Only tested on a P1S. I would expect it to work for a p1p camera. I would not expect this to work on an X1/X1C - the codecs are different and I don't believe that local network streaming is enabled.
Built and tested on Debian 12 / amd64. Other platforms may not work.
Derived from does most of the work.
This section is for the TL;DR approach.
This is an example on how to get the stack running ASAP. In this example we use Podman (as the more secure Docker replacement), Debian / Ubuntu and Chromium.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install podman
git clone
cd BambuP1Streamer
podman build -t bambu_p1_streamer .
podman run --name bambu_p1_streamer -p 1984:1984 -e PRINTER_ADDRESS= -e PRINTER_ACCESS_CODE=24952313 localhost/bambu_p1_streamer
open http://localhost:1984
This section is going through all the steps manually one by one.
Bambu Studio Proprietary Plugin Library
chmod a+x go2rtc_linux_amd64
replace podman
with docker
if that's what you're running.
podman run --rm -v $(pwd):/work gcc /work/src/BambuP1Streamer.cpp -o /work/BambuP1Streamer
podman build -t bambu_p1_streamer .
Plug in the right values for the environment variables
podman run -d --name bambu_p1_streamer -p 1984:1984 -e PRINTER_ADDRESS= -e PRINTER_ACCESS_CODE=12345678 bambu_p1_streamer
go2rtc has a unique feature for "mjpeg-over-websocket" that may demonstrate lower latency and better control than a regular MJPEG image in a browser. This however will require creating a custom player (TODO) to leverage, but could better emulate a video control.
WebSocket url:
WebSocket pseudo-code:
1) connect to websocket
2) send 'mjpeg'
3) receive 'mjpeg'
4) receive binary messages with each frame
update displayed impage with received data (data/base64 url)
5) disconnect web socket to stop
This error on the containers output seems to occur when the PRINTER_ADDRESS destination is somehow unreachable.
This error on the containers output seems to occur when the PRINTER_ACCESS_CODE is not correct.
Harmless errors on http://localhost:1984/stream.html?src=p1s
Sometimes a few error messages appear before the stream starts. One would just wait a few more seconds.