The basic model here implements a Denoising Autoencoder on the MNIST dataset (Theory below).
To benchmark the trained autoencoder, we use it to obtain embeddings for images on the train and test set, and then train a multiclass logistic regression on top of these features, and measure its accuracy.
$ git clone
$ cd autoencoders
$ python --logdir output_file
You can visualize the progress of your experiments during training using Tensorboard.
$ tensorboard --logdir=output_file
You will be able to inspect the underlying graph of the autoencoder, getting a better understanding of how:
- respective encoding and decoding layers are chosen to share the same convolution filters.
- noise and dropout help in better learning image features, by difficulting the reconstruction task.
- batch normalization helps in faster training time.
Autoencoders are neural networks trained to reconstruct their input. For this to be a non-trivial task, several restrictions are imposed on the NN architecture. Most tipically:
- the hidden layers are required to have a much smaller number of units.
- noise is added to the input to be reconstructed
- the derivative of the encoding function is bounded This prevents the neural network from simply memorizing the image, forcing it to learn its main features.
For an introduction to autoencoders, this introductory blog post explaining how it generalizes PCA, and Goodfell-et-all-2016 Deep learning book-Chapter 14 are excellent sources.
Our Denoising Autoencoder looks like this <img src=>