=> reverse from s.begin() to s.end();
Iterator is just like a pointer. If the element that iterator refers to get erased,
that Iterator is an invalid iterator. Need to re-initialize.
1,3) Linear in std::distance(first, last) on average.
=> getting Kth largest element(1-indexed)
True if next permutation is possible
false if permutation reaches end and it went back to first permutation
- erase(key or iterator)
- .erase(iterator), .remove(key): note that it erases all nodes with key
Default max heap. It pop's from the back of the vector. So sorting in reverse order!
- Min heap: priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> pq;
- Max heap: priority_queue<int, vector<int>, less<int>> pq;
When define comparator with external data, be careful because
equality is defined as `!comp(a,b) && !comp(b,a)`, which means `!(a < b) && !(b < a)` => `a == b`
- Use map.lower_bound or set.lower_bound => O(logN)!!
Typical std::lower_bound will cause O(N) cuz it is Bidirectional Iterator!
comp(elem, val) = false 인 첫번째 아이템
-> Previous elems are all comp(elem, val) = True = elem < val = Smaller than Val! -
By default, (elem >= val 인 첫 아이템)
Thus returned elem will val <= elem!, which means returned elem can be bigger!
SHOULD BE AN INCREASING ORDER(use Rbegin for reverse order)
low = lower_bound (v.begin(), v.end(), 20, [](const int& elem, const int& val){ return elem <= val; -> elem > val 인 첫번째 아이템 }); // This makes lower_bound like an upper_bound
v = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), 4) -> returns 3rd index. // This tells us 0~2nd indices are all comp(elem,val) = elem < val = true!
upper_bound(begin, end, val , [](const T& val, const T& elem){return val < elem;})
comp(val, elem) = true 인 첫번째 아이템 (elem > val 인 첫 아이템)
-> Previous elems are all Comp(val, elem) = false = val >= elem = Smaller or equal to Val!auto it = upper_bound(mp[key].begin(), mp[key].end(), timestamp, [](const int &val, const pair<int, string > &a){ return val < a.first; });
Getting the last element such that a < b => use Upper bound, and decrement the index!!
Upper_bound gets the first element such that val < elem
lower_bound gets the first element such that val <= elem
std::stringstream test("this_is_a_test_string");
std::string segment;
std::vector<std::string> seglist;
while(std::getline(test, segment, '_'))
+ >> operation only reads that bytes skipping whitespace.
For example,
istringstream in(" 3 + 4 / 5 * 4");
int n;
char op;
while(in >> n){ // read first 3, then 4, 5 ,...
in >> op; // read next operation ex 3 skipping white space
cin reads until it fills its size or until skipping whitespaces