diff --git a/examples/bottom_navigation_riverpod/README.md b/examples/bottom_navigation_riverpod/README.md
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+# Bottom Navigation with Riverpod
+Includes multiple meamers, global login guard, and persistent navigation
+state using Riverpod.
+## Usage
+Run `flutter create .` to generate all necessary files, if needed.
+## What does this example demonstrate?
+* Two independent nested routers, using two Beamers. When you switch between
+ two bars back and forth the navigation state in each of them is preserved.
+ You can also navigate independently in both of them.
+* Global login guard. When BeamerGuard detects that the person is not signed
+ in, then it redirects the user to LoginScreen and won't let you use the app
+ unless you sing in. The sign in state might be changed at any moment
+ through authentication provider.
+* Navigation state is preserved between application launches. Both Books and
+ Articles screens remember their last location. The app remembers its
+ overall last location. Once you restart the app, it restores everything
+ just where you left it.
+## How example code is structured?
+1. `DATA`: Similarly to other examples, these variables hold fake book data.
+1. `SCREENS`: 5 simple widgets that represent parts of the app.
+1. `LOCATIONS`: Two main beamer locations for this app.
+1. `REPOSITORIES`: Classes to manipulate underlying data sources (the idea
+ is similar to the **Flutter + Riverpod reference architecture**
+ [described by Code with Andrea](https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flutter-app-architecture-riverpod-introduction/)).
+ In this example we store and retrieve data from shared preferences.
+1. `CONTROLLERS`: State classes through which Widgets manipulate state and
+ receive updates when state changes.
+1. `PROVIDERS`: Riverpod based providers for repositories and controllers.
+1. `APP`: Stateful Widget with a bottom navigation bar.
+1. `main()`: Main function that initializes provider scope and creates
+ MaterialApp.
+## How does it work?
+First of all, bottom navigation bar index in the `AppScreen` stateful widget
+is what determines which screen user currently sees: Books or Articles.
+The screen themselves are put into an `IndexedStack` within `AppScreen`.
+The value of the bottom navigation bar index changes in response to the
+current router location change. For example, when we navigate within the
+app or if user puts a new URL into a browser. In order to detect each time
+the current routing location changes and react correspondigly, we rely on
+`didChangeDependencies()` function overload within our stateful `AppScreen`
+widget. It works, because `AppScreen` depends on root `BeamerDelegate` in its
+`build()` function. So, whenever Beamer updates and notifies its children,
+the `didChangeDependencies()` function gets called.
+Another place where bottom navigation bar index changes is during `onTap()`
+invoked when user taps on one of the bottom navigation bar items. We simply
+change the state of the `AppScreen` widget through `setState()` and then
+call `BeamerDelegate.update(rebuild: false)` function on the router we
+are navigating to, either Books or Articles one in our case.
+Root `BeamerDelegate` defines just two routes: `/home/*` and `/login`. This
+is done in order to allow global `BeamGuard` check within this root router
+delegate to work. It is configured to invoke the check on any route that does
+not match the `/login` route. It then reads the authentication state provider
+to figure out if the user is signed in. If user is signed out or becomes
+signed out, the `BeamGuard` forceflly beams us to the `/login` page.
+In order to allow root `BeamerDelegate` to access riverpod provider values
+we define it in the scope of `main()` function, where we also initialize
+`ProviderContainer`. This is a rather unorthodox method of using Riverpod.
+But it allows us to read provider values outside of BuildContext. This is
+exactly what we do by reading the value of authentication state provider when
+configuring the `BeamGuard`.
+To remember the last location of the app, we store 3 values within the
+navigation state provider: `booksLocation`, `articlesLocation`, and
+`lastLocation`. The first one stores the last known location within the Books
+screen. The second one does the same for the Articles screen. And finally,
+the last one stores the last known location irrespective of which screen
+we are on, books or articles. All three of this values need to be updated
+every time we navigate. This is done by defining a `routeListener` function
+within the root `BeamerDelegate` that gets called each time app location
+changes. And every time it does, new value is stored in the navigation state
+provider, which through repository ensures that this information is also
+written into the shared settings.
+The last piece of the puzzle is to load the last known location, when we
+restart the app or sign out and sign in again. The latter is easier to
+implement, because we just need to read the last known location from the
+provider inside the `onPressed()` function of login button and then beam
+to that location. The former, however, proves to be much more problematic.
+The issue here is that we have no way of passing the provider value to the
+nested children `BeamerDelegate`s. They have to be defined within the
+`AppScreenState` class. We cannot define them globally or within the `main()`
+function, because then we have conflicting `GlobalKey`s for Navigator state.
+We also cannot define them within the `AppScreen` class itself. They have to
+be inside the `AppScreenState` in order for everything, including hot-reload,
+to work. Unfortunately, the only way to achieve that is to define a state
+constuctor, which is a very unrecommended practive. We pass last known
+locations to the state as constructor arguments. This way, when application
+reloads it continues off the same place we left it. And even better, the
+locations of both of the screens are preserved the way we left them.
+## Demo sequence
+1. Open app → Login screen is shown
+1. Try to navigate to /home/books → Stays on Login screen
+1. Sign in → Goes to Books screen (default location)
+1. Select second book → Opens "Foundation" book
+1. Click back button in top left corner → Goes back to Books screen
+1. Select third book → Opens "Fahrenheit 451" book
+1. Choose Articles tab → Goes to Articles screen
+1. Select second article → Opens "Flutter Navigator 2.0..." article
+1. Click browser's back button → Goes back to Articles screen
+1. Click browser's back button again → Goes back to "Fahrenheit 451" book
+1. Click browser's forward button → Goes back to Articles screen
+1. Clibk browser's forward button again → Returns to "Flutter Navigator
+ 2.0..." article
+1. Type first book into browser /home/books/1 → Goes to "Stranger in a
+ Strange Land" book
+1. Switch between two tabs to show state preservation → Both screen keep
+ the same state
+1. Switch to Articles screen before signing out → Goes to Articles screen
+1. Sign out → Login screen is shown
+1. Sign in again → Last open screen (Articles) is shown
+1. Switch between two tabs to show state preservation → Tabs keep state
+1. Reload app completely → App starts with the same state
+1. Switch between two tabs to show state preservation → Tabs keep state
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/bottom_navigation_riverpod/example-bottom-navigation-riverpod.gif differ
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+++ b/examples/bottom_navigation_riverpod/lib/main.dart
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+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:beamer/beamer.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
+// DATA
+const List