diff --git a/fr-French/Localizable.strings b/fr-French/Localizable.strings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c77cba --- /dev/null +++ b/fr-French/Localizable.strings @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +"activate" = "activer"; +"activated" = "activé"; +"deactivate" = "désactiver"; +"deactivated" = "désactivé"; +"cancel" = "Annuler"; +"close" = "Fermer"; +"confirm" = "Confirmer"; +"copy" = "Copier"; +"copied" = "Copié"; +"create" = "Créer"; +"created" = "Créé"; +"delete" = "Supprimer"; +"done" = "Fini"; +"modify" = "Modifier"; +"retry" = "Réessayer"; +"save" = "Sauvegarder"; +// Left menu +"alias" = "alias"; +"aliases" = "alias"; +"mailbox" = "mailbox (boîte mail)"; +"mailboxes" = "mailbox (boîtes mail)"; +"settings" = "Réglages"; +"about" = "A propos"; +"rate_us" = "Voter"; +"sign_out" = "Se déconnecter"; +"sign_out_confirmation" = "Vous allez vous déconnecter"; +"yes_sign_me_out" = "Oui"; +// Alias +"forward" = "transfert"; +"forwards" = "transferts"; +"block" = "bloqué"; +"blocks" = "bloqués"; +"reply" = "réponse"; +"replies" = "réponses"; +"send_email" = "Envoyer mail"; +"deleted_alias" = "Supprimer alias \"%@\""; +// Alias detail +"edit_mailboxes" = "Éditer mailbox"; +"add_name" = "Ajouter nom"; +"add_name_for_alias" = "Ajouter un nom pour un alias"; +"edit_name" = "Éditer nom"; +"edit_name_for_alias" = "Éditer nom pour un alias"; +"no_display_name" = "Nom caché"; +"add_note" = "Ajouter un notre"; +"add_note_for_alias" = "Ajouter un note pour un alias"; +"no_note" = "Pas de note"; +"edit_note" = "Éditer note"; +"edit_note_for_alias" = "Éditer note pour un alias"; +"email_handled" = "Mail traité"; +"emails_handled" = "Mails traités"; +"email_forwarded" = "Mail transféré"; +"emails_forwarded" = "Mails transférés"; +"email_replied" = "Mail répondu"; +"emails_replied" = "Mails répondus"; +"email_blocked" = "Mail bloqué"; +"emails_blocked" = "Mails bloqués"; +// Send email +"compose_and_send_email" = "Composer et envoyer"; +"from" = "De"; +"to" = "À"; +"copy_reverse_alias_with_display_name" = "Copier reverse-alias (avec nom)"; +"copy_reverse_alias_without_display_name" = "Copier reverse-alias (sans nom)"; +"begin_composing_with_default_email" = "Composer avec l'application mail par défaut"; +// Alias list +"all" = "Tout"; +"active" = "Activé"; +"inactive" = "Inactivé"; +"delete_alias_confirmation" = "🛑 Les personnes qui vous avez contacté via cet alias ne peuvent plus vous envoyer de mails. L'opération est irréversible, veuillez confirmer."; +// Create alias +"create_alias" = "Créer un Alias"; +"create_alias_placebolder" = "Par example: groupon, newsletter"; +"create_alias_name_requirements_explication" = "Seuls les minuscule, chiffre, - et _ sont supportés."; +"create_alias_mailboxes_explication" = "Alias appartient à ce(s) mailbox(es)"; +"name" = "Nom"; +"create_alias_name_explication" = "Le nom qui s'affiche quand vous répondez ou envoyez un mail (optionnel)"; +"create_alias_name_placeholder" = "Par exemple: John Doe"; +"note" = "Note"; +"create_alias_note_explication" = "Par exemple où et pourquoi cet alias est créé (optionel)"; +"create_alias_note_placeholder" = "Par exemple: pour un newletter, pour un achat, etc"; +"create_alias_hint" = "💡Astuce: vous pouvez utiliser le nom de service dans l'alias"; +"select_suffix" = "Choisir le suffix"; +"no_selected_suffix" = "Un suffix doit être choisi"; +// Random alias +"by_random_words" = "Par des mots aléatoires"; +"by_uuid" = "Par UUID(identifiant unique universel)"; +"new_alias" = "Nouvel alias"; +"randomly_create_alias" = "Créer un alias aléatoire"; +// Search alias +"enter_search_term" = "Entrer un query"; +"no_result_for_search_term" = "Pas de résultat pour \"%@\""; +// Contact +"create_contact_explication" = "Créer un contact pour envoyer un mail depuis l'alias"; +"created_contact" = "Contact \"%@\" créé"; +"deleted_contact" = "Contact \"%@\" supprimé"; +// Mailboxes +"default_mailbox" = "Mailbox par défaut"; +"make_default_mailbox_confirmation" = "Choisir \"%@\" comme mailbox par défaut"; +"new_mailbox" = "Nouveau mailbox"; +"new_mailbox_hint" = "ma-deuxieme-adresse@example.com"; +"new_mailbox_explication" = "Un mail de vérification sera envoyé à cette adresse"; +"new_mailbox_confirmation" = "Vous allez recevoir un mail de confirmation pour \"%@\""; +"how_to_use_mailboxes" = "Comment utiliser mailbox"; +"mailbox_explication" = "Un mailbox est votre boîte mail habituelle.\nQuand vous créez un nouvel alias, vous pouvez choisir les mailbox auquel appartient cet alias:\n- tous les mails envoyés à cet alias sont redirigés à ces mailbox. \n- depuis ce mailbox, vous pouvez envoyer les mails depuis l'alias.\n\nQuand vous créez votre compte, un mailbox est automatiquement créé avec votre adresse mail. \n\nUn mailbox peut appartenir à quelqu'un d'autre, par example il peut être l'adresse mail de votre ami(e) si vous voulez créer des alias pour lui(elle)."; +"set_as_default" = "Choisir par défaut"; +"delete_mailbox_confirmation" = "🛑 Tous les alias associés à ce mailbox seront supprimés. L'opération n'est pas réversible. Veuillez confirmer."; +// Settings +"modify_profile" = "Modifier mon profil"; +"modify_profile_photo" = "Modifier ma photo de profil"; +"upload_new_photo" = "Télécharger une photo"; +"remove_profile_photo" = "Supprimer la photo de profil"; +"modify_display_name" = "Modifier le nom affiché"; +"enter_new_display_name" = "Enter new display name"; +"touch_id" = "Touch ID"; +"touch_id_authentication" = "Touch ID Authentication"; +"face_id" = "Face ID"; +"face_id_authentication" = "Face ID Authentication"; +"face_id_permission_explication" = "Please authenticate to activate %@ authentication"; +"authenticate_to_continue" = "Please authenticate to continue"; +"authenticate_to_activate_or_deactivate" = "Please authenticate to %@ %@"; +"or_use_your_passcode" = "Or use your passcode"; +"biometric_authentication_explication" = "Restrict unwanted access to your SimpleLogin account on this device"; +"newletters" = "Newletters"; +"newletters_explication" = "We will occasionally send you emails with new feature announcements"; +"random_alias" = "Random Alias"; +"random_alias_explication" = "Change the way random aliases are generated by default"; +"based_on_uuid" = "Based on UUID"; +"based_on_random_words" = "Based on random words"; +"domain_for_random_alias" = "Domain for random alias"; +"select_default_domain" = "Select default domain"; +"simplelogin_domain" = "SimpleLogin domain"; +"your_domain" = "Your domain"; +"choose_sender_address_format" = "Choose sender address format"; +"sender_address_format" = "Sender Address Format"; +"sender_address_format_explication" = "Configure how incoming emails are formatted"; +"sender_address_format_example" = "John Doe who uses john.doe@example.com to send you an email, how would you like to format his email?"; +// About +"about_simplelogin" = "About SimpleLogin"; +"simplelogin_short_description" = "SimpleLogin is an open source solution to project your online identity.\n\nSimpleLogin strives to offer a simple experience for both users and partners/developers."; +"how_it_works" = "How it works"; +"how_it_works_title" = "The journey to the sane inbox"; +"how_it_works_step_1_title" = "1. Sign up and start creating aliases"; +"how_it_works_step_1_description" = "The next time a website asks for your email address, just create a new alias instead of using your real email."; +"how_it_works_step_2_title" = "2. Receive emails safely"; +"how_it_works_step_2_description" = "All emails sent to an alias are forwarded to your \"real\" email address without the sender knowing anything"; +"how_it_works_step_3_title" = "3. Create aliases without leaving the browser/application"; +"how_it_works_step_3_description" = "On your desktop, you can install our browser extension to manage and quickly create aliases on the fly.\n\nOn your smartphone with SimpleLogin installed, whenever you need to register to a website, simple \"share\" the website you are visiting with SimpleLogin to quickly create an alias."; +"security" = "Security + + activate + activated + deactivate + deactivated + Cancel + Close + Confirm + Copy + Copied + Create + Created + Delete + Done + Modify + Retry + Save + + alias + aliases + mailbox + mailboxes + Settings + About + Rate Us + Sign Out + You will be signed out + Yes, sign me out + + forward + forwards + block + blocks + reply + replies + Send email + Deleted alias "%1$s" + + Edit mailboxes + Add name + Add name for alias + Edit name + Edit name for alias + No display name + Add note + Add note for alias + No note + Edit note + Edit note for alias + Email handled + Emails handled + Email forwarded + Emails forwarded + Email replied + Emails replied + Email blocked + Emails blocked + + Compose and send email + From + To + Copy reverse-alias (w/ display name) + Copy reverse-alias (w/o display name) + Begin composing with default email + + All + Active + Inactive + 🛑 People/apps who used to contact you via this alias cannot reach you any more. This operation is irreversible. Please confirm. + + Create Alias + Ex: groupon, newsletters + Only lowercase letters, numbers, dashed (-) and underscore (_) are currently supported. + The mailboxes that own this alias + Name + Display name when sending & replying (optional) + Ex: John Doe + Note + Anything to remind you (optional) + Ex: For tech newletters, online shopping, hot deals... + 💡Hint: To make it easy to remember for later use, it is a good practice to use the name of the website/service that you plan to register with alias. + Select suffix + No suffix is selected + + By random words + By UUID + New alias + Randomly create an alias + + Enter search term + No result found for "%1$s" + + Create a contact to send email from your alias + Created contact "%1$s" + Deleted contact "%1$s" + + Default mailbox + Make "%1$s" default mailbox + New mailbox + my-another-email@example.com + A verification email will be sent to this email address + You are going to receive a confirmation email for "%1$s" + How to use mailboxes + A mailbox is just another personal email address.\nWhen creating a new alias, you could choose the mailbox that owns this alias, i.e:\n- all emails sent to this alias will be forwarded to this mailbox\n- from this mailbox, you can reply/send emails from the alias.\n\nWhen you signed up, a mailbox is automatically created with the provided email.\n\nA mailbox doesn't have to be your email: it can be your friend's email if you want to create aliases for your buddy. + Set as default + 🛑 All aliases associated with this mailbox will also be deleted. This operation is irreversible. Please confirm. + + Modify profile + Modify profile photo + Upload new photo + Remove profile photo + Modify display name + Enter new display name + Touch ID + Touch ID Authentication + Face ID + Face ID Authentication + Please authenticate to activate %1$s authentication + Please authenticate to continue + Please authenticate to %1$s %2$s + Or use your passcode + Restrict unwanted access to your SimpleLogin account on this device + Newletters + We will occasionally send you emails with new feature announcements + Random Alias + Change the way random aliases are generated by default + Based on UUID + Based on random words + Domain for random alias + Select default domain + SimpleLogin domain + Your domain + Choose sender address format + Sender Address Format + Configure how incoming emails are formatted + John Doe who uses john.doe@example.com to send you an email, how would you like to format his email? + + About SimpleLogin + SimpleLogin is an open source solution to project your online identity.\n\nSimpleLogin strives to offer a simple experience for both users and partners/developers. + How it works + The journey to the sane inbox + 1. Sign up and start creating aliases + The next time a website asks for your email address, just create a new alias instead of using your real email. + 2. Receive emails safely + All emails sent to an alias are forwarded to your "real" email address without the sender knowing anything + 3. Create aliases without leaving the browser/application + On your desktop, you can install our browser extension to manage and quickly create aliases on the fly.\n\nOn your smartphone with SimpleLogin installed, whenever you need to register to a website, simple "share" the website you are visiting with SimpleLogin to quickly create an alias. + Security + A. Replace email by alias everywhere + Subscribe to mailing lists, create new online accounts with email alias.\n\nAll emails sent to an alias will be forwarded to your personal inbox.\n\nLater on, simply block an alias if it is too spammy. + B. Send emails from alias + Just hit "Reply" whenever you need to reply to a forwarded email: the reply will come from the alias and your personal mailbox stays hidden.\n\nYou can also send emails to any email address from your alias. + C. Run your business with alias + Use alias as your business email.\n\nSave up to $6/month for each business email created with SimpleLogin.\n\nBy the way your company emails are actually aliases. + Our team + Contact us + Pricing + Blog + Help + Roadmap + Terms & conditions + Privacy policy + + Connecting to server... + Email address + Invalid email address + Password + Sign in + Forgot password + For security reason and to avoid database leak, all "forgot password" requests are taken into account silently without you being informed if a request is successful or not.\n\nSo make sure that you enter the correct email address. + Reset password + We have sent reset password email to "%1$s" + Sign in with API key + Enter API key + To manage your API key, you have to sign in SimpleLogin via a browser then click on your profile name. + Set API key + Change API URL + DO NOT change API URL unless you are hosting SimpleLogin with your own server. In most of the cases you may want to leave this field as default. + The default value is https://app.simplelogin.io + Current API URL + API URL is empty + Apply change + Reset to default value + Changed API URL to %1$s + Reset API URL to https://app.simplelogin.io + + Sign up + Sign up for SimpleLogin + Check your inbox for verification code + Minimum 8 characters + + Enter OTP + Enter activation code + Paste & verify + "%1$s" is found from the clipboard + Wrong code too many times + We will send you a new activation code for "%1$s" + Check your inbox for new verification code + + Created on + just now + minutes ago + day ago + days ago + week ago + weeks ago + month ago + months ago + year ago + years ago + + Free plan + Premium + Premium trial + Upgrade needed + You have reached the limit. Please upgrade to premium for unlimited aliases and more useful features. + Show me premium features + Not right now + Failed to fetch receipt: %1$s. Please contact us for further assistance. + Thank you for using our service + The app will be refreshed shortly. + Got it + + It\'s never too late to protect your email + Your current superpowers + 15 aliases + Unlimited bandwidth + Unlimited send/reply from alias + Sign in with SimpleLogin + Go premium for more + Unlimited aliases + Unlimited custom domains + Bring your own domain to create aliases like contact@your-domain.com + Catch-all (or wildcard) domain + 50 directories/usernames + Unlimited mailboxes + PGP encryption + ...and all of our upcoming features. + Monthly subscription %1$s/month + Save 2 months by subscribing yearly. Our best deal. + Yearly subscription %1$s/year + A cup of ☕ per month to enhance your superpowers. + Upgrade now + SimpleLogin for enterprise + Adopt SimpleLogin for your enterprise + Dedicated server & database + Dashboard to manage team accounts + Single Sign-On (SAML or OAuth2) + Restore purchase + Unknown error + Invalid client + Invalid payment + Payment not allowed + Product is not available + Cloud service permission denied + Cloud service network connection failed + Cloud service revoked + Error retrieving products + + Error + Error occured + Error removing API key from keychain + Error setting API key to keychain + 💡How to + Please confirm + Select all + You are up to date + + Do you know + To delete an item, simple swipe to left + Shake your phone to random an alias + + Frequently Asked Questions + What exactly is an email alias? + Email alias is similar to forward email address: all emails sent to an alias will be forwarded to your inbox.\n\nThanks to SimpleLogin technology, you can also send emails from an alias.\n\nFor your contact, the alias is therefore your email address. + I can use my plus (+) trick to create unlimited email addresses, why do I need SimpleLogin? + Email subaddressing, also known as the plus (+) trick, is popularized by Gmail and supported by some email services, allows you to create new email addresses by appending "+" to your current email address. Says your email is name@protonmail.com, you can quickly create another address like name+facebook@protonmail.com for Facebook, name+groupon@protonmail.com for Groupon, etc.\n\nThough practical, it has some downsides:\n- You cannot reply from the + address: your real email will appear as the sender.\n- The + trick is well-known and some websites don't allow sign-ups with email addresses that contain +.\n- Using + trick doesn't protect your privacy: one can easily remove the + part to have your real email. If your + address appears in the data breach, your real address is probably also in the hands of spammers. You could check whether your email is leaked using website like have i been pwned\n- By removing the + part, advertisers can link these + addresses together to have your browsing history.\n\nSimpleLogin aliases don't have any of these downsides.\nIn addition SimpleLogin could also help manage your business emails. If you own a domain and don't want to pay a full solution like GSuite, you could add the domain into SimpleLogin and create emails like contact@my-domain.com, partner@my-domain.com with aliases. All our business emails (the @simplelogin.io) are actually aliases. + What is the difference between SimpleLogin and other email forwarding services? + SimpleLogin is the most advanced email alias solution and is in active development. Here are some differences between SimpleLogin and other email forwarding/alias services:\n\n• Fully open-source: both SimpleLogin server and client code (browser extension, JS library, mobile apps) are open-source so anyone can freely inspect and improve the code.\n• Covers all major platforms: Chrome/Firefox/Safari extension for desktop, iOS and Android apps for mobile.\n• The only email forwarding solution that can be self-hosted, i.e. you could run SimpleLogin on your server. With our detailed self-hosting instructions and most of components running as Docker container, anyone who knows ssh is able to deploy SimpleLogin on their server.\n• You can send/reply emails from alias. There's no limits on the number of sends/replies.\n• Unlimited bandwidth.\n• No ads, no tracker.\n• Not just email alias: SimpleLogin is also a privacy-focused and developer-friendly identity provider that:\n - respects user privacy\n - is simple to use for developers.\nSimpleLogin offers a privacy-focused alternative to the "Login with Facebook/Google/Apple" buttons.\n• Plenty of features: browser extension, custom domain, catch-all alias, OAuth libraries, etc. and much more to come.\n• Open roadmap at Trello: you know the exciting features we are working on. + How SimpleLogin is different than temporary email services? + SimpleLogin alias are permanent as opposed to the temporary email addresses created on services like temp-mail.org, 10minutemail.net, etc.\n\nSimpleLogin also doesn't store the emails, they are stored in your mailbox.\n\nSimpleLogin is simply a different product for a different need. + What is SimpleLogin's business model? + Our revenue comes only from subscriptions, that means the product will stay ad-free forever. + What happens if SimpleLogin is gone? + This is probably the hardest question that a company has to answer :)\n\nAs we are using SimpleLogin on a daily basis, for both our personal and professinal usage, in the worst case, we will close registrations for new users so SimpleLogin can only be used by existing users.\n\nFor information, Spamgourmet, a similar email forwarding service has been running for more than 20 years now. Spamgourmet is actually an inspiration for SimpleLogin.\n\nIf all this is still not enough, you can also run a SimpleLogin instance yourself as SimpleLogin code is open-source and we give detailed instructions on how to run it. + What is alias directory or catch-all feature? + These 2 features both allow you to create alias on-the-fly, meaning you don't have to open SimpleLogin to create a new alias.\n\nEnabling catch-all on your domain allows you to use ANYTHING@my-domain.com as alias with ANYTHING being any word. The only limit is it has to have less than 128 characters.\n\nAlias Directory is similar to catch-all, you can use your_directory+ANYTHING@simplelogin.co as alias. your_directory is the name of the directory you created. + I receive an email forwarded to my personal email from an alias. How can I reply to that email? Do I need to go to SimpleLogin to initiate the reply? + You can reply directly from your email client. Just click on the "reply" button, the reply will be routed via SimpleLogin and SimpleLogin will make it coming from your alias. Your personal email will stay invisible to the original sender.\n\nTechnically, the From header in your email is replaced by a special alias dynamically generated for each sender. When you reply, your reply is actually sent to this special alias and SimpleLogin will relay the reply back to the sender, making sure the email is sent from your alias. All information about your personal email address is removed during that process. + Are my emails modified? + No your email content is forwarded as-is, attachments included. SimpleLogin doesn't modify email content and only relies on email headers to do its "magic". + What is a reverse-alias? + A reverse-alias is a special alias that allows you to send email from your alias.\n\nA reverse-alias is created for each alias you want to send email from and each contact you want to send email to.\n\nWhen you send an email to a reverse-alias from your personal email, the email will be sent from your alias to the contact. + Is email alias permanent? + As a normal email address, an email alias is always there unless you delete it. + Where is SimpleLogin server located? + We use UpCloud, a Finland cloud provider. Our server is currently located in its France-Germany datacenter. + I can not find an answer to my question here + You can find the list of all frequent question/answer on the FAQ page.\n\nIf you don't find the answer there, please send your question to hi@simplelogin.io.\n\nYou can also create an issue on our GitHub Issues. + \ No newline at end of file