Python 80
Potentially final pre-domains code version. This is the version used for the runs for the submitted version of the Matthews et al. 2016 quasar paper.
Documentation of changes
Major Change: Populations Bug Fixes
We were getting a number of problems with noisy MC estimators in AGN models, particularly when using He I. To address this, if the level populations return something non-sensical then we default to dilute BB estimators and resolve. There is also more robust error reporting and a change in the way we report the situation when stimulated recombination is higher than photoionization, which can happen in non-converged cells. See #192
Major Change: Hydro
I am not entirely sure what the current status on reverb or hydro is in this version. @Higginbottom feel free to summarise if you want to document it here. I know Nick did a lot of work improving the hydro code in #178 but I'm not sure if this is yet the version which can communicate with Zeus - I think it can.
Major Change: Bound-bound collisional gaunt factor
This was set to 1 previously. Now set to 0.2 (more realistic), or u0/10 for low kT neutrals. Still only really accurate to 1 dex so should be improved, see below. Commit for change is agnwinds/python@4480157
Merged Pull Requests since last release:
- #192 - Populations Bug Fixes
- #185 - Collisional recombination + ionization code streamlining
- #183 - Addition of a Bremsstrahlung source
- #179 - Included calculation of xi
- #178 - New hydro code
Bugfixes since last releasE:
- #171 - kwd model - set correct variables (rhomin is different to rmin), JM had made error here
- #176 - large number of sane_check errors in pop_kappa_ff_array, fixed by #192 with caveats below
- #181 - lamppost model geometry option for power law sources
- #173 - Need for proga.c (and py_ray and balance)
- #187 - Hardwired free-free limits in kpkt()
Outstanding Problems / Caveats
- #190 - segfaults at end of run can occur during MPI_FInalize step. Unsure why yet.
- #188 - bound-bound collisions should be improved.
- #186 - DR cooling is turned off, but included as a rate at the moment, this should be improved.
- #162 - Generic problems with enums
I am not sure what the current status on reverb is in this version either, @smangham feel free to summarise if you want to document it here.