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Knox S. Long edited this page Jan 18, 2021 · 32 revisions

The information here is all outdated, and is in the process of being deleted

The documentation is now on ReadTheDocs

Python, aside from being a programming language, is a radiative transfer code.

To use Python, contact [email protected]

Information for users

The Mechanics of Running Python

Installing and Running Python



Evaluating a Run

Note: ksl is thinking that we will need separate pages for explaining what is the data directory, both the spectral models like kurucz and the atomic data files. Generically, we need to give users a list of the files we commonly use and what the files are. I am in favor of a "newspaper style" approach that stars off with what files the files and then drills down to levels of detail e might provide in future.

Information for experts and code developers

Development Philosophy and Using Git

Reading and processing outputs: Python with python

Other Pages: (some of these may not be up to date)

Coding Standards

Atomic Data

Python Outputs

Archived Versions

Python Versions (pre-74a)

Python Versions (post-74a)