- COVID Global
- US Protests
- Australia Wildfires
- Most recent datapoint for Mars Curiosity Rover
- California Wildfires
- Oregon and Washington fires
Air quality in US for wildfires
Recreate this timeslider map of sea ice over the last 40 years: https://slutske22.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=de0ab55763fc44e795cf4289e369a8da also reference the arcgis sea ice aware web app, as its awesome
focus on voter turnout as a measure of population's disengagement, rather than actual election results
US protests map Europe / Global protests
Locust Swarms Across Africa Hurricanes and Cyclones in southeast USA in late Summer Explosion in Lebanon Drop in census for animal shelters State of NASA plans to return to moon in 2024, in 2020