open a file in current vscode using terminal
code -r filename.js
Switch Terminals in vscode-terminal
Toggle between terminal and editor focus ctrl+` Move to previous terminal Ctrl+PageUp (macOS Cmd+Shift+]) Move to next terminal Ctrl+PageDown (macOS Cmd+shift+[)
vscode not recognizing react code as react javascript instead it format it as vanilla javascript
I don't read anything about react in prettier documentation
As far as I understand, react code should be put in .jsx files, not .js
React doesn’t require using JSX, but most people find it helpful as a visual aid when working with UI inside the JavaScript code
Also I did this
You can use the "files.associations" option to make it so that all JS files are JavaScript React.
"files.associations": { "*.jsx": "javascriptreact" }
For situations that require adding focus-behaviour to label/div that has an input within it, instead of input try using:focus-within
Selecting block of code in Visual Studio Code
Use Alt + Shift + → to expand the selection between braces or tags.
Use Alt + Shift + ← to shrink the selection between braces or tags.