- Manipulation of LToken/LEther when totalSupply is zero can lead to implicit minimum deposit amount and loss of user funds due to rounding errors
- Where: ERC4626
- When: vault.totalSupply == 0
- Description:
- When totalSupply is zero an attacker goes ahead and executes the following steps
- Deposit 1 wei of token to mint 1 wei of shares
- Transfer(Donate) z underlying tokens directly to vault address - This leads to 1 wei of vault share worth z+1 tokens - Attacker won't have any problem making this z as big as they want as they have all the claim to it as a holder of 1 Wei of vault share
- This attack has two implications
- Implicit minimum Amount and funds lost due to rounding errors
- If an attacker is successful in making 1 wei of vault share worth z underlying tokens and a user tries to mint vault shares using k* z underlying tokens then,
- If k<1, then the user gets zero vault shares and that fails with ZERO_SHARES error.
- This leads to an implicit minimum amount for a user at the attacker's discretion.
- If k>1, then users still get some vault shares but they lose (k- floor(k)) * z) of underlying tokens which get proportionally divided between vault share holders due to rounding errors.
- users keep loosing up to 25% of their underlying tokens. (see here for visualisation)
- This means that for users to not lose value, they have to make sure that k is an integer.
- If k<1, then the user gets zero vault shares and that fails with ZERO_SHARES error.
- If an attacker is successful in making 1 wei of vault share worth z underlying tokens and a user tries to mint vault shares using k* z underlying tokens then,
- Implicit minimum Amount and funds lost due to rounding errors
- When totalSupply is zero an attacker goes ahead and executes the following steps
- If this attack is executed there is no other way to rectify it then deploying a new LToken altogether.
- Add below test in LToken.t.sol
function testFailVictimInteraction() public {
uint256 z = 1000 ether;
erc20.mint(address(this), 2 * z + 1);
//step 1: mint 1 wei of share when totalSupply is zero
assert(lErc20.totalSupply() == 0);
erc20.approve(address(lErc20), 1);
lErc20.deposit(1, address(this));
assert(lErc20.balanceOf(address(this)) == 1);
//step2: donate z
erc20.transfer(address(lErc20), z);
//victim tries to mint with less than z+1 amount gets 0 shares which fails
erc20.approve(address(lErc20), z);
lErc20.deposit(z, address(this));
Manual Review
- I like how BalancerV2 and UniswapV2 do it. some MINIMUM amount of pool tokens get burnt when the first mint happens
- You can also go BentoBox route of allowing total supply to go zero but not anywhere between 0 and MINIMUM.