ShtumiUsefulBundle - make typical things easier
You should add settings in config:
// app/config/config.yml
shtumi_useful: date_range: date_format: d/m/Y default_interval: P30D
- date_format - date format in drop down calendar. Default:
- default_interval - argument for DateInterval::__construct(). Default
- 30 days
This form type operate with objects Shtumi\UsefulBundle\Model\DateRange
There are three ways to create DateRange object:
// public function createToDate($dateEnd="now", $date_format = null, $date_interval=null) $dateRange1 = $this->container->get('shtumi_daterange')->createToDate(); $dateRange2 = $this->container->get('shtumi_daterange')->createToDate(new \DateTime('2012-01-11'), 'd/m/Y', 'P14D');
use Shtumi\UsefulBundle\Model\DateRange; ... $date_format = 'Y-m-d'; $dateRange3 = new DateRange($date_format); $dateRange3->createToDate(new \DateTime(), 'P3D');
use Shtumi\UsefulBundle\Model\DateRange; ... $dateRange4 = new DateRange('m/d/Y'); $dateRange4->parseData('03/27/2012 - 04/05/2012');
DateRange has two main public properties dateStart
and dateEnd
echo $dateRange->dateEnd->format('d.m.Y'); //23.03.2012
You can convert DateRange object into string:
$x = (string)$dateRange3; // 2012-03-20 - 2012-03-23
$formBuilder ->add('point1', "shtumi_daterange", array('required'=>false , 'default'=>$dateRange1))
If you use shtumi_daterange
in your own bundle with your own twig templates, you should load