Thank you for wanting to contribute! Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
You'll need a GitHub account!
If you have something awesome to contribute, this is how you do it.
- Fork the repository
- Make the required changes by editing the . You can use GitHub Flavored Markdown.
- Please ensure your pull request adheres to the PR guidelines.
- Fork the repository on GitHub
- Clone the repo
git clone{Github-UserName}/Women-in-Technology.git
- Change the directory
cd Women-in-Technology/website/
- Install the Project Dependencies
npm install
- Run React Server
npm start
- Local Host
Please follow the below format while writing commit messages
title: One line description about your change
<Blank Line>
description: An optional description of your changes.
For an overview of the project - While contributing to the website, the contributors are expected to follow the below mentioned guidelines:
- Please follow the file structure recommended in the official Reactjs documentation.
- Try to create separate Javascript files for each React component that you add to the website.
- Please make sure you include comments in your code wherever necessary.
- Include only one commit in each of your pull requests.
- Attach screenshots whenever any changes are made to the design, stylesheets, layout etc. of the website.
- All PRs to be made in the master branch only.
- Upload a well labeled file in the 'website' folder if it includes css or react.js Otherwise upload your file in the 'documents' folder if its a figma design or an infographic.
Sometimes, a maintainer will ask you to edit your Pull Request before it is included. This is normally due to spelling errors or because your PR didn't match the contributing guidelines.
Here is a write up on how to change a Pull Request, and the different ways you can do that.
If you have an issue, please go through the existing issues/PRs and see if it has already been/is being addressed. If not, you may create a new issue. Please make sure to describe your issue properly. Try to adhere to the Issue Template
You can also contribute by addressing and commenting on issues, providing your suggestions and opinions on them. This will help the community grow! 😄