Look in the issue tracker for your issue. If it isn't already there, feel free to create one.
Bugs should include steps to reproduce. If you can, please link to a branch with a failing test.
Feel free to take on issues in the issue tracker. If you don't know what to work on, issues are prioritized on the project board.
Then fork the repo and make a pull-request when you're ready! In-progress PRs are encouraged.
– language implementation./gallium-live
– web based live coding environment./gallium-relay
- experimental server for collaboration
The following commands run in the root of the repo:
- yarn 1.3.2
- node v8.7.0
Install package dependencies:
Build packages:
yarn build
To run all checks:
yarn check-all
To start a local development server for gallium.live:
yarn start
A useful shell one-liner that checks your code as it changes. Uses ag and entr:
ag -l | grep '.js' | entr -cdrs 'yarn flow && yarn test && yarn format'