Read and publish measurements from all configured devices
mbmd run [flags]
--api string REST API url. Use to limit to localhost. (default "")
-d, --devices strings MODBUS device type and ID to query, multiple devices separated by comma or by repeating the flag.
Example: -d SDM:1,SDM:2 -d DZG:1.
Valid types are:
ABB ABB A/B-Series meters
DZG DZG Metering GmbH DVH4013 meters
IEM3000 Schneider Electric iEM3000 series
INEPRO Inepro Metering Pro 380
JANITZA Janitza B-Series meters
MPM Bernecker Engineering MPM3PM meters
ORNO1P ORNO WE-514 & WE-515
ORNO3P ORNO WE-516 & WE-517
SBC Saia Burgess Controls ALE3 meters
SDM Eastron SDM630
SDM220 Eastron SDM220
SDM230 Eastron SDM230
SDM72 Eastron SDM72
SUNS Sunspec-compatible MODBUS TCP device (SMA, SolarEdge, KOSTAL, etc)
To use an adapter different from default, append RTU device or TCP address separated by @.
If the adapter is a TCP connection (identified by :port), the device type (SUNS) is ignored and
any type is considered valid.
Example: -d SDM:1@/dev/USB11 -d SMA:126@localhost:502
--influx-database string InfluxDB database
--influx-measurement string InfluxDB measurement (default "data")
--influx-organization string InfluxDB organization
--influx-password string InfluxDB password (optional)
--influx-token string InfluxDB token (optional)
-i, --influx-url string InfluxDB URL. ex:
--influx-user string InfluxDB user (optional)
-m, --mqtt-broker string MQTT broker URI. ex: tcp://
--mqtt-clientid string MQTT client id (default "mbmd")
--mqtt-homie string MQTT Homie IoT discovery base topic ( Set empty to disable. (default "homie")
--mqtt-password string MQTT password (optional)
--mqtt-qos int MQTT quality of service 0,1,2 (default 0)
--mqtt-topic string MQTT root topic. Set empty to disable publishing. (default "mbmd")
--mqtt-user string MQTT user (optional)
-r, --rate duration Rate limit. Devices will not be queried more often than rate limit. (default 1s)
-a, --adapter string Default MODBUS adapter. This option can be used if all devices are attached to a single adapter.
Can be either an RTU device (/dev/ttyUSB0) or TCP socket (localhost:502).
The default adapter can be overridden per device
-b, --baudrate int Serial interface baud rate (default 9600)
--comset string Communication parameters for default adapter, either 8N1 or 8E1.
Only applicable if the default adapter is an RTU device (default "8N1")
-c, --config string Config file (default is $HOME/mbmd.yaml, ./mbmd.yaml, /etc/mbmd.yaml)
-h, --help Help for mbmd
--raw Log raw device data
--rtu Use RTU over TCP for default adapter.
Typically used with RS485 to Ethernet adapters that don't perform protocol conversion (e.g. USR-TCP232).
Only applicable if the default adapter is a TCP connection
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
- mbmd - ModBus Measurement Daemon