Implementation of Merkle Tree in Rust.
It allows building the Merkle Tree and proof an inclusion of data. This is rather a project I started learning Rust with so don't expect much on it. It uses SHA256 only for the sake of simplicity.
In order to use library put this line in your Cargo.toml under the [dependencies] section:
merkle_simple = "0.1.0"
The library itself written in a way of having as less dependencies as possible and relies on the "crypto-hash" only.
In order to put your data sctructure into a tree you should make this structure inplement the Hashable trait.
extern crate merkle_simple;
use merkle_simple::{MerkleTree, Hashable};
// Prepare data. The Hashable trait is already implemented for String
let data = vec![format!("one"), format!("two"), format!("three"), format!("four")];
// Create Merkle Tree
let tree = MerkleTree::from_vector(data).unwrap();
How to get incliusion proof of data in the tree:
let data_to_check = format!("two");
let proof = tree.get_proof(data_to_check);
And validate the proof:
// Considering we've got Proof as Option
let result = proof.unwrap().validate(tree.root_hash());
- Sergey Kletsun
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details