generated in step 3 to build command below:
./smartbchd staking \
--validator-key=<your validator private key> \
--staking-coin=1 \
--consensus-pubkey=<your consensus pub key> \
--introduction=<your validator introduction> \
--type=create \
--nonce=0 \
--gas-price=1250000000 \
This command generate createValidator tx raw data, send it in step 8 below.
Get some BCH from some one has BCH in smartBCH already to your validator account. To check your account balance like this.
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBalance","params":["<your validator account address>","latest"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Please follow step 1, 2 of this doc.
Connect someone running an BCH mainnet minner to vote for you.