- Add scroll to companies
- Add rate limit fields to
(submitted by @loonydevil)
- Add scroll to contacts and users
- Add phone attribute
- Fix infinite recursive call on get conversation parts
- Add next page size check for pagination
- Add data_type for bulk user actions
- Add attachment support for replies
- Fix remove user from company bug
- Include company custom attributes when updating a user with an embedded company object
- Include support for Personal Access Token API access
- Dynamically retrieve the parts for a conversation if not present
- Fixes subscription metadata deserialization
- Fixes company removal
- Is a rollup of the 1.3.0 beta releases.
- Configure Jackson ObjectMapper once 76
- Allow users to be removed from companies.
Support bulk user and event submission. Save your request rate limit for a rainy day! You can post and delete users, and post events.
Add a currentTimestamp() helper to Intercom. This divides currentTimeMillis by 1000 to produce a second level value.
- Do not send empty company arrays for user updates. Honestly, what's the point?
Allow conversations to be assigned to others on your team. Conversations are the most beautiful things, and now you can share them with others through the API.
Support closing and opening conversations, either directly or with a reply.
- make setUserAgentData public. Previously this was a protected method.
- add support for Contact Messaging
- add support for Contacts
- remove secondary getters on user that stop older jackson versions working 48 (caused in 40). Doing a bang up job on regression bugs atm.
don't send values for
unless set
- handle more kinds of social urls 35
- fix user message sending 40
allow the signed_up_at user field to be submitted
allow the intercom user id field to be submitted
encode social profile urls for user objects
- fix NPE when errors have no data 30
send custom company attributes on update
fix NPE when company has no plan on update
invalidate setSessionCount on Company 27
removed tag methods requiring collections
handle non-json error entities from server
support untag of users and companies
renamed of current page and page methods on collections (breaking)
- fix bulk user tagging when using fully populated users 13
- add client side validation of events 14
- fix npe when updating users 15
- send false boolean values for user updates 8
- only send allowed fields when adding a company to a user 7
- add toString methods on some classes
- fix bintray publication task (was sending empty jars)
- initial client