For databricks to properly install a C++ extension, one must take a detour through pypi. Use twine to upload the package to pypi.
cd python
python sdist
twine upload dist/pysarplus-*.tar.gz
On Spark one can install all 3 components (C++, Python, Scala) in one pass by creating a Spark Package. Documentation is rather sparse. Steps to install
- Package and publish the pip package (see above)
- Package the Spark package, which includes the Scala formatter and references the pip package (see below)
- Upload the zipped Scala package to Spark Package through a browser. sbt spPublish has a few issues so it always fails for me. Don't use spPublishLocal as the packages are not created properly (names don't match up, issue) and furthermore fail to install if published to
cd scala
sbt spPublish
To test the python UDF + C++ backend
cd python
python install && pytest -s tests/
To test the Scala formatter
cd scala
sbt test
(use ~test and it will automatically check for changes in source files, but not build.sbt)