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Model Application Persistence using EF Core

Module 3


A repository can be a great way to encapsalate queries to your database. A repository layer allows you to give meaningful names to complicated queries. It's also a good way to demonstrate dependency injection and unit testing which is why we are doing it here.

I also took the opportunity to separate the projects. Instead of each project living inside of the web api, the data access layer has been removed and placed into it's own project.


Holds the application layer. This is the project with the "Main" component. Notice also that this project no longer needs to reference EntitiyFrameworkCore! This means all of our database access logic is contained in another project.

The Main component is the ultimate detail—the lowest-level policy. It is the initial entry point of the system. Nothing, other than the operating system, depends on it. Its job is to create all the Factories, Strategies, and other global facilities, and then hand control over to the high-level abstract portions of the system.

It is in this Main component that dependencies should be injected by a Dependency Injection framework. Once they are injected into Main, Main should distribute those dependencies normally, without using the framework.

Think of Main as the dirtiest of all the dirty components.

Reference: "Clean Architecture" - Robert Martin


This project will hold the EntityFramework entities as well as concrete implementations of the Repository classes. To create or update the database schema, you still run Update-Database in the Package Management Console, but you need to set the Default project to Blog.DataAccess. Open the Package Manager Console now. Set the Default project to Blog.DataAccess and run Update-Database.

This will create your database and setup the schema properly.

update-database default project

Add Unit tests to the Solution

Create a Unit Test project

Right click on the solution and add a new project.

add new item

Search for unit test and add a new MSTest project.

add new unit test project

After the project is created it will automatically put a unit test class named UnitTest1.cs. Go ahead and rename that file to BlogRepositoryTests.cs. When Visual Studio asks, rename the class as well.

From the UnitTest project we are going to need to add a reference to the Blog.DataAccess and the Blog.WebApi projects.

add project references

Test BlogRepository constructor

The BlogRepository constructor throws an exception if no BlogContext is passed in.

public BlogRepository(BlogContext blogContext)
    this.blogContext = blogContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(blogContext));

This is pretty simple to test for. Inside of the BlogRepositoryTests create a new test method that passes null into the constructor. The test should expect an exception to be throw. If an exception is not thrown, the Assert.Fail(); line will fail the test right away. Name the test NullContextThrowsException.

public void NullContextThrowsException()
    var blogRepository = new BlogRepository(null);

Mock DbContext Test


I am going to include a framework for mocking objects called Moq. Moq allows you to mock objects without having to create concrete implementations.

Add the test with Mocks

Now we would like to test the query inside of the repository class. To do that we are going to need to mock a DbContext object and pass it into the repository constructor.

Our BlogContext will need to take a DbContextOptions object. This object suprisingly does not need to be mocked. We can create one using the an insatnce of DbContextOptionsBuilder. Then this can be passed into the Mock constructor for a BlogContext.

Our repository is going to run a query on Blogs which will require us to mock a DbSet as well. This is a little more complicated. We are going to use an object from the EntityFrameworkCore.Moq project. Instead of including the project however I am only going to copy the methods I want to use and mock.

For now copy this class into the test project so we can use it to mock the DbContext.

public class DbQueryMock<TEntity> : Mock<DbSet<TEntity>> where TEntity : class
    private readonly IEnumerable<TEntity> _entities;
    public DbQueryMock(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities)
        _entities = (entities ?? Enumerable.Empty<TEntity>()).ToList();
        var data = _entities.AsQueryable();
        As<IQueryable<TEntity>>().Setup(x => x.Provider).Returns(data.Provider);
        As<IQueryable<TEntity>>().Setup(x => x.Expression).Returns(data.Expression);
        As<IQueryable<TEntity>>().Setup(x => x.ElementType).Returns(data.ElementType);
        As<IQueryable<TEntity>>().Setup(x => x.GetEnumerator()).Returns(() => data.GetEnumerator());
        As<IEnumerable>().Setup(x => x.GetEnumerator()).Returns(() => data.GetEnumerator());

Now we can create our test and mock everything we need. In this test we are creating a repository object, but mocking the context to return the blog objects we manually create.

public void ReturnAllBlogObjects_Mock_DbContext()
    var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder();
    var options = builder.Options;
    var blogContextMock = new Mock<BlogContext>(options);
    var blogs = new List<DataAccess.Blog>
        new DataAccess.Blog(),
        new DataAccess.Blog()
    var dbSetMock = new DbQueryMock<DataAccess.Blog>(blogs);
        .Setup(b => b.Blogs)
    var blogRepository = new BlogRepository(blogContextMock.Object);

    var blogEntries = blogRepository.GetAllBlogEntries();

    Assert.AreEqual(2, blogEntries.Count());

In memory database test

Another option is to use an in-memory database. This will create a context just as before, but instead of accessing sql server express, it will use an in-memory one instead. All we need to do is add UseInMemoryDatabase to our DbContextOptions. Note an InMemory database is not a relationship database.

InMemory is not a relational database EF Core database providers do not have to be relational databases. InMemory is designed to be a general purpose database for testing, and is not designed to mimic a relational database.

Some examples of this include:

  • InMemory will allow you to save data that would violate referential integrity constraints in a relational database.
  • If you use DefaultValueSql(string) for a property in your model, this is a relational database API and will have no effect when running against InMemory.
  • Concurrency via Timestamp/row version ([Timestamp] or IsRowVersion) is not supported. No DbUpdateConcurrencyException will be thrown if an update is done using an old concurrency token.

microsoft in memory docs

Copy and past the test below. This test will create a new in memory database with the given databaseName. We can read from and write to it just like a normal database. Manually this test adds a blog entry to the database, and then uses the repository to retrieve it.

public void InMemory_Repository_Integration()
    var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder()
        .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "repositoryDb")
    using (var context = new BlogContext(options))
        var blogRepository = new BlogRepository(context);
        var blogEntries = blogRepository.GetAllBlogEntries();
        Assert.AreEqual(0, blogEntries.Count());
        context.Blogs.Add(new DataAccess.Blog());
        blogEntries = blogRepository.GetAllBlogEntries();
        Assert.AreEqual(1, blogEntries.Count());

Copy the in memory test

Copy and paste the InMemory_Repository_Integration() method and rename it. Run all unit test. Notice that one of them fails now. What happened? It's because the in memory database is still alive within the same test run. We want to keep our tests separate and if we are going to mock the database in this way, we are going to need to create unique names for each test so they do not run into eachother.

Give the second test a new database name. Both tests that use a in memory database should be passing now.

Test the controller directly

The real reason to create a repository is that we can test components that use it without having to worry about mocking the DbContext objects. Let's test the controller and pass in a mocked BlogRepository object. We can assume the repository is going to return what we want.

public void ReturnAllBlogObjects_Mock_Repository()
    var blogRepository = new Mock<IBlogRepository>();
        .Setup(b => b.GetAllBlogEntries())
        .Returns(new List<DataAccess.Blog> { new DataAccess.Blog() });
    var blogController = new BlogController(blogRepository.Object);
    var blogResult = blogController.Get().Result as OkObjectResult;
    var returnedBlogEntries = blogResult.Value as IEnumerable<DataAccess.Blog>;
    Assert.AreEqual(1, returnedBlogEntries.Count());

Integration test with InMemory Database

Another option we have is to create concrete objects of our components and test the integrations using an in memory database. Since this test is still really testing a retrieve, it will first add an object to the database manually, and then using a controller retrieve the response.

This test creates a concrete repository, a concrete controller and mocks the database. It is an example of how to test the integration between components.

public void Inmemory_Controller_Integration()
    var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder()
        .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "controllerDb")
    using (var context = new BlogContext(options))
        var blogRepository = new BlogRepository(context);
        var controller = new BlogController(blogRepository);
        var objectResult = controller.Get().Result as OkObjectResult;
        var blogEntries = objectResult.Value as IEnumerable<DataAccess.Blog>;
        Assert.AreEqual(0, blogEntries.Count());
        context.Blogs.Add(new DataAccess.Blog());
        objectResult = controller.Get().Result as OkObjectResult;
        blogEntries = objectResult.Value as IEnumerable<DataAccess.Blog>;
        Assert.AreEqual(1, blogEntries.Count());


In this homework we setup a new test project and ran through different testing options using EF Core. You can choose how you want to test your components and how many different ways you want to test those components.