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The following are the supported instructions of this DLX implementation.

Instruction Types


  • DLX naming is the naming used by the assembly language in the DLX isa that you will see in the next paragraphs.
    • Rd = register destination
    • Rs1/2 = register source 1/2
    • IMM16/uIMM16 = immediate field for i-type like instructions (signed/unsigned encoding)
    • LABEL = immediate field for j-type like instructions
  • DP naming means DataPath naming, is the associated nomenclature we gave in the datapath for each field.
    • Rs1 = register field 1
    • Rs2 = register field 2
    • Rs3 = register field 3
    • imm_i_type = see IMM16
    • imm_j_type = see LABEL OPCODE and FUNC are common to both baming conventions.

The DP naming convention was necessary because Rd field position is inconsistent across instructions, therefore we opted to enumerate the fields and then depending on the instruction treat either Rs2 as Rd or Rs3 as Rd.

Other Conventions:

  • num: is an signed integer that can be expressed into the immediate field of that type
  • RF[]: is the array representation of the register file (32 elements from 0 to 31)
  • MEM[]: is the array representation of the data-memory
  • OP: is the operation applied to the fields that is expressed in binary by OPCDOE or OPCODE+FUNC
  • PC: program counter register
  • as stated before all assembly syntax uses the DLX naming convention (otherwise it's explicitly stated)

The below graphs show how the assembly language fields are placed in an instruction word.

I-type (load,store,reg-immediate alu op.)

  • Assembly syntax: OP Rd, Rs1, IMM16

  • Result (for the most): RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] OP IMM16

POS 1->32  1            6 7       11 12      16 17                              32
POS 0->31  0            5 6       10 11      15 16                              31
POS 32->1  32          27 26      22 21      17 16                               1
POS 31->0  31          26 25      21 20      16 15                               0
DLX naming     OPCODE        Rs1        Rd                    IMM16
DP naming      OPCODE        Rs1        Rs2                 imm_i_type

Conditional branch instructions (beqz,bnez) Rs1 field is used as is, Rd is unused. Some exception on the position for load store, see further.

Load exception

Load instructions are i-type instructions but need extra interpretation:

  • Assembly syntax: load Rd, num(Rs1)

  • Result : RF[Rd] <= MEM[num+RF[Rs1]]

num is the value stored in IMM16/imm_i_type moreover the addressing range from the content of Rs1 is +-[-2^15,2^15-1].

POS 1->32  1            6 7       11 12      16 17                              32
POS 0->31  0            5 6       10 11      15 16                              31
POS 32->1  32          27 26      22 21      17 16                               1
POS 31->0  31          26 25      21 20      16 15                               0
DLX naming   LOAD_OPCODE     Rs1        Rd                    IMM16
DP naming    LOAD_OPCODE     Rs1        Rs2                 imm_i_type

Store exception

Store instructions are i-type instructions but need extra interpretation. Store instructions are i-type instruction but layed out differently in the instruction.

NOTE: Here we can't use the DLX naming convention previosly adopted for all assmebly instructions (see here), i.e.: there is no destination register (Rd) but a memory location where to write, therefore we will use the DP naming for the below assembly sytanx.

  • Assembly syntax: store num(Rs1), Rs2

  • Result : MEM[num+RF[Rs1]] <= RF[Rs2]

num is the value stored in IMM16/imm_i_type moreover the addressing range from $Rs1 is $Rs1+[-2^15,2^15-1].

POS 1->32  1            6 7       11 12      16 17                              32
POS 0->31  0            5 6       10 11      15 16                              31
POS 32->1  32          27 26      22 21      17 16                               1
POS 31->0  31          26 25      21 20      16 15                               0
DLX naming      XXXX         XXX        XXX                    XXX
DP naming   STORE_OPCODE     Rs1        Rs2                 imm_i_type

R-type (register-regiset alu op.)

  • Assembly syntax: OP Rd, Rs1, Rs2

  • Result: Rd <= RF[Rs1] OP RF[Rs2]

POS 1->32  1            6 7       11 12      16 17      21 22                   32
POS 0->31  0            5 6       10 11      15 16      20 21                   31
POS 32->1  32          27 26      22 21      17 16      12 11                    1
POS 31->0  31          26 25      21 20      16 15      11 10                    0
DLX naming     OPCODE        Rs1        Rs2         Rd             FUNC 
DP naming      OPCODE        Rs1        Rs2         Rs3            FUNC

All r-type instructions have the same OPCODE value, therefore FUNC (Function) encodes the data path operation: Add, Sub, ...

J-type (jump, jal, trap, return from except)

  • Assembly Syntax: OP LABEL

  • Result: PC <= PC+LABEL + possibile extras

POS 1->32  1            6 7                                                     32
POS 0->31  0            5 6                                                     31
POS 32->1  32          27 26                                                     1
POS 31->0  31          26 25                                                     0
DLX naming     OPCODE                          LABEL 
DP naming      OPCODE                        imm_j_type

Jump and jump and link

Instructions Binary Representation

Mnemonic Type Opcode/Func hex Opcode/Func bin Example Example Binary Representaion
add r 0x00/x20 0/0b100000 add r9,r20,r10 0000 00.10 100.0 1010 .0100 1.000 0010 0000
addi i 0x08 0b001000 addi r1,r2, -5 0010 00.00 010.0 0001 .1111 1111 1111 1011
and r 0x00/0x24 0/0b100100 and r9,r3,r10 0000 00.00 011.0 1010 .0100 1.000 0010 0100
andi i 0x0c 0b001100 andi r20,r9, 8 0011 00.01 001.1 0100 .0000 0000 0000 1000
beqz i 0x04 0b000100 beqz r12, 2 0001 00.01 100.0 0000 .1111 1111 1110 1110
bnez i 0x05 0b000101 bnez r2, -6 0001 01.00 010.0 0000 .1111 1111 1110 0010
j j 0x02 0b000010 j tag 0000 10.11 1111 1111 1111 1111 0011 1100
jal j 0x03 0b000011 jal tag 0000 11.11 1111 1111 1111 1111 0011 1100
lw i 0x23 0b100011 lw r19, 63(r8) 1000 11.01 000.1 0011 .0000 0000 0011 1111
nop i 0x15 0b010101 nop 0101 01.00 000.0 0000 .0000 0000 0000 0000
or r 0x00/0x25 0/0b100101 or r5, r3, r4 0000 00.00 011.0 0100 .0010 1.000 0010 0101
ori i 0x0d 0b001101 ori r5, r3, 342 0011 01.00 011.0 0101 .0000 0001 0101 0110
sge r 0x00/0x2d 0/0b101101 sge r1,r2,r10 0000 00.00 010.0 1010 .0000 1.000 0010 1101
sgei i 0x1d 0b011101 sgei r9,r20, 6 0111 01.10 100.0 1001 .0000 0000 0000 0110
sle r 0x00/0x2c 0/0b101100 sle r13,r2,r4 0000 00.00 010.0 0100 .0110 1.000 0010 1100
slei i 0x1c 0b011100 slei r1,r3, -4 0111 00.00 011.0 0001 .1111 1111 1111 1100
sll r 0x00/0x04 0/0b000100 sll r1,r2,r3 0000 00.00 010.0 0011 .0000 1.000 0000 0100
slli i 0x14 0b010100 slli r4,r1, 5 0101 00.00 001.0 0100 .0000 0000 0000 0101
sne r 0x00/0x29 0/0b101001 sne r1,r2,r3 0000 00.00 010.0 0011 .0000 1.000 0010 1001
snei i 0x19 0b011001 snei r3,r5, 4 0110 01.00 101.0 0011 .0000 0000 0000 0100
srl r 0x00/0x06 0/0b000110 srl r5,r7,r8 0000 00.00 111.0 1000 .0010 1.000 0000 0110
srli i 0x16 0b010110 srli r7,r5, 2 0101 10.00 101.0 0111 .0000 0000 0000 0010
sub r 0x00/0x22 0/0b100010 sub r6,r12,r15 0000 00.01 100.0 1111 .0011 0.000 0010 0010
subi i 0x0a 0b001010 subi r7,r9, -30 0010 10.01 001.0 0111 .1111 1111 1110 0010
sw i 0x2b 0b101011 sw 1(r2),r1 1010 11.00 010.0 0001 .0000 0.000 0000 0001
xor r 0x00/0x26 0/0b100110 xor r6,r12,r15 0000 00.01 100.0 1111 .0011 0.000 0010 0110
xori i 0x0e 0b001110 xori r6,r12, 1 0011 10.01 100.0 0110 .0000 0000 0000 0001

ISA details

add: add

  • Ex: add r1, r2, r3
  • Rd=r1, Rs1=r2, Rs2=r3
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] + RF[Rs2]

All are signed integers

addi: add immediate

  • Ex: addi r5, r2, 5
  • Rd=r5, Rs1=r2, IMM16=5
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] + IMM16

All are signed integers

and: logical and

  • Ex: and r2, r3, r4
  • Rd=r2, Rs1=r3, Rs2=r4
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] & RF[Rs2]

All are unsigned integers . Logical AND is performed on a bitwise basis.

andi: logical and immediate

  • Ex: andi r3, r4, 5
  • Rd=r3, Rs1=r4, uIMM16=5
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] & uIMM16

All are unsigned integers. Logical AND is performed on a bitwise basis.

beqz: branch equal zero

  • Ex: beqz r1, LABEL
  • Rs1=r1
  • if (RF[Rs1] == 0) PC <= PC + IMM16

bnez: branch not equal zero

  • Ex: bnez r1, LABEL
  • Rs1=r1
  • if (RF[Rs1] != 0) PC <= PC + IMM16

j: jump

  • Ex: j LABEL
  • PC <= PC + LABEL

Unconditionally jumps relative to the PC of the next instruction.
LABEL is a 26-bit signed integer .

jal: jump and link

  • Ex: jal LABEL
  • R31 <= PC + 4; PC <= PC + LABEL

Saves a return address in register 31 and jumps relative to the PC of the next instruction.
LABEL is a 26-bit signed integer.

lw: load word

  • Ex: lw r19, +63(r8)
  • Rs1=r8, Rd=r19
  • RF[Rd] <= MEM[IMM16 + RF[Rs1]]

One word is read from the effective address computed by adding signed integer IMM16 and unsigned integer RF[Rs1] and is stored in RF[Rd].

nop: no operation

  • Ex: nop
  • Idles one cycle.

or: logical or

  • Ex: or r2, r3, r4
  • Rd=r2, Rs1=r3, Rs2=r4
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] | RF[Rs2]

All are unsigned integers . Logical ‘or’ is performed on a bitwise basis.

ori: logical or immediate

  • Ex: ori r3, r4, 5
  • Rd=r3, Rs1=r4, uIMM16=5
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] | uIMM16

All are unsigned integers . Logical ‘or’ is performed on a bitwise basis.

sge: set greater-then-equal

  • Ex: sge r1,r3,r4
  • Rd=r1, Rs1=r3, Rs2=r4
  • if (RF[Rs1] >= RF[Rs2]) RF[Rd] <= 1 else RF[Rd] <= 0

All are signed integers.

sgei: set greater-then-equal immediate

  • Ex: sgei r2, r1, 6
  • Rd=r2, Rs1=r1, IMM16=6
  • if (RF[Rs1] >= IMM16 ) RF[Rd] <= 1 else RF[Rd] <= 0

All are signed integers.

sle: set less-then-equal

  • Ex: sle r1, r2, r3
  • Rd=r1, Rs1=r2, Rs2=r3
  • if (RF[Rs1] <= RF[Rs2]) RF[Rd] <= 1 else RF[Rd] <= 0

All are signed integers .

slei: set less-then-equal immediate

  • Ex: slei r8, r5, 345
  • Rd=r8, Rs1=r5, IMM16=345
  • if (RF[Rs1] <= IMM16) RF[Rd] <= 1 else RF[Rd] <= 0

All are signed integers.

sll: shift left logical

  • Ex: sll r6, r7, r11
  • Rd=r6, Rs1=r7, Rs2=r11
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] << RF[Rs2]

All are unsigned integers.
RF[Rs1] is logically shifted left by RF[Rs2] positions.
Zeros are shifted into the least-significant bit.

slli: shift left logical immediate

  • Ex: slli r6, r7, 8
  • Rd=r6, Rs1=r7, uIMM16=8
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] << uIMM16

All are unsigned integers.
RF[Rs1] is logically shifted left by uIMM16 positions.
Zeros are shifted into the least-significant bit.

sne: set not equal

  • Ex: sne r1, r2, r3
  • Rd=r1, Rs1=r2, Rs2=r3
  • if (RF[Rs1] != RF[Rs2]) RF[Rd] <= 1 else RF[Rd] <= 0

All are signed integers .

snei: set not equal immediate

  • Ex: snei r4, r5, 89
  • Rd=r4, Rs1=r5, IMM16=89
  • if (RF[Rs1] != IMM16) RF[Rd] <= 1 else RF[Rd] <= 0

All are signed integers .

srl: shift right logical

  • Ex: srl r15, r2, r3
  • Rd=r15, Rs1=r2, Rs2=r3
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] >> RF[Rs2]

All are unsigned integers.
RF[Rs1] is logically shifted right by RF[Rs2] positions.
Zeros are shifted into the most significant bit.

srli: shift right logical immediate

  • Ex: srli r1, r2, 5
  • Rd=r1, Rs1=r2, uIMM16=5
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] >> uIMM16

All are unsigned integers.
RF[Rs1] is logically shifted right by uIMM16 positions. Zeros are shifted into the most significant bit.

sra: shift right arithmetical

  • Ex: sra r1, r2, r3
  • Rd=r1, Rs1=r2, Rs2=r3
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] >a> RF[Rs2]

lF[Rs1] is treated as signed integer RF[Rs2] is treated as an unsigned Integer.
RF[rega] is arithmetically shifted right by RF[Rs] positions.
The sign bit is shifted/repeated into the most significant bits.

srai: shift right arithmetical immediate

  • Ex: srli r1, r2, 5
  • Rd=r1, Rs1=r2, uIMM16=5
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] >a> uIMM16

RF[Rs1] is treated as signed integer uIMM16 is treated as an unsigned Integer.
RF[Rs1] is arithmetically shifted right by uIMM16 positions.
The sign bit is shifted/repeated into the most significant bits.

sub: subtract

  • Ex: sub r3, r2, r1
  • Rd=r3, Rs1=r2, Rs2=r1
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] - RF[Rs2]

All are signed integers.

subi: subtract immediate

  • Ex: subi r15, r16, 964
  • Rd=r15, Rs1=r16, IMM16=964
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] - IMM16

All are signed integers.

sw: store word

  • Ex: sw 21(r13),r6
  • USES DP naming
  • Rs1=r13, IMM16=21, Rs2=r6
  • MEM[IMM16 + RF[Rs1]] <= RF[Rs2]

One word from integer register RF[Rs2] is written to the effective address computed by adding signed integer IMM16 and unsigned integer RF[Rs1].

xor: logical exlusive or

  • Ex: xor r2, r3, r4
  • Rd=r2, Rs1=r3, Rs2=r4
  • RF[Rd] <= F[Rs1] XOR RF[Rs2]

All are unsigned integers . Logical XOR is performed on a bitwise basis.

xori: logical exlusive or immediate

  • Ex: xori r3, r4, 5
  • Rd=r3, Rs1=r4, uIMM16=5
  • RF[Rd] <= RF[Rs1] XOR uIMM16

All are unsigned integers . Logical XOR is performed on a bitwise basis.