- Changelog update -
by @github-actions in #219 - chore(deps): bump org.jetbrains.qodana from 2024.2.2 to 2024.2.3 by @dependabot in #220
- chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #227
- Add link to Block versioning blog post by @amenk in #228
- chore: upgrade dependencies & compatibility by @jankal in #230
- fix(indexing): do not access index before it is ready / while in dumb mode by @jankal in #232
- chore(deps): bump org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 by @dependabot in #233
- #222 configure project by @amenk in #234
- feat: made symfony plugin optional by @shyim in #237
- @jankal made their first contribution in #230
- Fixed that previous deprecated blocks mark the next block also as deprecated
- Added Twig Block Versioning
- Removed old PHPUnit live templates
- Improved Compatibility with PhpStorm 2024.2 (EAP)
- Improved Compatibility with PhpStorm 2024.1
- Fixed the Shopware Installer Project Wizard with newer Shopware versions
- Added inspection for template slot attribute to migrate to new Vue syntax
- Added inspection to show which Twig blocks are deprecated in the template.
- Fix support for EAP 2023.3
- Fix deprecations in IDEA 2023.3
- Add migration generator as Action
- Renamed Extension Sync to Configure Shopware Project
- Add exclude directories for Shopware
- Cleanup namespaces when platform is open
- Fixed some deprecations
- Support newest EAP
- Fixed errors with empty hook factory
- Allow latest EAP
- Added new required extension scss
- Fixed scss formatting of cms modules
- Support latest EAP releases
- Fixed snippet source of insert snippet in admin
- Added an override method action in admin
- Catch error on scheduled task creation when namespace cannot be determined
- extend twig block intention creates wrong folder structure on bundles
- Ignore plugins outside custom/plugins for store inspections
- Added extend block editor popup to avoid getting loss of read only mode
- Added insert snippet code action using ALT+Insert
- Added intent to override/extend an admin component
- Added admin component line markers, to find all extends/overrides, or navigate to base component
- Added admin component symbol contributor to find in symbol search
- Added autocomplete for vue routes
- Added missing length for composer.json check
- Improved extension namespace sync
- Added autocomplete to sw_csrf
- Added new Create action for App Scripts and Entities.xml
- Added DAL Autocomplete To Criteria when it has a generic Typehint like /** @var Criteria */
- Mark next EAP version as compatible
- Added composer.json missing extra.labelextra.descriptionextra.manufacturerLinkextra.supportLinkextra.require.shopware/core
- Added criteria id misused inspection
- Fixed ExtendTwigBlock when template folder is not existing
- Fixed compatibility with symfony plugin 0.23.215
- Apps works now also on Extend this twig blockservices.Xservices.repository.searchnext-xxx/some-name
- Support EAP 2022
- Fix compatibility issue with 2021.3
- Fixed issue with cms element naming thanks to @breaker92
- Add Create an App dialog
- Fixed deprecations
- Added cms element action
- Added copy snippet as code in JSON file
- Fixed cms block preview scss file
- Improve compatibility with newest EAP
- Added new action to create a CMS block
- Fixed a bug in SynchronizeNamespaceAction where it doesn't get applied
- Allow snippet creation using Quick Fix
- Added new action to synchronize IDE settings with existing extensions
- Added Shopware.Mixin.getByName autocomplete
- Added CreateEventListenerIntention
- Scans for storefront snippets as before
- The bundles in ExtendTemplate now sorted
- Added inspection for missing snippets in Administration
- Extend twig block works now in vendor folder also ignores vendor plugins to choose
- ShopwareBundleIndex ignores plugins created for testing
- Added inspection or missing administration translation
- increase min idea version
- Added autocomplete to this.repositoryFactory.create('x');
- Added Intention Action "Extend this block" to easy extending a block
- Added inspection to show an error when abstract class has been wrong used in constructor
- Fix system config autocomplete to add .config
- Added autocomplete to twig functions theme_config and config
- Added autocomplete for Module.register labels
- Show only admin component autocomplete when the twig file is next to an index.js
- Show all translation on goto handler
- Show admin components only in HTML context
- Remove internal variable usage
- Added autocomplete for admin snippets
- Added autocomplete for admin components
- Added autocomplete for seoUrl, sw_include and sw_extends
- Added plugin generator
- Added vue module generator
- Added scheduled task generator
- Added feature flag autocomplete and goto handler
- Removed custom navigation goto and implemented into Symfony plugin
- The Symfony plugin does not show anymore missing snippets
- Add changelog title escaping to dash
- Moved generated files to file templates. Can be now edited in Settings
- Improved Vue component generation
- Added Changelog generation
- Added storefront snippet autocompletion
- Added UUID live template
- Fix conflict with Shopware 5 PhpStorm Plugin
- Added PHPUnit live templates