In order to deploy this application you need an AWS account with the permissions to provision Lambdas and DynamoDB.
First create the following DynamoDB tables:
with number keycharacter_id
with number keystructure_id
with string keyid
with string keyid
with string keyid
Make sure you haven maven, jdk8, npm, aws cli and serverless framework installed.
Create two eve apps. One for the mail sender (scope: esi-mail.send_mail.v1
) and one for the users (scopes: esi-search.search_structures.v1 esi-universe.read_structures.v1 esi-markets.structure_markets.v1
). Manually create a refresh token for the mail sender.
Create a config..json with the following content:
"adminCharacterId": 123,
"jwtSecret": "123",
"mailCharacterId": 123,
"mailClientId": "123",
"mailClientSecret": "123",
"mailRefreshToken": "123",
"appClientId": "123",
"appClientSecret": "123"
In the root of this project run mvn clean package
to build the artifact and sls deploy
to deploy it.
After the deployment is complete (which make take a couple minutes) you will see the URLs of the endpoint in the console. Use the endpoint URL for the frontend project.
Contributions are welcome! Discuss, fork the repo and then create a pull request.