diff --git a/lang/en.yml b/lang/en.yml index 42c8cbd..2f28bb7 100644 --- a/lang/en.yml +++ b/lang/en.yml @@ -44,3 +44,21 @@ en: ERR_NOT_CLI: 'This task can only be run from the command-line, not in your browser.' OUPUT_PREFIX: "Metadata XML is listed below for the '{env}' RealMe environment, this should be sent to the agency so they can pass it on to RealMe Operations staff" VALIDATION_SUCCESS: 'Validation succeeded, continuing with setup...' + message: + ERR_CERT_DIR_MISSING: 'No certificate dir is specified. Define the REALME_CERT_DIR environment variable in your .env file' + ERR_CERT_DIR_NOT_READABLE: "Certificate dir specified ('{dir}') must be created and be readable. Ensure permissions are set correctly and the directory is absolute" + ERR_CERT_NO_SIGNING_CERT: "No SAML signing PEM certificate defined, or the file can't be read. Define the {const} environment variable in your .env file, and ensure the file exists in the certificate directory" + ERR_CERT_SIGNING_CERT_CONTENT: 'The file specified for the signing certificate ({file}) does not contain a valid certificate (beginning with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----). Check this file to ensure it contains the certificate and private key' + ERR_CONFIG_ENTITYID: "The Entity ID ('{entityId}') must be https, not be 'localhost', and must contain a valid service name and privacy realm e.g. https://my-realme-integration.govt.nz/p-realm/s-name" + ERR_CONFIG_ENTITYID_PRIVACY_REALM: "The privacy realm '{privacyRealm}' must not be blank for entityID '{entityId}'" + ERR_CONFIG_ENTITYID_SERVICE_NAME: "The service name '{serviceName}' must be a maximum of 20 characters and not blank for entityID '{entityId}'" + ERR_CONFIG_INVALID_AUTHNCONTEXT: "The AuthnContext specified for environment '{env}' is invalid, please check your configuration" + ERR_CONFIG_NO_AUTHNCONTEXT: "No AuthnContext specified for environment '{env}'. Specify this in your YML configuration, see the module documentation for more details" + ERR_CONFIG_NO_ENTITYID: "No entityID specified for environment '{env}'. Specify this in your YML configuration, see the module documentation for more details" + ERR_CONFIG_NO_ORGANISATION_DISPLAY_NAME: "No organisation display name is specified in YML configuration. Ensure the 'metadata_organisation_display_name' value is defined in your YML configuration" + ERR_CONFIG_NO_ORGANISATION_NAME: "No organisation name is specified in YML configuration. Ensure the 'metadata_organisation_name' value is defined in your YML configuration" + ERR_CONFIG_NO_ORGANISATION_URL: "No organisation URL is specified in YML configuration. Ensure the 'metadata_organisation_url' value is defined in your YML configuration" + ERR_CONFIG_NO_SUPPORT_CONTACT: 'Support contact detail is missing from YML configuration. Ensure the following values are defined in the YML configuration: metadata_contact_support_company, metadata_contact_support_firstnames, metadata_contact_support_surname' + ERR_ENV_NOT_ALLOWED: "The RealMe environment specified on the cli ('{env}') is not allowed. It must be one of: {allowedEnvs}" + ERR_ENV_NOT_SPECIFIED: 'The RealMe environment was not specified on the cli It must be one of: {allowedEnvs} e.g. vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/RealMeSetupTask forEnv=mts' + VALIDATION_SUCCESS: 'Validation succeeded, continuing with setup...'