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1033 lines (676 loc) · 40.3 KB

Issue H-1: Protocol assumes 18 decimals collateral

Source: #35

Found by

0x52, Bahurum, Bauer, GimelSec, RaymondFam, bytes032, cducrest-brainbot, ck, duc, imare, jonatascm, mstpr-brainbot, peanuts, roguereddwarf, yixxas


Multiple calculation are done with the amount of collateral token that assume the collateral token has 18 decimals. Currently the only handled collateral (staked GLP) uses 18 decimals. However, if other tokens are added in the future, the protocol may be broken.

Vulnerability Detail

TauMath.sol calculates the collateral ratio (coll * price / debt) as such:

It accounts for the price decimals, and the debt decimals (TAU is 18 decimals) by multiplying by Constants.precision (1e18) and dividing by 10**priceDecimals. The result is a number with decimal precision corresponding to the decimals of _coll.

This collRatio is later used and compared to values such as MIN_COL_RATIO, MAX_LIQ_COLL_RATIO, LIQUIDATION_SURCHARGE, or MAX_LIQ_DISCOUNT which are all expressed in 1e18.

Secondly, in TauDripFeed the extra reward is calculated as:

This once again assumes 18 decimals for the collateral. This error is cancelled out when the vault calculates the user reward with:

However, if the number of decimals for the collateral is higher than 18 decimals, the rounding of _extraRewardPerCollateral may bring the rewards for users to 0.

For example: _tokensToDisburse = 100 e18, _currentCollateral = 1_000_000 e33, then _extraRewardPerCollateral = 0 and no reward will be distributed.


Collateral ratio cannot be properly computed (or used) if the collateral token does not use 18 decimals. If it uses more decimals, users will appear way more collateralised than they are. If it uses less decimals, users will appear way less collateralised. The result is that users will be able to withdraw way more TAU than normally able or they will be in a liquidatable position before they should.

It may be impossible to distribute rewards if collateral token uses more than 18 decimals.

Code Snippet

Constants.precision is 1e18:

MIN_COL_RATIO is expressed in 1e18:

TauDripFeed uses 1e18 once again in calculation with collateral amount:

The calculation for maxRepay is also impacted:

The calculation for expected liquidation collateral is also impacted:

Tool used

Manual Review


Account for the collateral decimals in the calculation instead of using Constants.PRECISION.



Escalate for 10 USDC

This should be medium rather than high, since affected tokens would simply be incompatible because MIN_COL_RATIO is expressed to 18 dp.


Escalate for 10 USDC

This should be medium rather than high, since affected tokens would simply be incompatible because MIN_COL_RATIO is expressed to 18 dp.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.



Escalate for 10 USDC

From the constest scope ERC20: any non-rebasing. In particular, fee + staked GLP will be the first collateral token (managed through GMX's ERC20-compliant wrapper) and Arbitrum Weth will be the main yield token.

Present state of contract is designed and to use with 18 decimal gmx token. Future release should be out of scope so it is invalid issue. In order to launch other vault types protocol will be the first to know about decimal things. Given the current state of protocol and codebase this issue doesn't pose any risk to user funds. Not qualified for high.


Escalate for 10 USDC

From the constest scope ERC20: any non-rebasing. In particular, fee + staked GLP will be the first collateral token (managed through GMX's ERC20-compliant wrapper) and Arbitrum Weth will be the main yield token.

Present state of contract is designed and to use with 18 decimal gmx token. Future release should be out of scope so it is invalid issue. In order to launch other vault types protocol will be the first to know about decimal things. Given the current state of protocol and codebase this issue doesn't pose any risk to user funds. Not qualified for high.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


Escalation rejected

Given that the assumption for 18 decimals impacts calculations across the codebase and also affects the borrow calculations, considering this issue a valid high.


Escalation rejected

Given that the assumption for 18 decimals impacts calculations across the codebase and also affects the borrow calculations, considering this issue a valid high.

This issue's escalations have been rejected!

Watsons who escalated this issue will have their escalation amount deducted from their next payout.


Fixed here


Fix allows tokens without 18 dp to be used but liquidations can now cause dust to accumulate in contract


Protocol team (Meriadoc) comment from Discord:

Yeah I will also look into it and double check it doesn't lead to any problems further down the line, but as is that seems fine.

The dust amount will be considered "acknowledged" by the protocol team.

Issue H-2: Missing input validation for _rewardProportion parameter allows keeper to escalate his privileges and pay back all loans

Source: #11

Found by

cducrest-brainbot, roguereddwarf


According to the Contest page and discussion with the sponsor, the role of a keeper is to perform liquidations and to swap yield token for TAU using the SwapHandler.swapForTau function:

They are also able to choose how much yield token to swap and what the proportion of the resulting TAU is that is distributed to users vs. not distributed in order to erase bad debt.

So a keeper is not trusted to perform any actions that go beyond swapping yield / performing liquidations.

However there is a missing input validation for the _rewardProportion parameter in the SwapHandler.swapForTau function. This allows a keeper to "erase" all debt of users. So users can withdraw their collateral without paying any of the debt.

Vulnerability Detail

By looking at the code we can see that _rewardProportion is used to determine the amount of TAU that _withholdTau is called with: Link

_withholdTau((tauReturned * _rewardProportion) / Constants.PERCENT_PRECISION);

Any value of _rewardProportion greater than 1e18 means that more TAU will be distributed to users than has been burnt (aka erasing debt).

It is easy to see how the keeper can chose the number so big that _withholdTau is called with a value close to type(uint256).max which will certainly be enough to erase all debt.


A keeper can escalate his privileges and erase all debt. This means that TAU will not be backed by any collateral anymore and will be worthless.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


I discussed this issue with the sponsor and it is intended that the keeper role can freely chose the value of the _rewardProportion parameter within the [0,1e18] range, i.e. 0%-100%.

Therefore the fix is to simply check that _rewardProportion is not bigger than 1e18:

diff --git a/taurus-contracts/contracts/Vault/SwapHandler.sol b/taurus-contracts/contracts/Vault/SwapHandler.sol
index c04e3a4..ab5064b 100644
--- a/taurus-contracts/contracts/Vault/SwapHandler.sol
+++ b/taurus-contracts/contracts/Vault/SwapHandler.sol
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ abstract contract SwapHandler is FeeMapping, TauDripFeed {
             revert zeroAmount();
+        if (_rewardProportion > Constants.PERCENT_PRECISION) [
+            revert invalidRewardProportion();
+        ]
         // Get and validate swap adapter address
         address swapAdapterAddress = SwapAdapterRegistry(controller).swapAdapters(_swapAdapterHash);
         if (swapAdapterAddress == address(0)) {




Fixed here


Fix looks good. swapForTau will now revert if keeper specifies a _rewardProportion that is too large

Issue M-1: swap() will be reverted if path has more tokens.

Source: #160

Found by

GimelSec, shaka


swap() will be reverted if path has more tokens, the keepers will not be able to successfully call swapForTau().

Vulnerability Detail

In test/SwapAdapters/00_UniswapSwapAdapter.ts:

    // Get generic swap parameters
    const basicSwapParams = buildUniswapSwapAdapterData(
      ["0xyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", "0xzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"],

We will get:


Then the swapOutputToken is _swapData[length - 41:length - 21].

But if we have more tokens in path:

    const basicSwapParams = buildUniswapSwapAdapterData(
      ["0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "0xyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", "0xzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"],
      [3000, 3000],

swapOutputToken is _swapData[length - 50:length - 30], the swap() function will be reverted.


The keepers will not be able to successfully call SwapHandler.swapForTau(). Someone will get a reverted transaction if they misuse UniswapSwapAdapter.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Limit the swap pools, or check if the balance of _outputToken should exceed _amountOutMinimum.




Fixed here


Fix looks good. Byte position of outputToken is now calculated dynamically based on path length rather than a hardcoded 21 bytes which only worked for single hops

Issue M-2: Mint limit is not reduced when the Vault is burning TAU

Source: #149

Found by

8olidity, Chinmay, GimelSec, HonorLt, LethL, Ruhum, SunSec, bytes032, cducrest-brainbot, chaduke, duc, mstpr-brainbot, nobody2018, shaka, tvdung94, y1cunhui


Upon burning TAU, it incorrectly updates the currentMinted when Vault is acting on behalf of users.

Vulnerability Detail

When the burn of TAU is performed, it calls _decreaseCurrentMinted to reduce the limit of tokens minted by the Vault:

    function _decreaseCurrentMinted(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
        // If the burner is a vault, subtract burnt TAU from its currentMinted.
        // This has a few highly unimportant edge cases which can generally be rectified by increasing the relevant vault's mintLimit.
        uint256 accountMinted = currentMinted[account];
        if (accountMinted >= amount) {
            currentMinted[msg.sender] = accountMinted - amount;

The issue is that it subtracts accountMinted (which is currentMinted[account]) from currentMinted[msg.sender]. When the vault is burning tokens on behalf of the user, the account != msg.sender meaning the currentMinted[account] is 0, and thus the currentMinted of Vault will be reduced by 0 making it pretty useless.

Another issue is that users can transfer their TAU between accounts, and then amount > accountMinted will not be triggered.


currentMinted is incorrectly decreased upon burning so vaults do not get more space to mint new tokens.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


A simple solution would be to:

     uint256 accountMinted = currentMinted[msg.sender];

But I suggest revisiting and rethinking this function altogether.




Fixed here


Fix looks good. _decreaseCurrentMinted now always uses msg.sender as account

Issue M-3: Account can not be liquidated when price fall by 99%.

Source: #61

Found by

roguereddwarf, spyrosonic10


Liquidation fails when price fall by 99%.

Vulnerability Detail

_calcLiquidation() method has logic related to liquidations. This method calculate total liquidation discount, collateral to liquidate and liquidation surcharge. All these calculations looks okay in normal scenarios but there is an edge case when liquidation fails if price crashes by 99% or more. In such scenario collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount will be very large and calculated liquidation surcharge becomes greater than collateralToLiquidate

uint256 collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount = (_debtToLiquidate * (10 ** decimals)) / price;
collateralToLiquidate = (collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount * totalLiquidationDiscount) / Constants.PRECISION;
if (collateralToLiquidate > _accountCollateral) {
            collateralToLiquidate = _accountCollateral;
uint256 liquidationSurcharge = (collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount * LIQUIDATION_SURCHARGE) / Constants.PRECISION

Contract revert from below line hence liquidation will fail in this scenario.

uint256 collateralToLiquidator = collateralToLiquidate - liquidationSurcharge;


Liquidation fails when price crash by 99% or more. Expected behaviour is that liquidation should be successful in all scenarios.

Code Snippet

Block of code that has bug.

Below is POC that prove failed liquidation.

it("should revert liquidation if an account is unhealthy and price crashed 99%", async () => {
        // Assume price is crashed 99%
        await glpOracle.updatePrice(PRECISION.mul(1).div(100));
        // check if the account is underwater
        const health = await gmxVault.getAccountHealth(user.address);

        // Check the liquidation amount
        const liqAmt = await gmxVault.getMaxLiquidation(user.address);

        // Mint some TAU to the liquidator and approve vault to spend it
        await mintHelper(liqAmt, liquidator.address);
        await tau.connect(liquidator).approve(gmxVault.address, liqAmt);
        const totalTauSupply = await tau.totalSupply();

        // liquidation will fail
        const tx = gmxVault.connect(liquidator).liquidate(user.address, liqAmt, 0);
        // reverted with panic code 0x11 (Arithmetic operation underflowed or overflowed outside of an unchecked block)
        await expect(tx).revertedWithPanic(0x11);

PS: This test goes in 00_GmxYieldAdapter.ts and inside describe("Liquidate", async () => { block defined at line 269

Tool used

Manual Review


Presently liquidation surcharge is calculated on collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount. Project team may want to reconsider this logic and calculate surcharge on collateralToLiquidate instead of collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount. This will be business decision but easy fix

Another option is you may want to calculate surcharge on Math.min(collateralToLiquidate, collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount).

        uint256 collateralToTakeSurchargeOn = Math.min(collateralToLiquidate, collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount);
        uint256 liquidationSurcharge = (collateralToTakeSurchargeOn * LIQUIDATION_SURCHARGE) / Constants.PRECISION;
        return (collateralToLiquidate, liquidationSurcharge);




Since this is an edge case for the given price fall resulting in reverting liquidations, Considering this as a valid medium


Escalate for 10 USDC

This is the same root cause as #89 that the liquidation surcharge is calculated based on the uncapped amount. This is another symptom of that same underlying problem, so it should be a dupe of #89


Escalate for 10 USDC

This is the same root cause as #89 that the liquidation surcharge is calculated based on the uncapped amount. This is another symptom of that same underlying problem, so it should be a dupe of #89

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


Escalate for 10 USDC

I do not agree with escalation raised above. This issue is about failure of liquidation when price fall by x%. This finding is an edge case where it does impact all underwater accounts so it is fair to say that it impact whole protocol. Root cause and impact both are different in this issue compare to #89 so this is definitely not a duplicate of #89.


Escalate for 10 USDC

I do not agree with escalation raised above. This issue is about failure of liquidation when price fall by x%. This finding is an edge case where it does impact all underwater accounts so it is fair to say that it impact whole protocol. Root cause and impact both are different in this issue compare to #89 so this is definitely not a duplicate of #89.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


Escalation accepted

Accepting the first escalation. After further internal discussion, both the outcomes originate out of the same root cause of using collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount to calculate liquidationSurcharge. While one mentions increase in the fee the other instance increases to cause underflow. Considering #89 a duplicate of this issue.


Escalation accepted

Accepting the first escalation. After further internal discussion, both the outcomes originate out of the same root cause of using collateralToLiquidateWithoutDiscount to calculate liquidationSurcharge. While one mentions increase in the fee the other instance increases to cause underflow. Considering #89 a duplicate of this issue.

This issue's escalations have been accepted!

Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.


Fixed here


Fix looks good. Surcharge is now taken on actual amount liquidated rather than undercounted amount

Issue M-4: A malicious admin can steal all users collateral

Source: #43

Found by

J4de, KingNFT


According to Taurus contest details, all roles, including the admin Multisig, should not be able to drain users collateral.

2. Multisig. Trusted with essentially everything but user collateral. But the current implementation allows admin to update price feed without any restriction, such as timelock. This leads to an attack vector that a malicious admin can steal all users collateral.

Vulnerability Detail

As shown of updateWrapper() function of PriceOracleManager.sol, the admin (onlyOwner) can update any price oracle _wrapperAddress for any _underlying collateral without any restrictions (such as timelock).

File: taurus-contracts\contracts\Oracle\PriceOracleManager.sol
36:     function updateWrapper(address _underlying, address _wrapperAddress) external override onlyOwner {
37:         if (!_wrapperAddress.isContract()) revert notContract();
38:         if (wrapperAddressMap[_underlying] == address(0)) revert wrapperNotRegistered(_wrapperAddress);
40:         wrapperAddressMap[_underlying] = _wrapperAddress;
42:         emit WrapperUpdated(_underlying, _wrapperAddress);
43:     }

Hence, admin can set a malicious price oracle like

contract AttackOracleWrapper is IOracleWrapper, Ownable {
    address public attacker;
    IGLPManager public glpManager;

    constructor(address _attacker, address glp) {
        attacker = _attacker;
        glpManager = IGLPManager(glp);

    function getExternalPrice(
        address _underlying,
        bytes calldata _flags
    ) external view returns (uint256 price, uint8 decimals, bool success) {
        if (tx.origin == attacker) {
            return (1, 18, true); // @audit a really low price resulting in the liquidation of all positions
        } else {
            uint256 price = glpManager.getPrice();
            return (price, 18, true);

Then call liquidate() to drain out users collateral with negligible $TAU cost.

File: taurus-contracts\contracts\Vault\BaseVault.sol
342:     function liquidate(
343:         address _account,
344:         uint256 _debtAmount,
345:         uint256 _minExchangeRate
346:     ) external onlyLiquidator whenNotPaused updateReward(_account) returns (bool) {
347:         if (_debtAmount == 0) revert wrongLiquidationAmount();
349:         UserDetails memory accDetails = userDetails[_account];
351:         // Since Taurus accounts' debt continuously decreases, liquidators may pass in an arbitrarily large number in order to
352:         // request to liquidate the entire account.
353:         if (_debtAmount > accDetails.debt) {
354:             _debtAmount = accDetails.debt;
355:         }
357:         // Get total fee charged to the user for this liquidation. Collateral equal to (liquidated taurus debt value * feeMultiplier) will be deducted from the user's account.
358:         // This call reverts if the account is healthy or if the liquidation amount is too large.
359:         (uint256 collateralToLiquidate, uint256 liquidationSurcharge) = _calcLiquidation(
360:             accDetails.collateral,
361:             accDetails.debt,
362:             _debtAmount
363:         );
365:         // Check that collateral received is sufficient for liquidator
366:         uint256 collateralToLiquidator = collateralToLiquidate - liquidationSurcharge;
367:         if (collateralToLiquidator < (_debtAmount * _minExchangeRate) / Constants.PRECISION) {
368:             revert insufficientCollateralLiquidated(_debtAmount, collateralToLiquidator);
369:         }
371:         // Update user info
372:         userDetails[_account].collateral = accDetails.collateral - collateralToLiquidate;
373:         userDetails[_account].debt = accDetails.debt - _debtAmount;
375:         // Burn liquidator's Tau
376:         TAU(tau).burnFrom(msg.sender, _debtAmount);
378:         // Transfer part of _debtAmount to liquidator and Taurus as fees for liquidation
379:         IERC20(collateralToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, collateralToLiquidator);
380:         IERC20(collateralToken).safeTransfer(
381:             Controller(controller).addressMapper(Constants.FEE_SPLITTER),
382:             liquidationSurcharge
383:         );
385:         emit AccountLiquidated(msg.sender, _account, collateralToLiquidate, liquidationSurcharge);
387:         return true;
388:     }


A malicious admin can steal all users collateral

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


update of price oracle should be restricted with a timelock.




Escalate for 10 USDC

PriceOracleManger is Ownable contract so yes it has owner param and not governor param. So here owner can be governor, timelock and multisig. Also when it come to calling updateWrapper multisig can be trusted as it can be trusted to not set deposit fee to max and loot all users. So with that being said this is info/low issue and does not qualify for medium. It may be possible that is entirely out of scope as it is related to admin controlled param.


Escalate for 10 USDC

PriceOracleManger is Ownable contract so yes it has owner param and not governor param. So here owner can be governor, timelock and multisig. Also when it come to calling updateWrapper multisig can be trusted as it can be trusted to not set deposit fee to max and loot all users. So with that being said this is info/low issue and does not qualify for medium. It may be possible that is entirely out of scope as it is related to admin controlled param.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


Escalation rejected

Given that the protocol clearly mentions that admin should be restricted whenever possible from affecting the user collateral adding the restriction makes sense. Considering this issue a valid medium.


Escalation rejected

Given that the protocol clearly mentions that admin should be restricted whenever possible from affecting the user collateral adding the restriction makes sense. Considering this issue a valid medium.

This issue's escalations have been rejected!

Watsons who escalated this issue will have their escalation amount deducted from their next payout.


Fixed here


Fix looks good. Timelocker will now be set as owner of oracle manager adding a timelock to any oracle change

Issue M-5: SwapHandler.sol: Check that collateral token cannot be swapped is insufficient for tokens with multiple addresses

Source: #31

Found by



According to the contest page any non-rebasing ERC20 token is supposed to be supported.

The SwapHandler.swapForTau function checks that the collateralToken cannot be sent to the SwapAdapter for trading:

Vulnerability Detail

There exist however ERC20 tokens that have more than one address. In case of such a token, the above check is not sufficient. The token could be swapped anyway by using a different address.


The check that collateral cannot be swapped can be bypassed for tokens with multiple addresses.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Compare the balance of the collateral before and after sending tokens to the SwapAdapter and make sure it hasn't changed. Or implement a whitelist for tokens that can be swapped.



Tokens with multiple addresses are pretty rare, so we're just going to note that the vault doesn't allow such tokens as collateral, and create wrappers for them if necessary.


Escalate for 10 USDC

Token with different addresses is very very rare. Almost every protocols in Defi operating on assumption of token with single address. This issue does not qualify as High/Medium.


Escalate for 10 USDC

Token with different addresses is very very rare. Almost every protocols in Defi operating on assumption of token with single address. This issue does not qualify as High/Medium.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


Escalate for 10 USDC

Disagree with previous escalation. While these tokens are rare they do exist and as pointed out in my report any non-rebasing ERC20 is supposed to be supported which clearly includes tokens with multiple addresses. So I think this is a valid medium.


Escalate for 10 USDC

Disagree with previous escalation. While these tokens are rare they do exist and as pointed out in my report any non-rebasing ERC20 is supposed to be supported which clearly includes tokens with multiple addresses. So I think this is a valid medium.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


Escalation accepted

Considering this a valid medium. As pointed out in the second escalation, even though these tokens are rare the issue can still be considered valid medium.

Note: Going forward, Sherlock team will add additional clarity on such rare token cases in the README.


Escalation accepted

Considering this a valid medium. As pointed out in the second escalation, even though these tokens are rare the issue can still be considered valid medium.

Note: Going forward, Sherlock team will add additional clarity on such rare token cases in the README.

This issue's escalations have been accepted!

Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.


Tokens with multiple addresses are pretty rare, so we're just going to note that the vault doesn't allow such tokens as collateral, and create wrappers for them if necessary.

Fixed here


No direct fix has been implemented but a note has been added explicitly stating that multi-address tokens are not supported


Classifying this issue as "Acknowledged" since no direct fix was made.

Issue M-6: User can prevent liquidations by frontrunning the tx and slightly increasing their collateral

Source: #12

Found by

Ruhum, cryptostellar5


User can prevent liquidations by frontrunning the tx and decreasing their debt so that the liquidation transaction reverts.

Vulnerability Detail

In the liquidation transaction, the caller has to specify the amount of debt they want to liquidate, _debtAmount. The maximum value for that parameter is the total amount of debt the user holds:

    function liquidate(
        address _account,
        uint256 _debtAmount,
        uint256 _minExchangeRate
    ) external onlyLiquidator whenNotPaused updateReward(_account) returns (bool) {
        if (_debtAmount == 0) revert wrongLiquidationAmount();

        UserDetails memory accDetails = userDetails[_account];

        // Since Taurus accounts' debt continuously decreases, liquidators may pass in an arbitrarily large number in order to
        // request to liquidate the entire account.
        if (_debtAmount > accDetails.debt) {
            _debtAmount = accDetails.debt;

        // Get total fee charged to the user for this liquidation. Collateral equal to (liquidated taurus debt value * feeMultiplier) will be deducted from the user's account.
        // This call reverts if the account is healthy or if the liquidation amount is too large.
        (uint256 collateralToLiquidate, uint256 liquidationSurcharge) = _calcLiquidation(

In _calcLiquidation(), the contract determines how much collateral to liquidate when _debtAmount is paid by the caller. In that function, there's a check that reverts if the caller tries to liquidate more than they are allowed to depending on the position's health.

    function _calcLiquidation(
        uint256 _accountCollateral,
        uint256 _accountDebt,
        uint256 _debtToLiquidate
    ) internal view returns (uint256 collateralToLiquidate, uint256 liquidationSurcharge) {
        // ... 
        // Revert if requested liquidation amount is greater than allowed
        if (
            _debtToLiquidate >
            _getMaxLiquidation(_accountCollateral, _accountDebt, price, decimals, totalLiquidationDiscount)
        ) revert wrongLiquidationAmount();

The goal is to get that if-clause to evaluate to true so that the transaction reverts. To modify your position's health you have two possibilities: either you increase your collateral or decrease your debt. So instead of preventing the liquidation by pushing your position to a healthy state, you only modify it slightly so that the caller's liquidation transaction reverts.

Given that Alice has:

  • 100 TAU debt
  • 100 Collateral (price = $1 so that collateralization rate is 1) Her position can be liquidated. The max value is:
    function _getMaxLiquidation(
        uint256 _collateral,
        uint256 _debt,
        uint256 _price,
        uint8 _decimals,
        uint256 _liquidationDiscount
    ) internal pure returns (uint256 maxRepay) {
        // Formula to find the liquidation amount is as follows
        // [(collateral * price) - (liqDiscount * liqAmount)] / (debt - liqAmount) = max liq ratio
        // Therefore
        // liqAmount = [(max liq ratio * debt) - (collateral * price)] / (max liq ratio - liqDiscount)
        maxRepay =
            ((MAX_LIQ_COLL_RATIO * _debt) - ((_collateral * _price * Constants.PRECISION) / (10 ** _decimals))) /
            (MAX_LIQ_COLL_RATIO - _liquidationDiscount);

        // Liquidators cannot repay more than the account's debt
        if (maxRepay > _debt) {
            maxRepay = _debt;

        return maxRepay;

( 1.3 e 18 100 e 18 ( 100 e 18 1 e 18 1 e 18 ) / 1 e 18 ) / 1.3 e 18 = 23.07 e 18 (leave out liquidation discount for easier math)

The liquidator will probably use the maximum amount they can liquidate and call liquidate() with 23.07e18. Alice frontruns the liquidator's transaction and increases the collateral by 1. That will change the max liquidation amount to: ( 1.3 e 18 100 e 18 101 e 18 1 e 18 ) / 1.3 e 18 = 22.3 e 18 .

That will cause _calcLiquidation() to revert because 23.07e18 > 22.3e18.

The actual amount of collateral to add or debt to decrease depends on the liquidation transaction. But, generally, you would expect the liquidator to liquidate as much as possible. Thus, you only have to slightly move the position to cause their transaction to revert


User can prevent liquidations by slightly modifying their position without putting it at a healthy state.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


In _calcLiquidation() the function shouldn't revert if _debtToLiqudiate > _getMaxLiquidation(). Instead, just continue with the value _getMaxLiquidation() returns.



Great write-up and recommendation.



Escalate for 10 USDC

Should be medium since it can only prevent the liquidation temporarily. Similar issues have always been given medium severity such as Cooler:



Escalate for 10 USDC

Should be medium since it can only prevent the liquidation temporarily. Similar issues have always been given medium severity such as Cooler:


You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


Escalate for 10 USDC

Double down the escalation raise point the it only prevent the liquidation temporarily and hence it should be medium.


Escalate for 10 USDC

Double down the escalation raise point the it only prevent the liquidation temporarily and hence it should be medium.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


Escalation accepted

Considering the impact of the attack is just preventing liquidations temporarily, considering this a valid medium


Escalation accepted

Considering the impact of the attack is just preventing liquidations temporarily, considering this a valid medium

This issue's escalations have been accepted!

Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.


Fixed here


Fix looks good. _calcLiquidation now returns a lower debt amount if user is liquidating more than max collateral