is a Meetup-like site for planning and joining board-gaming events. It has a Rails back-end API and uses Backbone on the front-end. It connects to an external XML API from to populate its database of games and uses the Google Maps API and Geocoder for hosts to select locations.
- Use the live site OR
- Clone or Extract ZIP for this repo
- Run rake db:create
- Push to heroku or the host of your choice
- Cannot make AJAX requests for external XML data because of the same-origin rule - this must be done on the backend with Ruby.
- Parsing XML data with XPATH & CSS queries
- Create a RESTful JSON API that does not leak protected user data.
- Restrict Google location queries just to the city the user has selected.
- Ruby
- JavaScript
- Rails 4
- Backbone.js
- Underscore
- jQuery
- PostgreSQL
- pg_search gem
- BCrypt
- rest-client gem (for requests to external XML API)
- Nokogiri (for parsing XML)
- jbuilder
- New Relic
- Heroku
- AWS S3
- Figaro
- Paperclip
- Combodate
- Moment