The clearing house contract enforces collateral and debt to be gOhm and Dai token only. But this can be bypassed by directly calling clear function on Cooler contract
- Observe the
function on ClearingHouse contract
function clear (Cooler cooler, uint256 id) external returns (uint256) {
if (msg.sender != operator)
revert OnlyApproved();
// Validate escrow
if (!factory.created(address(cooler)))
revert OnlyFromFactory();
if (cooler.collateral() != gOHM || cooler.debt() != dai)
revert BadEscrow();
uint256 amount,
uint256 interest,
uint256 ltc,
uint256 duration,
) = cooler.requests(id);
// Validate terms
if (interest < minimumInterest)
revert InterestMinimum();
if (ltc > maxLTC)
revert LTCMaximum();
if (duration > maxDuration)
revert DurationMaximum();
// Clear loan
dai.approve(address(cooler), amount);
return cooler.clear(id);
- All input validation is performed and then clear function on cooler is called
- This can be bypassed by simply calling clear function on cooler directly
Bypass all restrictions placed in ClearingHouse clear function
Manual Review
The clear function on Cooler should be restricted to be only callable by ClearingHouse contract