diff --git a/lang/en.yml b/lang/en.yml index 0b9ce8c..8403695 100644 --- a/lang/en.yml +++ b/lang/en.yml @@ -24,11 +24,36 @@ en: MainFontFamily: 'Main font family' NavigationBarBackground: 'Navigation bar background' TextLinkColor: 'Text link colour' + db_AccentColor: 'Accent color' + db_CarouselBackground: 'Carousel background' + db_EmptySearch: 'Empty search' + db_FooterBackground: 'Footer background' + db_FooterLogoDescription: 'Footer logo description' + db_FooterLogoLink: 'Footer logo link' + db_FooterLogoSecondaryDescription: 'Footer logo secondary description' + db_FooterLogoSecondaryLink: 'Footer logo secondary link' + db_HeaderBackground: 'Header background' + db_MainFontFamily: 'Main font family' + db_NavigationBarBackground: 'Navigation bar background' + db_NoSearchResults: 'No search results' + db_TextLinkColor: 'Text link color' + has_one_AppleTouchIcon114: 'Apple touch icon114' + has_one_AppleTouchIcon144: 'Apple touch icon144' + has_one_AppleTouchIcon57: 'Apple touch icon57' + has_one_AppleTouchIcon72: 'Apple touch icon72' + has_one_FavIcon: 'Fav icon' + has_one_FooterLogo: 'Footer logo' + has_one_FooterLogoRetina: 'Footer logo retina' + has_one_FooterLogoSecondary: 'Footer logo secondary' + has_one_Logo: Logo + has_one_LogoRetina: 'Logo retina' CWP\AgencyExtensions\Extensions\CarouselPageExtension: ADDNEW: 'Add new' NOTE: 'Carousel functionality will automatically be loaded when 2 or more items are added below' TITLE: Hero/Carousel TITLE_NOTE: 'Used by screen readers' + db_CarouselTitle: 'Carousel title' + has_many_CarouselItems: 'Carousel items' CWP\AgencyExtensions\Model\CarouselItem: CONTENT_HELPTIP: 'Recommended: Use less than 50 words. For carousel slides, use a similar amount of content as other items to ensure carousel height does not vary.' IMAGE_HELPTIP: 'Recommended: Use high resolution images greater than 1600x900px.' @@ -39,6 +64,16 @@ en: PRIMARYCALLTOACTION: 'Primary Call To Action Link' SECONDARYCALLTOACTION: 'Secondary Call To Action Link' SINGULARNAME: 'Carousel Item' + db_Content: Content + db_PrimaryCallToActionLabel: 'Primary call to action label' + db_SecondaryCallToActionLabel: 'Secondary call to action label' + db_SortOrder: 'Sort order' + db_Title: Title + db_Version: Version + has_one_Image: Image + has_one_Parent: Parent + has_one_PrimaryCallToAction: 'Primary call to action' + has_one_SecondaryCallToAction: 'Secondary call to action' CwpConfig: AppleIconField144: 'Apple Touch Web Clip and Windows 8 Tile Icon (dimensions of 144x144, PNG format)' FooterLogoLinkDesc: 'Please include the protocol (ie, http:// or https://) unless it is an internal link.'