layout | title | lang |
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Bolt Basics |
en |
Bolt for Java is a framework on the JVM that offers an abstraction layer to build Slack apps quickly using modern platform features.
This guide covers all the basics of Bolt app development. If you're not yet familiar with Slack app development in general, we recommend reading An introduction to Slack apps.
The App class is a place to write only essential parts of your Slack app without being bothered by trifles.
The code configuring an App instance mainly consists of the ways to respond to incoming events from Slack such as user actions, command invocations, requests to load options in select menus, and any events you subscribe to in the Events API.
import com.slack.api.bolt.App;
App app = new App();
app.command("/echo", (req, ctx) -> {
return ctx.ack(req.getText());
Here is the list of the available methods to dispatch events.
Method | Constraints (value: type) | Description |
app.event | event type: Class<Event> | [Events API]({{ site.url |
app.message | keyword: String | Pattern | [Events API]({{ site.url |
app.command | command name: String | Pattern | [Slash Commands]({{ site.url |
app.blockAction | action_id: String | Pattern | [Interactive Components]({{ site.url |
app.blockSuggestion | action_id: String | Pattern | [Interactive Components]({{ site.url |
app.viewSubmission | callback_id: String | Pattern | [Modals]({{ site.url |
app.viewClosed | callback_id: String | Pattern | [Modals]({{ site.url |
app.globalShortcut | callback_id: String | Pattern | [Shortcuts]({{ site.url |
app.messageShortcut | callback_id: String | Pattern | [Shortcuts]({{ site.url |
app.dialogSubmission | callback_id: String | Pattern | Dialogs: Responds to data submissions in dialogs. |
app.dialogSuggestion | callback_id: String | Pattern | Dialogs: Responds to requests to load options for "external" typed select menus in dialogs. |
app.dialogCancellation | callback_id String | Pattern | Dialogs: Responds to the events where users close dialogs by clicking Cancel buttons. |
app.attachmentAction | callback_id: String | Pattern | Legacy Messaging: Responds to user actions in attachments. These events can be triggered in only messages. |
On these guide pages, you'll find a more concrete example code for each.
- [Slash Commands]({{ site.url | append: site.baseurl }}/guides/slash-commands)
- [Interactive Components]({{ site.url | append: site.baseurl }}/guides/interactive-components)
- [Modals]({{ site.url | append: site.baseurl }}/guides/modals)
- [Shortcuts]({{ site.url | append: site.baseurl }}/guides/shortcuts)
- [App Home]({{ site.url | append: site.baseurl }}/guides/app-home)
- [Events API]({{ site.url | append: site.baseurl }}/guides/events-api)
- [App Distribution (OAuth Flow)]({{ site.url | append: site.baseurl }}/guides/app-distribution)
Actions, commands, and options events must always be acknowledged using the ack()
method. All such utility methods are available as the instance methods of a Context object.
app.command("/hello", (req, ctx) -> { // ctx: Context
return ctx.ack(); // empty body, that means your bot won't post a reply this time
If your app replies to a user action, you can pass a message text to the ack()
app.command("/ping", (req, ctx) -> {
return ctx.ack(":wave: pong");
It's also possible to use Block Kit to make messages more interactive.
import static com.slack.api.model.block.Blocks.*;
import static com.slack.api.model.block.composition.BlockCompositions.*;
import static com.slack.api.model.block.element.BlockElements.*;
app.command("/ping", (req, ctx) -> {
return ctx.ack(asBlocks(
section(section -> section.text(markdownText(":wave: pong"))),
actions(actions -> actions
button(b -> b.actionId("ping-again").text(plainText(pt -> pt.text("Ping"))).value("ping"))
By default, the reply will be sent as an ephemeral message. To send a message visible to everyone, use "in_channel"
app.command("/ping", (req, ctx) -> {
return ctx.ack(res -> res.responseType("in_channel").text(":wave: pong"));
Are you already familiar with response_url
? If not, we recommend reading this guide first.
As the guide says, some of the user interaction payloads may contain a response_url
. This response_url
is unique to each payload, and can be used to publish messages back to the place where the interaction happened.
Similarly to ack()
above, the Context object offers respond()
method for easily taking advantage of response_url
import com.slack.api.webhook.WebhookResponse;
app.command("/hello", (req, ctx) -> {
// Post a message via response_url
WebhookResponse result = ctx.respond(res -> res
.responseType("ephemeral") // or "in_channnel"
.text("Hi there!") // blocks, attachments are also available
return ctx.ack(); // ack() here doesn't post a message
When you need to call some Slack Web APIs in Bolt apps, use ctx.client()
for it. The MethodsClient created by the method already holds a valid bot token. So, you don't need to give a token to it. Just calling a method with parameters as below works for you.
app.command("/hello", (req, ctx) -> {
// ctx.client() holds a valid bot token
ChatPostMessageResponse response = ctx.client().chatPostMessage(r -> r
.text(":wave: How are you?")
return ctx.ack();
For chat.postMessage API calls with the given channel ID, using say()
utility is much simpler.
app.command("/hello", (req, ctx) -> {
ChatPostMessageResponse response = ctx.say(":wave: How are you?");
return ctx.ack();
In the case to use a user token over a bot token, overwriting the token by giving a user token as an argument works.
app.command("/my-search", (req, ctx) -> {
String query = req.getPayload().getText();
if (query == null || query.trim().length() == 0) {
return ctx.ack("Please give some query.");
String userToken = ctx.getRequestUserToken(); // enabling InstallationService required
if (userToken != null) {
SearchMessagesResponse response = ctx.client().searchMessages(r -> r
.token(userToken) // Overwrite underlying bot token with the given user token
if (response.isOk()) {
String reply = response.getMessages().getTotal() + " results found for " + query;
return ctx.ack(reply);
} else {
String reply = "Failed to search by " + query + " (error: " + response.getError() + ")";
return ctx.ack(reply);
} else {
return ctx.ack("Please allow this Slack app to run search queries for you.");
You can access SLF4J logger in Context objects.
app.command("/weather", (req, ctx) -> {
String keyword = req.getPayload().getText();
String userId = req.getPayload().getUserId();"Weather search by keyword: {} for user: {}", keyword, userId);
return ctx.ack(weatherService.find(keyword).toMessage());
If you use the ch.qos.logback:logback-classic library as the implementation of the APIs, you can configure the settings by logback.xml etc.
<appender name="default" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%date %level [%thread] %logger{64} %msg%n</pattern>
<root level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="default"/>
Bolt offers chaining middleware supports. You can customize App behavior by weaving a kind of filter to all events.
Here is an example demonstrating how it works. The middleware changes your app's behavior in error patterns only when SLACK_APP_DEBUG_MODE
env variable exists.
import com.slack.api.bolt.App;
import com.slack.api.bolt.response.Response;
import com.slack.api.bolt.util.JsonOps;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static;
class DebugResponseBody {
String responseType; // ephemeral, in_channel
String text;
String debugMode = System.getenv("SLACK_APP_DEBUG_MODE");
App app = new App();
if (debugMode != null && debugMode.equals("1")) { // enable only when SLACK_APP_DEBUG_MODE=1
app.use((req, _resp, chain) -> {
Response resp =;
if (resp.getStatusCode() != 200) {
resp.getHeaders().put("content-type", Arrays.asList(resp.getContentType()));
// dump all the headers as a single string
String headers = resp.getHeaders().entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> e.getKey() + ": " + e.getValue() + "\n").collect(joining());
// set an ephemeral message with useful information
DebugResponseBody body = new DebugResponseBody();
body.responseType = "ephemeral";
body.text =
":warning: *[DEBUG MODE] Something is technically wrong* :warning:\n" +
"Below is a response the Slack app was going to send...\n" +
"*Status Code*: " + resp.getStatusCode() + "\n" +
"*Headers*: ```" + headers + "```" + "\n" +
"*Body*: ```" + resp.getBody() + "```";
return resp;
The middleware transforms an unsuccessful response such as 404 Not Found to a 200 OK response with an ephemeral message that tells useful information for debugging.
A set of the built-in middleware precedes your custom middleware. So, if the app detects something in built-in ones and stops calling
, succeeding ones won't be executed.
The most common would be the case where a request has been denied by RequestVerification middleware. After the denial, any middleware won't be executed, so that the above middleware also doesn't work for the case.
Refer to [this page]({{ site.url | append: site.baseurl }}/guides/supported-web-frameworks) for more details.
We're planning to have some guide documents for deployments.