A purescript library for cherry-picking 🍒 your data.
Ehh, wat ?
Morello is a library for making data transformation and validation super simple.
Transform & validate your input data in a declarative way.
import Morello.Morello
-- Given an input model...
type PersonInput = { profession :: { title :: String, salary :: Number } }
-- ...and an output model...
type PersonOutput = { details :: { title :: Title, salary :: Salary, jobType :: JobType } }
-- ...write some validators...
validateTitle :: Validate String Title
validateTitle "Software Engineer" = invalid (FieldInvalid "Software Engineering is not a serious profession")
validateTitle s = valid (Title s)
validateSalary :: Validate Number Salary
validateSalary n
| n > 50000.0 = valid (Salary n)
validateSalary n = invalid (FieldInvalid "Salary is too damn low")
-- ...and create a conversion in a declarative way..
convert :: PersonInput -> Validated PersonOutput
convert =
>>> cherry {
-- ...by defining how your output data will look like...
details : {
-- ...picking data from the input record using a lens...
pick' (key :: _ "profession.title") validateTitle :: Pick PersonInput Title
, salary:
-- ...and validating it using validators.
pick' (key :: _ "profession.salary") validateSalary :: Pick PersonInput Salary
, jobType : Worker
>>> blossom
- 📜 Declarative data conversion: Define how your output data should look like instead of how to transform the input data
- 🎒 Applicative error accumulation: Morello collects all validation erros instead of failing on the first error
- 🪢 Fully composable: Cherries are just functions and therefore compose
- 🔭 Lens support: Use
to zoom into your input data - 🗺️ Unicode support: Define branches 🌱, cherries 🍒 and blossoms 🌸 using unicode
spago install morello
See MinimalSpec for a short example that illustrates the basic functionality.
See usage guide
Contributions via issues & PRs are very welcome.
This work is merely connecting the dots of the amazing Purescript language and its awesome ecosystem. A special shout-out to the contributors & maintainers of the profunctor-lenses
, heterogeneous
and validation
libraries. This library wouldn't have been possible without these.
Licensed under MIT-0.